Make It A Great Day

Make It A Great Day: Managing Fear

Ryan Lee Season 3 Episode 3

In this episode, we talk about how we can manage our own internal fear and how we can help others manage there's. When we are in the eye of a storm we can give in or we can find ways to sail our way out. We are all captains of our own ships and do hold the ability to decide which way we want to go. Let's learn more about how to help manage our fears look for calm and help ensure we all get through this crazy storm one step at a time.  

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Well, hello and welcome to make it a great day. The power of positivity. Riley Coming to you live and direct on a beautiful Tuesday in quite an interesting time, Today's podcast is definitely gonna focus in on where we are today. And one of the things that I thought we could talk a lot about us. How we manage fear both internally and also the leader. If you're a leader, a friend or whoever you might be with you have people that have concerns are really, really struggling. How do you help them through that? And as you know, one of the things that I love the most is finding a good quote that really centers us and allows for us to talk honestly and openly about where we are in today's quote is no different. It is this I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship. Louisa May Alcott. I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship. Think about that mind set for a second, right? We're in the eye of it right now. We're feeling it and you can look at it two different ways. This storm can overtake you, and you can see no hope where you can see it. It's an opportunity to get better and know that you're gonna learn during it and learn through it. But it's not to define you because you still firmly have the ability to sail that ship in regular outing yourself. You still have that power. If you relinquish that power to fear you're not good for yourself, you're not good for anybody else around you. What does fear mean? Well, the definition is it's an unpleasant are often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. If that anticipation piece right, we're fearful because we don't know we don't have the known. It makes us scared. You know, Fear really comes from being scared of something, and it's hard when there's unknowns because you don't know what to predict. We as human beings, love a lot of things in life. One thing in particular is we'd like to know where we stand and where we're going, and whenever that changes, that's really, really difficult. But if it does change, which it often does in times like this, it's really changing. Where can we find the ability to center ourselves. What are the things that we can control? Well, one thing for sure is weaken definite control or attitude. We dealt. It can wake up every day, no matter what is coming at us. And we could choose how we want to decide how to take that on. We can let it overtake us and become angry and not someone that is looking for the positive and just rolls into the mass hysteria. Or we can look at it as an opportunity to see how we can sail that ship through these difficult times. They hear a lot of people have saying, I mean, we're just looking for calmness. We want to be more calm. You know, calmness is a good thing, you know, we think about the definition of calm. It's a period of condition, of freedom from storms, right? Like our quote, it's the absence, you know, in some worlds off, you know, no wind, that really to state of tranquility. It's about just being comfortable. And I don't think today we're always gonna be calm by any stretch of imagination. But I do think that there's moments that when we feel that fear really taking hold of us. We've gotta find ways to remove ourselves from Lebanon, overtake us and find some calmness. How are some good ways to find calmness? I'm glad that you asked because I've got a few one for me and hopefully, depending on where you're living right now, today is simply going by myself in total isolation for a walk, getting outside, getting away, just removing myself from kind of the day in day out of just finding that piece on that walk, not listen to anything. Just just literally. Walking another way is meditation. You know, a lot of us have great APS out there. Calm is a good one that I like the leverage to meditate to allow for yourself to go into a state of meditation on dhe, take everything and just allow for yourself to be still and a process and to breathe and to remind yourself that we don't always know what the future holds. But we do know that it usually comes in ways in which we could take it on into meditation. It's tempting to think about another thing. Is journalist writing out what you're feeling getting that emotion out, letting that come through. You put that on paper. You don't have to do anything with it. It doesn't need to become a book. It doesn't need to become anything other than letting you process that and get that out. You know, there's a three easy ones working out another one. You know, if you get a treadmill or appellate time, Valentine's doing phenomenal right now. I'm sure, you know, riding that I wrote mine today. That's an area in which you can get that out, let out. But look for those triggers and look for the ways in which you really feel like that. Fear is starting to take ahold and remind yourself that you are sealing your ship. You do have power. And when you feel like it's almost too much leverage and techniques, whether it's journal and whether it's meditating, whether it's walking, whether it's working out, whatever it might be for you, you know what it is. You know what helps get you calm. Maybe it's talking a great friend. Maybe there's that one person she always want to call and talk to. You don't have to physically see him. You could Skype. You can call him. You could do face time, whatever it takes, but find that scenario. But as you lied through this and I find myself in that position every single day, I am certainly not gonna do anything to make people think that. I know the answer is I don't. But I am going to do everything in my power to let people know that I've got faith in them. I trust in what we're doing. And at the end of the day, I'm going to give everything I have to help see us through this. Some days are better than others, but I've got a core belief that we will sail our way through the storm because we've practiced it. We're prepared for it, and when we're not prepared for it will find some of the people that are, and they can jump in and help us. But it's not about getting people excited and saying things and doing things and causing, you know, just kind of like selling something to someone. It's about being honest without telling them where you're at, meeting them where they're at and finding a way to help them and any single way you can, because that is what it's all about. It's all about finding ways to meet people and help people in any way you can during times like this. But you really, really gotta protect yourself, too, to make sure that you're in a good spot to help them as much as you possibly can. So with that, carry the power of positivity, find ways to stay calm, know that you are the captain of your ship and make it a great day. We're all here for each other, Theo.