Study the Bible with Arthur Bailey

The Gospel According to Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven is like... - Matthew 20:1-19

September 07, 2022 Arthur Bailey Season 1 Episode 90

 | The connection of Yeshua’s coming and teachings to the fulfillment of what was written in the Law, the Prophets, and the writings concerning Him is a vital key to understanding the Kingdom of Heaven. Answering the questions of the rich young ruler about how to inherit eternal life, in the presence of the disciples, left Yeshua’s disciples perplexed because they had left everything to follow Yeshua. Introspectively and verbally, the disciples asked questions concerning the cost they were paying to follow Yeshua, when they would see a return, and their place in this Kingdom Yeshua spoke about.  

In this portion of Matthew, Yeshua continues to expound on the previous Chapter’s question asked by His disciples and the closing comment of Chapter 19 when He said, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first". Yeshua shares a parable with His disciples to help them understand and prepare them for the Kingdom of Heaven He had come to bring.