LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast


JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 16

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In this episode, Hardin explains how to build confidence.

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Jason Hardin  0:00  
Well, thank you and Hello, always good to be here at the life of ball studios. And I'm feeling good, very excited, we're gonna deep dive into one of my favorite topics. And it's confidence. Today we're going to talk about the power of competence and how to create ate it, how to create it, how to be more confident, and what's the point? You know, why why is competence important? Why, why do we even need it? And if you ask me, I would say in short, that confidence is usually the difference between who we are and what we can become. And is usually the difference between what we have and what we want you know, so it's always important to be confident and to do the things you would do if you were competence to move in a manner of competence you know, but it's not easy for everybody you know, it wasn't always easy for me like I said, I grew up you know, very troubled past you don't I'm saying very poor household you know, poor monetarily. You know, it was loved in my home, you know, when I had my parents with me or in the places I lived with relatives, but it was still a lot of dysfunction, you know, a lot of abuse, substance abuse, you know, self abuse and things like that so, so there was a lot of things that made me unconfident growing up, you know, a lot of things I wasn't proud of. So so it took a while for me to develop killer confidence you know, it took a while for me to assert myself and in have the ability to speak my mind and, and to open my mouth and a boon for the people that may have been intimidating to me at one point, because it's easy to be intimidated if you don't possess confidence. Like I said, Man, you can miss out on so much for the simple fact of not being confident confidence. But lack of competence is basically you telling yourself no before anybody else had the chance to you know, you tell yourself I can't do that. Oh man, I look stupid out here. Man. I look you know, I look funny out here. Man. I look foolish out here man. I man I sound a sound dumb man. I look like I don't know what I'm talking about man, man, that that those are the stories that we tell ourselves that aren't true. So the first thing you want to do is stop telling yourself stories and stop telling yourself that the lies, they keep you any efficient and effective. Stop it because it's not gonna help. So I wanted to create a shortlist you know, I don't have much time here today. But I don't want to leave you with something that's gonna help you create killer confidence. So I created a little list of five tips that will help you or basically anybody create killer confidence, to give people the confidence it takes to be successful, and go get what you want, and what's meant for you in this life. And the first day, the first step, the very first tip is to hit your fears and face them head on. Face your fears head on. Probably the one one of the most scariest things I've ever done is run for public office. And I ran twice. And I say it's one of the scariest things I've ever done because one of my biggest fears is public speaking. Now you can imagine having the fear of public speaking

Jason Hardin  4:02  
and running for office. You know, I can't tell you how many times I thought it was so stupid of me to run for office. Before every debate like why did I say How could you let yourself do this? Why did you? Oh, it felt like I was going to execution. A lot of those times, you know, but I'm gonna tell you one thing. Those times became more and more frequent. More and more infrequent, you don't understand. I start as I as my confidence gained. As I started to do more speeches as I hit my biggest fear head on. It stopped being a fear is a matter of fact, I started to gravitate towards public speaking I started to never turn down an invitation to speak publicly. I still don't like it. You know, it's not one of my biggest joys but it is one of my biggest virtues. You know, I'm saying it's not one of the things that I get, I'm happy about but it's one of the things that bring me alive. fulfillment it's a lot It is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done you know and I wouldn't have been exposed to any of those feelings just feeling of being you know feeling like I'm needed feeling like my story matters feeling like you know I'm doing rewarding work I wouldn't have felt any of those had I've been still scared to speak publicly. You know what I'm saying? So I picked the most scariest task that involved my biggest fear and I jumped in head and so that will always help if you face your fears head on. If you're scared and want to go swimming you don't say I'm scared of heights go skydiving. You know saying I'm scared to speak talk. Standard camera film yourself. You don't say k to business. Get into a business you don't say scared of numbers, man get into math. You don't I'm saying because all the things we want most are usually behind something that we hate. The most, you know is behind our most hated task or our biggest fear. So facing your fears head on will always help so that's why I put that on the top of my list. building confidence. The second part on my list let me look at my list for a second. My second part on the list is do your homework. Do your homework and be prepared. Nothing will give you more confidence than knowing you got this. Not thinking you got this not psyching yourself up that'll work too you know what I'm sayin man tell yourself You got this. Yeah, it works. But when you really got this when you studied all night, all week all month all year for that exam. You know I'm saying when you when you went to practice day and night, and then at home you did push ups and then when you woke up you ran a mile and then you was early. I practice it man, you got this on game day. And you get that feeling like man, I ain't gonna do nothing that I'm not ready for. If that doesn't give you confidence, I don't know what can. So be prepared, do your homework, do your homework, whatever it is you're not confident in, study it, dissect it flip it inside out. That will always always give you confidence. being knowledgeable always gives you confidence just like a test Have you ever not studied and somebody put a test in front of you How confident are you? have you ever studied in new everything on the test somebody put it put it in funny how confident are you then? that's the confidence you want to go through life with best confidence you want to have anything that you say you know how to do, so start there start gaining confidence in the thing that you enjoy the things that you like to do most of business that you want the subjects that you care about the hobbies that you enjoy you know start there build on those you know build on that knowledge that'll give you some hella confidence and then you'll understand that once you're confident in one thing this start to spill over you know because because one thing you'll find out is that you was able to learn something you was able to get and gain confidence in some that you didn't have before. So that makes you more confidence in something else. So now we don't even have to talk about the the subject of the hobby that you're most influential in or that you're most knowledgeable about for you to feel good about yourself now we can talk about anything and you and you feel good because you know something and you know you can learn something else. So that's always helps in building confidence. Do your homework Be prepared

Jason Hardin  8:36  
third on the list build on your strengths. We kind of covered that in the last one but build on your strengths whatever you're good at get better at whatever you like to do do some more you know whatever you want to learn learn all of it YouTube dissect the do it yourself all that stuff man teach yourself you know don't wait you don't have to take a class all the time now they got the University of YouTube how many people have learned something on YouTube I'm gonna tell you right now that is YouTube is gonna replace college in a minute you know it already replaces and trade schools you don't say and people are learning stuff on YouTube that that that other people went to school for years to master marketing and and PR and and woodworking and all gotten man there's all kinds of things that people are just picking up in minutes that other people took years to learn. And I want you to build on that so you can be one of those folks because there's a lot of people that just taught themselves one thing and now and now that's what they mastered. You can't tell them they don't have any confidence. They mastered something he doesn't have to know anything about anything else. But he's gonna be the most confident person on the block why cuz he mastered something that he cared about. So build on your strength and you will always gain some confidence. Because you will master something man, nothing makes you more competent than feeling like a master or something. All right, build on your confidence. Next number four. Know your accomplishments and gifts. The most unconfident people I know are people who do not know their worth people who do not know the value. People who do not know what makes them special. What makes you special? What makes you unique? What makes you an individual? What makes you unlike Anybody else? You know what I'm saying? What's that? What? You know what, what do you do? Well, what have you already done? Not Not Not something that you want to do? What have you already done? What have you accomplished? What are all the great things but it doesn't have to be an award, it doesn't have to be a trophy. Some accomplishment some of the greatest accomplishments are healthy and happy relationships. How many healthy and happy relationships do you have with people, with your spouse, with your children, with your parents, with your community? You know, thinking about things like that, what joy do you bring to people how do you make other people feel better? You know, how are you that light? You know, at the end of some people's tunnels you know start thinking about the value that you have and it's not always tangible you know what I'm saying is not always what's in your bank account because I know that can make a lot of people confident to nothing makes me more confident that she in a large sum of my bank account that allow me to do whatever I'm talking about today you know what I'm saying but but there's more value than money. So start looking for the other values in yourself and start appreciating them identify them and appreciating them and just acknowledge them because some people man you ever know those type of folks that you can't give a compliment to? They're gonna dismiss every compliment man Damn you got some nice job man. He's just oh you know damn, man. Yeah, man. Are you pretty smart man, everybody knows that. He knows he knows some people just down every compliment that you give them because they don't really identify the special things about them you know? And then maybe they have not been taught to love that part of themselves. You don't say no, maybe they've been taught to undervalue their gifts. Oh man, he just be drawn all day. He don't man. He's not smart. He's stupid. He he just draws all day. He ain't into this or that. But you don't know that persons a genius in drawing, You know what I'm sayin. So so. So don't don't undervalue your gifts, and compare them to somebody else the definition of success or value or worth, you have to be able to value yourself value your gifts value accomplishments, take compliments, you know what I'm saying receive them. Because there's a lot of great things that a lot of us know how to do that we don't even pay attention to. You know, we do them effortlessly. Like some people can make friends and just in moments, you didn't have a real connection. I just somebody they call but like a real connection. Like he was in there for five minutes. How, you know what I'm sayin.

Jason Hardin  13:31  
Talking about the family, y'all meet meetin up, man. It's like, wow, you know what I'm sayin so little things like that. You know what I'm sayin that man. Some people just go with kids. Some people are great mentors. They always got game and positivity coming out their mouth, no matter what you know what I'm sayin no matter what they have, no matter what they accomplished in life, they just pull up positivity. If that's you, man, embrace that. value that and you'll become more confident. Now the last tip I have for the day in creating killer confidence. Let me read what I have, stay away from negativity. Stay away from negativity, and I don't just mean negative people. I mean negative thoughts. I mean negative places. I mean negative experiences. I mean negative, negative environment. Stay away from negative to negative people in negativity as a whole positive is always going to be you know, it's always going to be challenged by negativity. So so the more positive you are, the better you are but the more you around negativity, the the more positivity you lose, you don't say you can be what they say like one bad apple spoils a bunch. That's like negativity, you could be the greatest, most positive, most upbeat person in the world but have a crappy friend always says negative stuff that always sees the downside of stuff and you keep being around there every time you got a good idea he craps on it every time you got you know something you want to do he has a reason why it's not the best day you should do it matter of fact its the worst thing you need to be doing right now and you know people have friends like that and then they wonder why they get so far in life. You know what I'm saying you can be limited by the people you keep around you I don't care how much potential you have if you hang around negative people it's almost like a liability you know what liabilities are right? There losses. So anyway, those are my five tips. I want you guys to succeed I want you guys to find confidence because like I said, There's power in confidence. I want you guys check out we have a special download these five tips is going to be on that download with a lot more information on it. And like I said, use it. This stuff is great information, but it doesn't work if you don't apply it. I love y'all man. Check us out Stay tuned next week for our next episode. And I love y'all peace.

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