Make It A Great Day

Make It A Great Day: The Power of Choice

May 09, 2019 Ryan Lee Season 2 Episode 6
Make It A Great Day
Make It A Great Day: The Power of Choice
Show Notes Transcript

How often do we let others make choices for us and look back with wonder on why what we really wanted did not happen? A choice is a powerful tool that should be guarded with your life. Do not let others have your power to make choices for yourself. Let's learn together on how we can take back our power of choice. 

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Well, hello and welcome to make it a great day. The power of positivity. Ryan Lee, coming into a live and direct hope. You're doing a great having a great day thus far. And we do know it's a choice, right? We can make it a great day. Oh, that word choice that's we're gonna be covering today. The power of choice for those who have been listening. Thank you so much. And thank you for the great ratings. For those of you that have not welcome hope you enjoy it. Appreciate the opportunity to speak to you today as those that have listened. You know, it's quote time. Today's quote is you cannot control behavior. Others, but you can always choose how you respond to it. Choose choice. Interesting things. What is choice? What's it mean? The definition of choice is the act of choosing or the power of choosing. And we choose something or up choice that you selecting one of our favorites of the best thing. But there's an activity there right now. We're defining that we're making that choice. How often in life we find ourselves giving up that power of choice. How often do we think about, you know, saying this. I don't have a choice. No, not up to me. Somebody else's dictating this for May I'm powerless. I mean, I'm here to tell you I hear you, and I think I've definitely I know for a fact, but in those situations, like many of us, but you do always have a choice. Always. Now, it might not always be the best choice or the ones favorite, but there is that choice. I like in a lot, too. Maybe being in an automobile, it is your hands on your wheel of life. Now there's things they're gonna come up. There's things we're gonna have to maybe put it in part for Maybe you step on the gas lit bit harder. You gotta hit the brakes. But ultimately you're driving and you're to sign in which direction you go. Why do we think we're so afraid to make a choice? Well, when we do make a choice, it's on us, right? It becomes a lot lonelier. When were the ones deciding other than having maybe a group decide with us or it's a lot easier to say? You know what? I didn't have a choice and I just had to go with that. We passed that blame. We are afraid of taking that leap, taking that step of faith a man. It's debilitating. And it takes away your passions in a lot of ways, and it definitely takes away your power. Why are we still quick to give that up? We shouldn't be. How often during situations do we stand back somewhere that quote and say, You know what? I can't control what someone else might think Certainly can't control how they're going to act. But I can always choose how I respond or what it is that I do. We need that reminder button inside of us. We need a ding ding ding. You get to choose. You get to choose, you can choose. Don't let someone else choose for you, man. It's just it's gonna make your life not great, because you're always gonna be in the blame game. You're always gonna be the wishing to shoot up. Could've. Hey, if you got a dream, live it. If you've got an opportunity, go do it. But first and foremost, make the choice for your self. Drive it, use the wheel. You see that off road. You're in a career, you're liking it. But you know what? It's not great. You see a great thing overhead, man. I'd love to do that. Turn the wheel. Try it. What's the worst that is going to happen? You fail. So what best thing about failure is You're learning you're growing. Next time you see that you might choose not to take the exit, or you might you be like, You know what? It's an exit. But I got four wheel drive and no idea I needed for road drive last time. Now I do. Now I got for dropping, ready to off road. I'm gonna kill this. I'm gonna make it happen. But make sure that you trust yourself. You know, we hear this all the time. Trust your gut. I knew for my interview that have maybe read Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink or you study the gut. You know that there might be some manner in there that's attached to your brains. Lots of difference theories out there, but usually we dissect and we know pretty early on what the right choice iss. The challenge is making that again. It's making it in sense that you become lonely. You become quote unquote out in the wind. It is up to you. You got no one else behind you. But if you believe in it and you trust it and you go forward and don't worry about what others think or don't concern yourself with the masses, you only concern yourself with you. I think you'd be a lot happier. I think you're gonna discover that over time it gets easier and easier to make choices for yourself because you gotta do it. Just like anything else. You hear me talk a lot about it. I'm not gonna go out and run a marathon. And you know what? First day, we're running 23 miles not gonna do it. Gonna need start our way there. So maybe in your life start to make smaller choices. Good example. My wife and I, at times, you know, always like where would you like to go to dinner? No, you choose. You choose. Hey, be the chooser for a week every time. Make that choice. Maybe some of the restaurant to pick. Gonna be awesome. Sweet. Some of them might not be great. Okay. What's the worst thing you had a bad meal. Oh, well, guess what. You could turn around and stop somewhere else immediately. You can get up and you can leave that restaurant. You're not tied to it. Most things were truly not tied to we think we are, but we're afraid we're afraid. What Others think We're afraid of taking that step and taking that action. So over the next week, I would love for all of you think about in my life whatever choices I'm actually in making for myself or what are things that I'm afraid to do, and I'm just passing it off. And what if I just started small? What if I just started making really small choices and seeing how they help or happen? Or what happens when I do do that? And maybe that leads to us having the opportunity to build bigger choices into our lives. Like I've got a passion to become a wine connoisseur or a winemaker for that matter. I've always wanted to do it. I'm afraid to choose to do it. But I tell you, once you go all in and it's just you you used to get shit done. You know why? Because you got no choice not to. It is now all on you and you can make that happen. You have the power, you all you guys can do it. I believe deeply in that. But I believe that you have to make it Sykes of decision that you can make a choice. Stand behind it and trust yourself. Give yourself more credit your hands on the wheel Decide what direction you want to go and do not look back, learn from it and keep moving forward. We always have that ability. So let's try making some small choices. Let's make it a great day because that's the choice you get to decide every day. It's gonna be great. Can't try. Sign how other people you can decide for yourself. So make it a great day. Power positivity. Thanks for listening. Cheers.