Make It A Great Day

Make It A Great Day: The Power in Stretching Yourself

August 09, 2019 Ryan Lee Season 2 Episode 10

Great goals are a lot like rubber bands they are best when stretched. In order to achieve big things, we need to be comfortable in stretching ourselves outside of our comfort levels. In this episode, I will discuss how I have been practising good stretching and some tips on how you can too.    

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What's up? Everybody walking to make it a great day. The power positivity Ryan Lee coming to you live and direct hope you're all having a great day. Most importantly, though, I hope you understand that it's always that choice to make it a great day. For those of you that have been tuning in listening, thank you so much. And again, I really appreciate the opportunity you take to give a little rating and let people know what you think and also give me feedback and how I can get better. That's what it's all about today. It's all about the power of stretching for those you're gonna listen, you know what time it is? It's quote time for those you haven't welcome love to start off with amazing quotes. Today is no different. This one is that a good goal is like a strenuous exercise. It makes you stretch Mary Kay Ash. A good goal is like a strand us. You're stretching their exercise to make you stretch. Other people say great goals are like rubber bands. They only work great when they're stretched stretching. Putting yourself out there growing got to do it when you can because it makes you better. Lots of different definitions out there of stretch when I love the best from our good friends at the Dick Mestre web. Stan, is this to amplify or in large be on natural wool or proper limits? Thio, amplifier and large beyond natural. A proper limits. You're stretching yourself. You're pulling yourself across. You're making and huge, huge, huge, huge step. You're making a change, but you're pushing. And boy, does that make you better. I got a great story for you. Never forget it. I think it's one of the biggest stretches I've ever done in my life. I made an affirmation early on. My grandmother was from Italy. I always wanted to go and live in Italy. Just felt a calling to do so. I went to college, had an incredible opportunity to study abroad in Sienna. Italy didn't know a lot of language, but I thought, you know what? I got a great personality. I could meet people and I can figure this out. So my parents were great and gracious and help me get there. I thought and had aspirations to go a little early because I thought, man, I want to see this place now on to get a really good feel for you to meet all the team members are gonna be hanging with. So I got on an airplane. Wait. Great. Landed in Rome. Whoa. It's a big city. First off did not have my luggage. Bummer deal. But I was prepared. I had packed a backpack, so I felt good there. Second opportunity. Got to get on a train to get to the train that I need to get on to go to Sienna. Well, you know, I looked at the signs again, not speaking a ton of the language and rather go into the central station. I somehow ended up in some random neighborhood. Lost was so gracious to meet a wonderful human being that helped get me to where I needed to go. But I'm freaking out a little bit this point. I'm kind of feeling my stress levels. Next thing you know, on the train heading to CNN, I'm heading north, and I cannot make this out. Train breaks down and there's only a few of us that were continued on north bound. And so, lo and behold, they produced this random van with someone who only speaks Italian, throws a video in in Italian. And here we are going through the Tuscany hillsides, not necessarily knowing where we're going but believing that we're going to do Sienna. People keep getting out on the last one there, and I'm freaked out at this point. I finally get there, and it's probably like six or seven in the morning. I've been up for 24 hours. I find my hotel, but it's walking distance from where the train station is. There's no taxis gonna walk my way. They're sweating. I'm freaked out. I get in, I call my dad and I'm like Dad, I think I made a mistake. This is just way too intense. I wanna come home, he said. Ryan, give it a day, spent some time. Just give it a day. You're tired. Just sleep on it. So I did that next morning, woke up, still want to come home, didn't call, but still definitely wanted to come home. But, you know, sleeping on and I'm feeling a little bit more refresh and little by little day by day, I started to go out and explore for those four days. Long story short Obviously, that's amazing time in Italy, But in those moments that I stretched myself, it really was a pathway for me in my life and in my career. And why I say that is I had some great opportunities early on in my career that were met with. If you were willing to try something new, there's more opportunity head of it for you. One of those was I was from the West Coast and I had a great opportunity moved to the Midwest. Did not know a soul in the town that I had the opportunity go with. But because I stretched myself early with that Italian experience, I was up for it many times after that, being on the road, I was in sales didn't have a clue which town now it's going to didn't have around a rental car. All of those things were scary, but I always went back to you know what? I went to Italy. I lived there. I could do anything. I truly believe that and that was a part of stretching myself. I've done lots of other things, but that was one that really resonated with me, and I think in life There's a lot of people that help you stretch yourself. My dad, throughout that whole journey kept listening and letting me event, but also kind of held strong and said, You know what? I believe in you. You can do this. You construct yourself and you can get through it and conquer it. And you're gonna be so excited that you did. So my I ask of you in question is, What are you doing today to stretch yourself? How often do you think about that? Do you try to do a big stretch once a year? But we're coming up. It's not too far away. I hate to say it is January when you think about your aspirations are starting to set. Some of those resolutions are those things that you're stretching yourself with. Who in your life is a great stretcher? Is that your partner? Is it someone that you work with? Is it a boss? Isn't a coach who pushes you to stretch and kind of, you know, if you think about it when you're starting to reach for those toes, kind of puts that gentle hand on your back as you can go just a little bit farther. Hold. All of a sudden, your muscles release and then you can go a little bit farther. Who is that in your life? Find those people. Thank them first and foremost and number two seed, I need to be stretched a little bit more. I want to get out there. I want to keep building because when you stretch, you get better. You're gonna amplify. You're gonna enlarge, be on your natural limits, you're growing. And when you're great at it, do it for somebody else. Be someone else's partner in helping them stretch. You will not regret it and then harken back to those memories and leverage them that when you're in interesting situations or opportunities present themselves, remember, you can stretch your not rigid. You're a river, you can move around it, you can find your way through, and I think it'll make a big dent in your life. So again, think about opportunities and where you can stretch, find those that help you get stretched and be a stretcher for someone else. And just like that, your goals, they're gonna be strenuous. But they're gonna make you stretch. You're going to really be impressed with what you can do. Because in my opinion, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Remember, there's always a choice. You can always make it a great day cause you got your hands on the wheel. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen. And I hope that power of positivity is flowing through you as you listen to this podcast. Make it a great day. Thank you.