Fan Fiction Media Presents
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Fan Fiction Media Presents
Dirty, Messy Titan Love Chapter 9: New Mission Parameters. Time To Get My Shovel
Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe
Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Chapter Art: Zion Zeta
Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube
[Opening theme music. Haunting tones, wavering strings. Deep percussion. Coalescing into an uneasy theme.]
[SFX: Titan’s ship powers up followed by a pulsing boom. Footsteps and metallic movement as people work in the background. ]
WARLOCK VO: I watched his ship jump to orbit with a sense of frustration. I knew I had started this shit show, and now I had to get my shovel. I popped out my Ghost.
WARLOCK: (a little attitude) You’ve had all this time to run the numbers. What should I know?
W GHOST: The gate is slowly losing its ability to move large quantities of troops through. The Vex have been teleporting in troops every 30 minutes. Each group brought in after the first 90 minutes has been smaller than the last by a growing order of magnitude.
WARLOCK: That’s it! We just have to deal with the Hydras and Minotaurs. Once the heavy troops are off the field, the rest is just clean up. At what point will they only be able to bring in Hobgoblins and Goblins?
W GHOST: Based upon the current rate of energy decay, that’s already happened. Now, they are just bringing in grunts to overwhelm the Fallen.
WARLOCK: All right. Let’s get to Nessus.
GHOST: (sighs) Didn’t you hear what Ikora said?
[SFX: Warlock strides over, booting up the ship.]
WARLOCK: I certainly did. Patch me into the comm feed on the way. I need that info to know the best place to land.
[SFX: Pulsing boom from the ship. A low rumble beneath the conversation as they travel.]
WARLOCK: Out with it. If you’re gonna lecture me, just say it. (pause) Well?
GHOST: (carefully) I’m grateful you are my Guardian…
WARLOCK: I’m not in the mood for a motivational speech. If you have a point, get to it.
GHOST: I just don’t understand why you are my Guardian. We Ghosts always know who our Guardians are once we find them. We just don’t know where they are, so we spend a long time looking. (pause) But we never know why you are our Guardian. Why you’re my Guardian. You are smart and tenacious. You are courageous. (tentative but pushing forward) You are also strong-headed. You are brash, impulsive, and… and you’re not even listening to me. Are you?
WARLOCK: Looks like The Cistern is the best drop point. They’ve already pushed the Vex out of the Pools, but what’s that weird signal? Almost like a-
[SFX: The radio crackles.]
MITHRAX: (over radio, distorted) Ikora-kell. I have been contacted by a group of House Light elders trapped just outside of the Cistern. They require assistance. Can you send someone to them?
[SFX: The radio beeps with each message.]
WARLOCK: I heard the distress call, too. I’m just outside of Nessus on my way in, Ikora. Can you send me someone who has the precise coordinates?
SAINT-14: (over radio) I shall contact our mutual Titan friend.
MITHRAX: (relieved) Thank you both. Again, House Light owes you a great debt for all of your support.
WARLOCK: Saint, what’s the status of the Exodus Black? Do we need to help you contain the Vex first?
IKORA: (over the radio, firm) We have the situation under control, my student. Support our Fallen allies. Those are your mission parameters.
WARLOCK VO: I could almost feel Ikora sternly staring at me through the comms. I was about to either be an even bigger fool or a massive hero. I hesitated for a moment. Then I remembered a quote from an ancient Earth writer who said that life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. Regardless of what happens next, life is about to get really, really big. That’s when the silly Titan came into my headset.
[SFX: Some distortion from Titan’s end on the radio. Distant fighting.]
TITAN: (over radio) I got Saint’s message. I’m en route to the location. Looks like another Fallen house is taking the opportunity to knock out the House Light leadership. Lock onto my Ghost, and I’ll see you on the ground soon.
WARLOCK: A hundred Glimmer says I'll get there first.
[SFX: Laser shots in the background of Titan’s end.]
TITAN: (laughing) I like my ramen with celery and cilantro.
WARLOCK VO: Dammit all.
[Ending theme music. Deep strings come in, gentle harp music skirts over the rise and fall of the strings.]
Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost: Clover Wren
Mithrax: McSpuddington
Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Chapter Art: Zion Zeta
Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube
Transcripts: Eli Barraza