Letters From Your Dog
Most of us bring a dog into our lives to enjoy adventures together and have an amazing relationship with our furry friends.
Sometimes life together can feel like a struggle though and we can end up feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or unsure how to best support or dogs.
Dr Holly Tett is a Clinical Psychologist for people and Animal Behaviourist for dogs. She fuses her knowledge of both ends of the lead to help you to better understand each other, overcome challenges and build a loving relationship together, using only kind methods and strategies.
Letters From Your Dog
So you just brought home a new puppy? Start Here!
If you have a new puppy in your life, congratulations! It's a wonderful experience and they only stay THAT cute for a very short amount of time!
If you have been feeling overwhelmed about where to start with training or what to focus on first though, please know you are not alone! This episode will give you my TOP TEN TIPS to get started building a wonderful training relationship with your puppy. Enjoy!
Still got puppy questions? Be sure to join our upcoming Puppy Training Challenge below!
If you liked this episode and you know someone who might benefit from a listen, please do forward it on to them!
Check Out These Juicy Bonus Bits Below!
1.New puppy joining the family soon? Be sure to join the upcoming FREE Puppy Training Challenge, starting January 10th. Register here: https://pawsupdogstraining.lpages.co/puppy-training-challenge-january-2021
2. Is that new puppy a little landshark with super sharp teeth? It's natural and normal but there are things that we can do to help as well! CLICK HERE for our free guide
3. Have a question you'd like me to answer on the podcast? Submit it here: https://www.speakpipe.com/thelettersfromyourdogpodcast
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