Make It A Great Day

Make It A Great Day: Using 24 hours to your advantage

December 30, 2019 Ryan Lee Season 2 Episode 14

How often do you feel the pressure to make decisions as quickly as possible? How often do you look back on that decision and wish you would have spent more time thinking it through? Giving yourself 24 hours to guide your decision is an advantage most of us do not take. We feel the pull and push of our up to the second world and feel like we have to make instant decisions to keep up. Spoiler Alert: You have the power to wait and ensure you do spend the time needed to make a decision not based on time or emotion but based on the best outcomes. Let spend some time talking through the power of 24.    

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Well, hello and welcome to make it a great day. The power of positivity. Ryan Lee  Coming to you live and direct. Hopefully everyone had an incredible holiday and is getting excited about the wonderful New Year. And we'll have a great podcast next month talking about the new year in tips and tricks to make it the best year yet. But today, today I want to focus on one day, 24 hours for those who have been listening. Thank you so so very much. I love all the feedback. Love the opportunity when you have it to take those ratings and mark what you're thinking to ensure that we can continue to keep this moving forward and make any improvements we need for those you the first time listener. Thank you so much. And what time is it for those that listen before it's quote time, love to start it all off. The quote. Today's quote is this. Don't worry about the world coming to an end. Today is already tomorrow in Australia. Charles Schulz Think about that. Don't worry about that world coming to an end today because you know what? It's already happened in Australia. I think that's such a great quote to think about what can happen in a 24 hour time period. So many of us today are faced with so much different information and so many things coming at us that I feel like it forces us to think that we have to make quick decisions. Always. Otherwise, we're gonna get left behind. But I'm here to tell you that what can change in one day is pretty astonishing because of that quickness. Also, what can change and say one day based on your emotional and how you're feeling can also be pretty glorious. How often are you looking through the lens of? I don't make this decision right now. Train's gonna leave. They're not gonna respect me. But how often is that decision you're making actually done in a place in a time when you've had that time to process it, To really think about it to a times, remove emotion out of it to ensure that it's the right decision. It's not just the decision you're making because you feel like you have to make it right now, and that's a big, big thing. And I think in today's again society of all the tweets? No, the information, all the stuff coming at us. We feel this pressure that we gotta just boom, boom boom decision decision decision. Well, I'm going to tell you, if you could take 24 hours on any major decision that you need to make, it might surprise you on how you change. It also might challenge you to sink and think about ways in which maybe that person or that idea might also change. Sometimes when people are asking for something from us and we don't give him the answer that they're looking for, they might surprise you that maybe if it's something of help that they're asking for, they might have figured out. You know what? They didn't have that answer right? Then let me spend a little more time, and maybe I could figure that out myself. That's a pretty cool thing, and or maybe because you don't come up with the time to make that decision right then and there, it forces them to reflect and think deeply about what it is they're asking. And maybe they might have a change of heart patients. It's such a difficult thing, but I feel like in today's world. It is one of those difference makers that you can actually cherish in half patients and allow yourself to truly process something. You're gonna have a leg up because so many people have made such quick decisions that they're forgetting and sometimes not realizing they're doing it without fully thinking it through. They're doing it because they think they have to exist the way the world works. And I'm here to tell you, in my opinion, that the world will come with you in your time. It's not gonna pass you by. The world is not gonna come to an end because you haven't made that decision Tomorrow will come. The other thing about thinking about 24 hours that I think is really important is I always believe the reason that day is 24 hours is that's about all we can take it. Sometimes it feels like the most difficult day in the world. But remind yourself you only got 24 hours to work your way through it. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow gives you the opportunity to see things differently and to experience a whole new beginning, just like the New Year that's coming up. But how often do we feel like Oh, man, I just can't get through this. This is so difficult of it. You know what remind herself? It comes in 24 hours. My dad always taught me that he's always talked about 24 hours. That's as much as we can handle. But no, that's all we got to deal with for that day is just those 24 hours. So two things I think are really important to think about as we think about 24 1 Are we giving ourselves enough time to really process and analyze before we make a decision? Or we're just making it right off the gut? Sometimes, of course, you've got to make a decision, right? Traffic's coming out. You gotta take a left versus, right. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about things that come at you from a personal level, things that come out your toe work where someone's looking from a big decision from you. And you feel that pressure that you have to give it to him right then and there. I'm saying pause. Spend at least 24 hours if you think you need it, and sometimes you don't think you need it. But I'm telling you, you d'oh, let it process. Let your emotions died down and come at it at a place where you're making the best decision because you allowed Portis it with you. You've looked at things you've heard from things and again, that person that's asking that from you may also have changed or that boss or whoever that might be. So One thing to practice is that some team members are always asking to make decisions. Say, Hey, I'm really trying to think through things to give me that. Grayson, Let's practice. Let's practice together what it could be and what it might need to be. But ask him for that great for yourself. The other thing is, we're having a tough day and you think the world is ending. Remember, it's not coming to an end. It's already tomorrow in beautiful Australia and also know that you got 24 hours. You can handle 24 hours. You could break him up in the minutes. You could break him up in the seconds, but you just got 24 to get through. And sure enough, the day will begin tomorrow. And your perspective and your presence might be totally different. That helps get you through or make that great decision that you need to D'oh! You've got the power positivity inside you. I think he was always for listening. Make it a great day and thank you again and cheers to 2020 and stay tuned for some great episodes coming up in the year of 2020 on how we can make 2020 our best. Here. Yeah. Thank you for listening, Theo.