LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Basis On A Daily

October 01, 2021 JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 10

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In this episode, Hardin speaks on the power of a morning routine.

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Jason Hardin  0:02  
Hello Hello Hello and thank you and welcome back you know I am Steele Jason Hardin and I am still the host of life boss D podcast where it's all about self development you know personal development reaching your own definition of success and basically creating greatness by creating the best you you know you got to create the best version of yourself always wanted to there was like some point after high school was said I want to reach my physical prime I want to reach my plan you know physical mental and all that and and I don't want it to be in high school how many people you know whose physical prime was in high school Oh who's even worse whose mental plan was in high school? I know a lot of folks who whose better days was when they were teenagers and it's sad cuz you know the 30s and 40s now you know and so so you don't want that to be the case. You know even if you've been slacking off even if he if you haven't found yourself yet and you know, I went through it a lot of us go through it after high school we really don't know what to do with ourselves if we didn't have that strong academic foundation and a strong Athletic Foundation and he was already going to a D one school and stuff like that, you know, he didn't have that situation and he was kind of lost in the wind, especially if you didn't have any, you know, strong role models or mentors or anybody really guiding you and you know, I'm really in your head because you know, a lot of people tell you what to do, but we don't always receive it, you know what I'm saying so that's what that's why we have to always stay focus and I lost focus right now because I went all into something and that has nothing to do with today's show because today's show is all about a morning routine. And let's bring it back let's bring it back morning routine it's definitely I would say a common practice among a lot of successful people who live life at the level I want to live it on you know there's people with money who are not healthy can't get up in the morning can't do nothing and I don't want to be like that. I don't want that kind of money or that kind of success you know I don't want that unhealthy money I don't want that that that Rockefeller Oh my third fourth heart money you don't I'm saying I want it I want I want this first heart to last my whole life you know what I'm saying so so that's what a morning routine helps Do you know for a lot of highly successful people who aren't just successful in their bank accounts on in their career but they're also successful in their bodies you know successful in their health successful in their mind You know, I'm saying a lot of those folks the majority of them probably all of them have a morning routine. They all have a morning routine first of all that means you get up in the morning you know how many people you know wait till the afternoon to get up man I had a brother he didn't get up till three you know when during the worst stages of his life he didn't get up till three in the afternoon and I can't nine is late to me by get up at nine it's almost like I woke up at noon you know so nine is late to me so so that's the first thing get up early you know some of us go to bed late Thomas work all night but common practice for me without an alarm I'm up early. I can party all night on those on those were nights I do you know I'm 41 years old now so I don't party like I used to but I can I can hang out all night and do those things and still get up crack of dawn before the before the sun. You know it's just in me. You don't I'm saying so get up early first and then have a routine. What's your routine? I'm gonna tell you mine. My routine The first thing I do wake up drink some water I'm always thirsty. I mean I love water. Drink water put that into put that in your everyday all the time routine didn't that damn a morning routine start drinking more water but me first thing in the morning man I'm dehydrated. In a lot of times I've been dream of water you know so so I get I'm thirsty in the morning and nothing tastes better than fresh water in the morning you know and boom temperature I'm a big fan of room temperature water now wasn't when I was younger, it all had to be ice cold now I appreciate ice cold water. still love it but room temperature water I will join the heck out of some room temperature water nowadays. So that's my first thing I'm drinking water. Second thing I'm stretching, stretch. You know what I'm saying your body could use that even if your workout and all that man you still have to stretch. Stretching makes your muscles bigger, healthier, brings more oxygen to them all that other good scientific stuff. It is true. Look it up look it up stretch, though. Stretch. So I'll wake up a stretch and then I have to do something physical, you know.

Jason Hardin  4:42  
And I try to do it early. I try to do it early before I get onto the stock market. The stock market if you're on the west coast, you know that it opens at 630 in the morning. So if you have any pre trades or if you're looking at pre market numbers, then you kind of you got to be up around five 530. So that's one thing I do in the morning. That's part of my routine. It It's before I check notifications emails I'm checking I'm checking money you don't say what's money during the day and that's what the stock market is to me because I have money invested in the stock market I have clients money invested in the stock market it's part of my morning routine you know and then before sometimes I do before sometimes do it after depending on how early I get up. I'll run you know I really try to run every single morning I won't go more than two days without a morning run. And and it's a it's a full one you know, I don't I don't jog every day in the morning walk. I do want and because I don't get enough cardio and the other things I do so I'm make running a necessity of acquirement you know something I have to do? How many people run you know When's the last time you when all your listeners I don't know if you 2030 4050 years old was the last time you ran You know, when you get older man you don't run anymore. I mean there's, there's very few things we run from or run to when you're young. There's only one speed you have and it is what Hey, man, you know, you always tell some kids not to run, stop, quit running, who run in the hall could run in the house, you know, Quit whining. But when you grow up, man, you stopped running, you quit running, really. So you have to incorporate some type of cardio. And I do that in my morning routine. So like I said, no more than two days, I'll go without it. But I tried to make it every single day. And on the weekend when I'm with my girl I go home she goes hot man she was sick of on five miles every morning and she don't when she doesn't want is to ride a bike or do some Estonia's for hour at a time. But like for me are getting in on the weekend. So during the week, I might give myself that two day break. But that's my routine, you know, and then when I come back from the stock market is taken care of, I don't spend all day with it, do my trades in the morning. But after that, I do what I hate first. And everyday they're usually something my hate and it's nothing like grueling, nothing agonizing but sometimes tedious, you know, I might have to bag product one day, I might have to have to Final Cut and press a dozen shirts or something, or half a dozen shirts or, or a couple pieces for a couple special orders. Or I might have to do little stuff, you know, but it's sometimes I just don't like the little stuff. So anything that I don't like to do, I'm getting done first. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna because I'm trying to be on the golf course by 1011. You don't I'm saying? But that's my morning routine. And now let's talk about yours. Do you have one? And if you don't have one, you should. And let me give you a couple tips when you're creating your morning routine. I don't care what you do. You you want everybody, no matter what industry you're in, whatever you do, is one thing I want you to incorporate into your morning routine. And that's something that benefits your health. Something that benefits your health because morning routines makes you successful in money and career. But it also helps make us successful in life, you know, in health. So I want that to be incorporated into everybody's morning routine, there is no reason for anybody to neglect something healthy in their morning routine, you can neglect it all man, you don't have to read in the morning, you don't have to look at the stock market those days, man, they're all optional. And that, you know, cater to what your goal is. But I want everybody to do something healthy stretch. First of all, everybody can stretch. I don't care if you got one on one leg stretch those you don't I'm saying everybody can stretch, then, you know, maybe some push ups from setups, maybe a jog around the block, maybe a walk, you know we all can't run you know everybody got to start somewhere. But something, do something. Second of all, I want you to include when you're creating your morning routine, or activities that align with your definition of success. If your definition of success is owning a home, I hope you're doing something in the morning every day to get you closer to owning a home. If it's to have so much money in the bank, I hope you're doing something every day every morning to get that to towards your bank account. So if it's to apply for a D one college I hope you're doing something every morning to prepare your body and your mind to play D one ball. You know whatever it is, whatever you're doing, whatever you're doing, whatever your goal is, create something from that and included in your morning routine. Anyway, that's my time. I love y'all man. Stay healthy, stay successful and know that success is alive stuff. Love your life. Have a boss peace.

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