LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Hats & Masks

JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 22

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In this episode, Hardin explains the difference between reasons and excuses.

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Jason Hardin  0:02  
Yo, yo, yo, it's Jason Hardin here host of life of a boss the podcast and welcome back to another great episode where we dive deep into all the things that make us bosses in life, all the ways that we can level up mentally, financially, health wise and just be better people. And today, I want to get into something a little different, you know, also in the studio with me is my baby and love of my life. Miss Suzu Hello, how are you doing? Jason? I am fine. She has my back so well that I forget. She's, you're gonna introduce

Suzu Sinay  0:40  
me. Okay, I'll just be in the background. I enjoy myself either way.

Jason Hardin  0:45  
I love her so much. I would never forget about her. And you shouldn't either her name is Suzu Sinay

Suzu Sinay  0:50  
pronounced Suzu Sinay.

Jason Hardin  0:53  
Yeah. Pronounce just like it's spelt. And, yeah, basically when unpacking the issues of Hats and Masks today. And that being said, what are hats and masks? You know, we're gonna define them today. And I guess we should define, let's say hats first. When someone say you're a man of many hats, what do they usually mean?

Suzu Sinay  1:19  
Oh, you're asking me,

Jason Hardin  1:20  
I guess. All right. Oh,

Suzu Sinay  1:24  
so hats would be the different roles, right? We put on a different hat. Maybe when we go to work, we wear a different hat where we have to play a different role. And we're a parent friend. So they're just kind of a different hats and the roles that we play within our own lives and other people's lives and how we kind of relate.

Jason Hardin  1:40  
Yeah, yeah, totally agree. Totally agree. And I feel that it's totally necessary. To wear different hats.

Suzu Sinay  1:47  
I wear the same hat to every job to every role. Everything you do, you just

Jason Hardin  1:51  
can't You can't wait, your dad had to work. Uh huh. You know, you can't wait your husband hat. When you're parenting sometimes, you know, you got to address things, how they need to be addressed. And, and especially if you're an entrepreneur, you know, I can't wear my marketing hat. When I'm supposed to be on stage. You know, I can't wear my speaking hat. When I'm supposed to be writing and doing other things. That was probably a bad example, because I need to write more like I speak. But um, but it just shows that hats are necessary. Now let's talk about masks. What what a mask asked to you, Mrs.

Suzu Sinay  2:27  
Masks would be where we hide ourselves. And we're not presenting ourselves to who we truly are. Whether there may be insecurities, maybe we're not comfortable with who we are in our own skin. So we have to wear a mask to kind of hide who we are from other people.

Jason Hardin  2:44  
What that was so well defined, it was so you know, thought out? And just I know it was off the cuff to know. But um, but yeah, it's just that couldn't have said it better myself mask is that facade that we put on and and it does that it hides your security. And it's like a defense mechanism. Because it defends you from from being out there defends those vulnerabilities. You might Yeah,

Suzu Sinay  3:10  
if somebody doesn't really know me, then they can't truly hurt me.

Jason Hardin  3:14  
Ooh, quote that. Write that down. If somebody doesn't know you, they can't truly hurt you. You know it. At least that's the thought process behind? Yeah, that's the thought process behind it. That's to say that's true. But that's usually the thought process of wearing that man, I would use it. Exactly.

Suzu Sinay  3:35  
I wear masks for that reason, man.

Jason Hardin  3:37  
Man, look at bank robbers fail truly know, when they get hurt, you know, they if they can identify you? Yeah, that's the whole

Suzu Sinay  3:48  
point of accountable. Exactly.

Jason Hardin  3:51  
Exactly. So So that's about, like you said, accountability. There's, there's, there's a sense of accountability that comes with being vulnerable and being out there. And today, we're about to compare the two and, and just explain the differences. And why one is better than the other. So in the end, we want you to understand that it's okay to wear different hats. Hats are great. You You know, I mean, we have to interact different in different places. You know, believe me, I, I do the politics thing too. And I can't act, I can't wear my politician hat or my mentor hat. Yeah, when I'm doing my political stuff, you know, they can't handle it. I'm talking to too many different people. You know, I'm not I can't give that individual attention, you know, or that or that one on one. Addressing that only comes with knowing a specific situation when you're dealing with masses. You have to be a little more general. Yeah, you know, so, so you want to appeal to them. Exactly. Exactly, exactly. Or if you just don't want to turn everybody off at the same time, and you know, I'll turn people off individually, but as a group, I tried to appeal to him, you know? And so that's what I'm saying. Like, it's okay to wear different hats. It's okay to be the most effective as you can be within that environment, or that given situation. Yeah, but masks. Is it okay to wear masks? Miss Suzu. Do you think so?

Suzu Sinay  5:26  
I think that, that will bring guilt. You'll feel guilty for wearing a mask, you know, you'll feel guilty after that you didn't let somebody get to know you. You know, even if there's, if you want to make true connections, but you didn't let somebody else connect to you. There's going to be guilt behind that. I think it's not a healthy approach to relating to people around us and in our world in our life, because we're not really relating closely and deeply.

Jason Hardin  5:56  
I believe. I believe that more so than guilt, you know, because some folks just don't feel guilty. I'm just gonna say that, you know, some,

Suzu Sinay  6:04  
there might be some psychopaths that feel no guilt

Jason Hardin  6:07  
or sociopath, you know, cuz you don't have to be a psychopath to be crazy. You know, you can just be a sociopath. Oh, well, they call those narcissists in training for a psychopath. Yeah. So but but like I said, it's not just the guilt, that's the bad part of it is the, the unhealthy, that's the bad part of it. wearing masks and not being who you are is unhealthy to you. And those around. That's what I get from it. You know, and that's why I get that it's okay to wear a bunch of different hats. It's okay to do those different things and get into different modes, the most effective at a task,

Suzu Sinay  6:47  
or enhancing. Yeah, different roles, enhance who you are not hide who

Jason Hardin  6:51  
exactly is who you have to be to be the best. Yeah. But mass is going in there as somebody else, you know, you're pretending to be that. And I just don't think that's healthy. You know? 100% awesome. Anyway, that's our time and that's our show for today. And we just want to just keep you encouraged and let you know that it's okay to be different. At different things. It's okay to address different issues the way you have to best address them, but it's also okay to always be you while you're doing it. Always be you and just make you the best you you can be all right. All right. All right. I love y'all man. That's our show for today. Remember, this success is the lifestyle. Check us out on life of a Check us out on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio. Amazon music and everywhere else you continue your podcast. I love y'all peace.

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