Good Vibrations: Essential Oils, Positive Affirmations, & Music Therapy

Bergamot essential oil & My Creativity is Flowing Consistently...I am happy with how the parts are coming together

Season 1 Episode 22

Today's affirmation is My Creativity is Flowing Consistently . . . I am happy with how the parts are coming together for my goals.

Today we dive in deep and talk about the emotionally supportive properties of Bergamot essential oil. We talk about how you can't always see progress even when progress is being made. Often things start slow and then there is a tipping point where we can see things coming together for our goals. We talk about how creativity and coming up with new idea can keep hope alive.

As you listen to Beethoven's 6th Symphony which is his Pastoral Symphony, take some time to tell yourself that things are coming together for your goals. Open yourself up to the idea that you can't always see progress even though progress is being made.

This week we are diffusing 2 drops Bergamot (The Oil of Self Acceptance), Black Pepper (The Oil of Unmasking) and Lemon (The Oil of Focus).

As always if you want to get the oils, talk to your favorite doTERRA essential oil friend or you can click the link here:

If you have questions or comments, feel free to email us at  

The song used in the intro and outro is Be Inspired by Keys of Moon via Creative Commons License. Go to to hear the full song.