LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Problems Equal Success

JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 15

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In this episode, Hardin explains how problems equal success.

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Jason Hardin  0:00  
Hello, hello, hello, and thank you. And it's great to be back again for another episode of life of a boss the podcast. And today, as always, we have another great show for you. It is about how problems equals success. That's why problems equal success. And some of you, you know, might be thrown off by that, like, how can problems equals success, man, I got so many pounds, and I'm successful. But um, you can be, and I'm gonna tell you how I'm, first of all, understand how opportunities are born. always understand that opportunities are born from problems from struggle from some type of solution to an issue, you know, so if you got problems, or if you had problems, and you got past them, got to him got over, you solve them, you're sitting on opportunity, you're sitting on a goldmine, because best believe that, you know, there's nothing new under the sun. So if you got a problem, most likely somebody else got got that same problem to, you know, somebody else who's dealing with that same issue, going through that same circumstance, facing that same challenge to some degree. So your problem isn't as unique as you think it is. You don't say and some of us think like, man, why does it always happen to me, me, you know what you represent 1000s of people that that's happened to, so if you, if you got out of a situation and you or you overcame a situation, then you're sitting on a goldmine, you're sitting on an opportunity, you're sitting on, on success in the making, you know, waiting to happen. So you have to see it like that. And I think the first thing you got to have is perspective, you don't I'm saying the first thing you got to have is that type of mindset of how do I flip a negative situation, where's the opportunity in this, and if you don't see problems, or if you don't look at life like that, you're gonna be short chains that have a lot of value and rewards and riches in life, you have to look at life like that, to be successful. To be a boss, you have to train yourself to see opportunities. Even if it isn't your natural state, even if it isn't a skill you were born with, you have to develop, how to see opportunities, because they are everywhere, they are everywhere, I will literally look at something and be like, oh, somebody should make this. Somebody should be somebody should create that I don't even act on everything, because I see so many damn opportunities, and I act on so much. So just think about those who have nothing to do the DLC any opportunity because there's so much to act on. And I want to help you guys, you know, train yourselves to see opportunity to see a missing link. And, and if you can fill it and like I said don't, you don't have to start with looking for opportunities. Now. Like I said, you already had them You don't sound good. Think about the last problem you solved. And I don't care what kind of poverty it can be putting new brakes on your car, it could be fixing the Wi Fi at the house, it could be a problem in your relationship, and you fixed it and you guys went to bed happy, you don't understand there's all kinds of problems that need fixing. And if you fixed any of them, you have value, you have a product, you have an opportunity. But you have to see it that way. You know, I'm saying and some of you might be asking, Well, how do I know how to do this? I'll get that how do I turn that into an opportunity? I know how to do a lot of stuff. How do I turn that into an opportunity? And my guess my my suggestion is this, you have to package it. How do you package that, to make it an opportunity is a lot of people's questions. And with the expansion of social media and the impact of the internet. And the power of digital. We almost can can create an opportunity with millions by absolutely spending nothing, you know, I'm saying so with digital with the digital age. And I don't know if you guys know this, but YouTube is like the most used search engine in the world. And it's like it even more so than Google. Why? Because YouTube shows you and tells you what you're trying to learn, you know, Google, you, you type something in Google and you just see some articles come up, you see all the information, but Ain't nobody really talking. Or nobody's really showing you and that's why people research and look up stuff on on YouTube now. More so than anything else because they want to see they want to hear they want they want a solution. They want it to be presented to them. They don't want to even have to read it. They want you to show them with pictures and stuff. So anything that you know how to do videotape it

Jason Hardin  4:53  
and post it. I don't care if it's meant unclogging the sink. Do you know how many millions of People Google or YouTube how to unclog a sink every damn day you know what I'm saying so that already and will give you some exposure give you an idea of what you can create and then okay Today's the sink, tomorrow's the shower. You know what I'm saying? Then soon you'll be an authority on plumbing. In The Now you create your own plunger you don't say so there's, there's no limit to where you can go. Once you see an opportunity from a problem. You know what I'm saying? But you have to train yourself to see opportunities. Anyway man that's my time. I love y'all man. I want you to guys to succeed and all that you do, but you guys have to have that perspective. See opportunities. Anyway, that's my time life boss successes and lifestyle. Remember that peace.

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