Study the Bible with Arthur Bailey

Yeshua Feeds the Multitude- The Gospel According to John- Chapter 6 Part 1

Arthur Bailey Season 1 Episode 172

It is evident in Scripture that 5,000 men were fed, but there was also an unnumbered amount of women and children present for this miracle as recorded by John.  From the dialog recorded between Yeshua and Andrew, we see that Yeshua knew he was about to perform a miracle amongst His Disciples in the presence of the multitude

Matthew, Mark, and Luke record Yeshua looking to heaven and giving thanks to His and our Father.  The miraculous thing about miracles is that they are unexplainable. Of all the miracles, signs, and wonders that occurred in the Bible, in the Old and New Testaments, not one is explained as to how it happened. 


Yeshua is teaching His Disciples and us a lesson: look to Father for our provisions not our resources.