Appalachian Storms

My Castle: Chapter 32 "Jared's Kiss"

Dianna Kilpack Season 2 Episode 32

Jared's Kiss
Jack Price sets up a meeting to tell Katie and David what they had found out about the Franklin's.  Katie brings Zach along.  
Jack Price explains he knows his friend Tom Franklin is not involved and has given him the investigation.  
After the meeting, Jack tries and tells Katie Jackson is not for her.  She tells him not only is he not in charge, but he needs to stay out of her personal life.
Katie confronts Jared outside of Jack's office.  Where he grabs her and kisses her.
After the kiss, Katie needs to talk to a friend and calls Candy.  
Explaining the fight with David, Katie lets a few things slip she didn't intend to.  Candy realizes David is not over Katie and decided to leave David's home.

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