Study the Bible with Arthur Bailey

Genesis: From Jacob to Israel - Genesis 32:22-32

November 14, 2022 Arthur Bailey Season 1 Episode 109

There are several lessons we can learn from the life of Israel or Jacob as we look at what Father has done and said.  Men, even to this day, tend to ignore YeHoVaH’s Words and therefore the lessons they contain.  

People have referred to Jacob as a deceiver, but as the Scriptures revealed, it was Esau who referred to him as a deceiver.  Jacob acquired the birthright honestly and without deceit. 

Father changed Jacob‘s name from Jacob to Israel but most still refer to Israel as Jacob.  Father confirmed his name change in Genesis 35.  

If Father changed his name to Israel, why do we still call him Jacob?  

Why do many still say the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?