Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers

Birth and Death Certificates

July 03, 2023 Lorna Moore
Birth and Death Certificates
Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers
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Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers
Birth and Death Certificates
Jul 03, 2023
Lorna Moore

Louise Newton-Kerr and I have a brief discussion on birth and death certificates.

#dawsongeorgia #georgia 

Our books, Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers & Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers Remembered/Revealed can be purchased on Amazon.


Show Notes

Louise Newton-Kerr and I have a brief discussion on birth and death certificates.

#dawsongeorgia #georgia 

Our books, Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers & Unspoken Secrets and Quiet Whispers Remembered/Revealed can be purchased on Amazon.
