Price Lab Podcast

Matthew Lincoln • Dream Lab - Tidy Data

July 08, 2021 Price Season 2 Episode 2

In 2020, Price Lab's week-long digital humanities training institute Dream Lab was canceled due to safety concerns around COVID-19. We created this series of podcasts not as a replacement, but rather to introduce you to some of the people who make Dream Lab such a great experience!

We’re all familiar with tidying up our living spaces, but how can data be tidied up? Matt Lincoln is a research software engineer and Digital Humanities developer at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. His class, Tidy Data focuses on combating data anxiety in the humanities by teaching humanists how to handle complex relationships and uncertainty in data, and format their information tidily so it that can be reshaped to drive databases, websites, analyses, and visualizations.

The music used in this episode was sourced from royalty-free music libraries. The artists featured in this episode are Blue Dot Sessions and Chris Zabriskie.