Study the Bible with Arthur Bailey

Looking For The King- The Gospel According to John- Chapter 6 Part 2

Arthur Bailey Season 1 Episode 174

When Yeshua found out that the people were planning to try to force Him to be King, He departed and went into the mountain. Sometimes you have to get away from those who have an agenda for you that is contrary to your agenda.  It's dangerous if you don't have an agenda from YeHoVaH because you will find yourself being manipulated to fulfill somebody else's agenda.  

Yeshua sent His Disciples away by ship.  The ensuing events of Yeshua and Peter walking on the water hold life-lessons for us. 

  • No matter how rough things are for you right now, it's important to recognize that YeHoVaH is right there in the midst of it with you. If you don't, you'll find yourself panicking or misinterpreting the things you see.  
  • Don’t let fear consume you to such a degree that fear tells you that you can't, or you shouldn't, or something bad is going to happen.  
  • Never discount the possibilities of what Father can do in your life. 
  • Whenever you're dealing with confidence, doubt is always present and there's the opportunity to become afraid.  You have to press on and continue to press on. 

Father is not limited to any limitations that you have placed on yourself.