LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Step Up To Your Own Challenges

JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 14

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In this episode, Hardin speaks on the importance of challenging yourself.

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Jason Hardin  0:02  
Thank you. And welcome back to another episode of life boss as always, I am your host, Jason Hardin and I am here again, to give you the best of my experiences. You know, I mean, I've been through a lot seen a lot done a lot. So by default, I know a lot. And I'm trying to give that to you. You don't I'm saying it's the best I could do man. share my story with y'all. And I hope you guys do the same. Because our stories are so valuable. They're so valuable. Anyway, today's episode is all about challenging yourself. challenging yourself, man, to be a boss, you have to challenge yourself, and why? Why must we challenge ourselves is simple, because it's nobody else's job. To help you be better at being you would just be better period. self improvement is nobody else's job. It's yourself. You don't I'm saying nobody's responsibility to make you better. Nobody's responsibility to make sure you know something, that you know how to do some that you take care that you're fit, that you're healthy, that you that you're happy, that's nobody else's job. So you have to challenge yourself every day to accomplish all of these things. And if you're thinking that somebody else's responsibility, that's the first thing I challenge you to do, is to stop thinking that somebody else responsibility, but well, because, like I said, if we don't put the pressure on ourselves, who will, and I tell people that who, especially like my mentees who are interested in entrepreneurship, I said, discipline is more important to an entrepreneur than anybody else. Why? Because there is no deadline for an entrepreneur. There's nobody say you have to have this done by that, well, you got to do this, or you should be doing that. It's you telling you all this stuff. So if you don't like to challenge yourself, if you don't know how to discipline yourself, if you don't know how to make you do something, then entrepreneurs, boss, all that all that is just out of your vocabulary, you can't be none of that you can't be a business owner, you can't be a winner, and somebody else has to tell you to win. You know, somebody else could probably tell you how. But you have to do it. You don't I'm saying so challenge yourself. And I've only bring this up because every day, you know, I spent a lot of time on social media, I have to it's part of my business, you know, and every day I see we did Oculus challenges. Oh my god, I see some of the most ignorant crap that people are trying because somebody else created a dumb challenge, you know, and, and I just look at like some of these folks and I'm like, Oh my god, these folks gotta be smarter than that, you know, they gotta have more sense than that. But you know, the truth is that a lot of us are followers and we're not you know, we're not leaders and and before you follow a challenge and ignorant challenge, man, challenge yourself to some and that's basically what I wanted to say, Man, don't wait to be challenged. You know, in some of these challenges again, you know, I mean, I'm not gonna lie, though, not all knuckleheaded. They're not all stupid. They're not all ignorant. Some of them are good. Like when you're challenging somebody to give, or you know, there's giving challenges those Pay It Forward challenges though, I challenge you to support black businesses and stuff like that, and local businesses and, and things like that. I love them. Because like I said, there's some great tools that we can use in social media, but there's also a lot of ignorance and nonsense. And when it comes to challenges, please do not take any of these stupid challenges before you challenge yourself to do something great. All right. Anyway, that's my time. I just want to take a second to tell you that because like I said, Man, challenging yourself is so important. And I'm gonna take on a challenge right now. I'm going to challenge myself to lose 10 pounds this month. Now, I'm not gonna tell you what month it is. But uh, but this month, I'm going to lose 10 pounds. I'm at like one. I think I'm about 190 wide now. So about 30 days from now. I won't be at 180 All right. I love y'all man. And I hope you love yourselves, man. And remember, success is a lifestyle. Peace.

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