Have you ever thought of your life as a piece of art?
How about your business, or job, or home, or meal?
What would it be like to show up to your business, to your home, to your partner, from a place of “I'm creating art” instead of just slogging through the day?
It would change everything.
Today’s special guest, Deanne Fitzpatrick, lives her life with the ideal to create beauty everyday. And when you are with her, it’s contagious. When you are done listening to this episode, you will be inspired, and you will most likely look at the things you do everyday from her beautiful perspective.
“My goal in life is to make my life, and the lives of the people that surround me, as beautiful as I can.”
~ Deanne Fitzpatrick
This is art.
Deanne says it’s not about talent, that most artists have a general amount of talent, but they show up, and have a process and they repeat the process… with love and attention. Art is how you show up.
Deanne, Maren and Stephanie have a delightful, engaging conversation about how choosing to create beauty every day could literally change the world. If you have a chance to check out today’s episode on our YouTube channel, you’ll see Deanne creating as she talks, which is part of her process that she shares with us.
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