LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Teach Others How To Treat You


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In this episode, Hardin explains the importance and art of teaching others how to treat you.

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Jason Hardin  0:02  
Hello, and thank you, once again it is Jason Hardin, back for another great and spectacular wonderful all those other positive adverbs and verbs and adjectives, those are adjectives. But anyway, all that good stuff there, and I'm back again. And as always, we want to give you game I want to give you all the tools, or at least some of them, they can help you get to that next level, whether that be a next level in your personal life next level in business next level in your community, it's all about getting to that next level, it starts within, you know, so everything I teach or talk about on here is usually stuff that you apply to yourself first, you know, it ain't fixing somebody else. And it is everything, all the solutions we're looking for in life usually start within us. So that's what this is all about personal development, and being a boss through personal development. Anyway, today is a very fun episode. I don't know why I just liked this type of subject, but it's teaching others how to treat you. You know, I mean, you guys don't, some of you might be upsetting my cringe when I talk about stuff like that, but me, I love teaching others how to treat me, you know, it's not some, it's not a chore to me, I take, I take the opportunity to do it every chance I get. And I might make examples of people while I'm doing it. So everybody else knows how to treat me. And I say that because, you know, you have to set standards. And I guess that's why I think teaching others how to treat you is so important because you want to set standards in your life, because you want control. teaching others how to treat you as basically having control over yourself, how you feel about you, and how and how you move about through life and how you interact with folks. And you don't have to interact with folks the way other people make you interact with them. You know, cuz you also own control of how you treat others. You know what I'm saying? So, so let's, let's get into how we teach others how to treat us. And like I said, the first thing is have standards have have, basically non negotiables have things that you are not going to tolerate in your life. After you are not going to allow somebody else to do what's your first one, I would say to everybody, I hope you're one of your non negotiables is you will not let somebody else put their hands on you. Please do not allow anybody to willingly be able to put their hands on you. You know what I'm saying. And I say that because that should be a non negotiable for everybody. You know, I don't like to speak for everybody. When I say man, what my non negotiables are, what my feelings are and what my preferences are. But when it comes to putting your hands on me, I mean that should be across the board. Don't put your hands on anybody. You know, and don't let anybody put their hands on you if you're in an abusive relationship and unhealthy relationship LEAVE, LEAVE, it should be a non negotiable it should be non negotiables are things you will not tolerate, you will not let nobody get a second chance to do you will not let them you don't I'm saying you what they do is their business, you will not allow them to even correct that you you're moving on, that's a non negotiable, I will never give somebody a second chance to disrespect me in a way that I won't allow them in a way that I say is my non negotiables I'll put my hands on somebody else's somebody putting their hands on me, totally not allowed. non negotiable. Some other non negotiable is how people address you. Maybe when people call you don't people call you something. And I say it's all about what's your answer to you know, have you ever heard that term? It's not what people call you. It's about what you answer to. That's very important. That's actually a way to teach people how to treat you and say, Hey, dummy, and you turn your head, guess what, he's a dummy. You know, but if they say hey, dummy, or hey fool, Hey, boy, you ignore that shit, they gonna have to teach you, they're gonna have to call you something else, they're gonna have to find a different term that's more suitable to you. Now you're already teaching. So let's see how that works. It's not controlling what somebody else does. teaching people how to treat you is not controlling that person that's controlling yourself. I don't want anybody to get this misconstrued where they take this and start telling people how to treat them. Now, this isn't that you're not telling people how to treat you. You're teaching them, you know, you're showing them. And one way to show is through an example. I treat people how I want to be treated. I say, Sir, I'll say Ma'am, you know, I say please, thank you. I open doors. You know, I'm not above all that you know what I'm saying.

Jason Hardin  4:43  
But to not do it. It is beneath me. You know what I'm saying so, the goes goes back into those standards. You got to have standards. If you don't have standards, it doesn't matter how anybody treats you right? And if you don't have standards, you pretty much don't care about how you treat others. That's not how we live. That's not how boss lives, you know, I'm trying to teach you how to be bosses. I'm trying to show you what that boss mentality is like. And this is a big part of teaching people how to treat you. One thing that I've got to say, you got to know when to separate. I think that's one of the things that people really have trouble with. When teaching other people how to treat them, or when they're being treated a certain way, I think that some folks don't know when to leave. And I think some people are waiting for permission or perfect time and all that. I think the perfect time is when that person crosses one of your non negotiables you know, whatever that'd be put your hands on me disrespect me so many times, not not making effort to do better when I say something hurts me and you're not doing that you know what I'm saying that whatever that non negotiable is, once somebody crosses it, and it's time to go, you know what I'm saying it is time to go. And that means from a spouse that can be a parent might have to detach away from a parent, because I'm gonna tell you one of the things you might not want to hear but anybody can be toxic. Let's start there. Anybody has the power and potential to be toxic? Your mama your daddy, your cousin, your son, your grandmama anybody has the potential to be toxic. So family relationships or connections don't mean nothing. When you have two separate people or people first you know and nobody has the right to mistreat you nobody has the right to cross your non negotiables if you don't allow it so you gotta know when to separate yourself and that goes to the same that goes the same for a job you know a job a career that you don't want you don't like the you know, the boss is talking to y'all crazy man you know what that they're disrespecting your time to making you work overtime with no notice they're calling you in on days off they're not giving you any leeway in your schedule. Man if that's your non negotiable leave you got to know when to separate yourself from any your your living situation. You know we're certain people are stealing from you and and you don't feel safe in your own home and it is a bunch of trauma and conflict and abuse and fighting and scuffling leave. Because if you stay in negative situations, people think you allow it and people will keep giving it to you. Anyway, that's my time y'all. I love y'all. I hope you guys i hope y'all learn something. And I hope you guys treat yourselves a little better by teaching other people how to treat you. Anyway. I love y'all. That's my time. life of a boss. We outta here.

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