The Soulful Leader Podcast

End the Forcing, Fixing and Figuring - Step into Radical Flow

November 21, 2023 Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac Season 1 Episode 128
End the Forcing, Fixing and Figuring - Step into Radical Flow
The Soulful Leader Podcast
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The Soulful Leader Podcast
End the Forcing, Fixing and Figuring - Step into Radical Flow
Nov 21, 2023 Season 1 Episode 128
Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac

Today’s podcast is very different. It introduces a radically different approach to life - from business  to relationships to health and wellness.

What if you could live in flow with 100% absolute certainty that trustworthy guidance for what is next, how to achieve it and who to involve would always be there for you?

What if you never had to force, figure or fix another thing in your life?

Would you be willing to work on the skills necessary to make that a reality? To step into your personal Radical Flow?

Maren and Stephanie share an example of how they personally co-create their lives with spirit so that they are in flow - not forcing, figuring or fixing. Maren interviews Stephanie and together they go through several aspects of Stephanie’s life from the months of September and October that illustrate this different way of interacting with life, and what can be possible.

This is a new operating system with different tools and skills, a departure from the figuring and forcing model that dominates our world. It’s truly amazing what is possible when we step out of the world that has trained us - into a world of allowing, letting come and truly transcendent flow.

Stephanie and Maren have been studying this for decades and now they are sharing their tools and skills so that you, too, can be radically prepared, internally, to co-create an amazing future with life and spirit - and step into your ultimate flow state.

  • 00:00 Building life in a new way
  • 05:41 Exploring Stephanie’s World
  • 13:10 Changing your backstory
  • 18:18 Chronic Pain
  • 20:09 Beyond Judgment
  • 23:30 Up-Lifting Your 2024


Step into your Radical Flow -  The Great Uplift: 12 Days of Creation

  • 07:23 Rabbia poem (great Sufi mystic): I look everywhere for your love, then suddenly, I'm filled with it.
  • 16:04 Shelley quote: But doth suffer a sea change into something rich and strong.


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Show Notes Transcript

Today’s podcast is very different. It introduces a radically different approach to life - from business  to relationships to health and wellness.

What if you could live in flow with 100% absolute certainty that trustworthy guidance for what is next, how to achieve it and who to involve would always be there for you?

What if you never had to force, figure or fix another thing in your life?

Would you be willing to work on the skills necessary to make that a reality? To step into your personal Radical Flow?

Maren and Stephanie share an example of how they personally co-create their lives with spirit so that they are in flow - not forcing, figuring or fixing. Maren interviews Stephanie and together they go through several aspects of Stephanie’s life from the months of September and October that illustrate this different way of interacting with life, and what can be possible.

This is a new operating system with different tools and skills, a departure from the figuring and forcing model that dominates our world. It’s truly amazing what is possible when we step out of the world that has trained us - into a world of allowing, letting come and truly transcendent flow.

Stephanie and Maren have been studying this for decades and now they are sharing their tools and skills so that you, too, can be radically prepared, internally, to co-create an amazing future with life and spirit - and step into your ultimate flow state.

  • 00:00 Building life in a new way
  • 05:41 Exploring Stephanie’s World
  • 13:10 Changing your backstory
  • 18:18 Chronic Pain
  • 20:09 Beyond Judgment
  • 23:30 Up-Lifting Your 2024


Step into your Radical Flow -  The Great Uplift: 12 Days of Creation

  • 07:23 Rabbia poem (great Sufi mystic): I look everywhere for your love, then suddenly, I'm filled with it.
  • 16:04 Shelley quote: But doth suffer a sea change into something rich and strong.


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Maren Oslac:

Welcome to the soulful leader podcast. This is Maren and I'm here with Stephanie. And we're doing things differently today. Once a year, actually, for 12 days, we presence the coming year. So the next year that's coming. And we co create with Spirit and with life, our next year, so we're really literally presencing the future. And it's a skill that we've been building. It's something that our, our mystical teachers, our spiritual teachers have taught us. And it's a skill that we've been developing for years, we started sharing that practice. And today's podcast is a snippet of our review of Stephanie's life, essentially. So, Stephanie, did you want to say anything about that, because we basically, we took apart your September and October, and

Stephanie Allen:

we did, we shared my vulnerabilities. And what's what's really what I love about this is that every year as a business owner, or even in my own personal life, I'll use like January 1, you know, as an opportunity to then presence or not even presence, in my old life, I would have said, Okay, what are my goals for the next year? What's my New Year's resolution? And for the last few years, we've actually kind of flipped the script on that, instead of trying to figure out and force things to want to happen, we're practicing a practice and a process of how do we let go, and let come what's meant so that we are prepared internally to show up rather than, you know, when we think of preparing ourselves, you know, I think of a squirrel going around gathering, it's not all the time, right? Like we kind of hoard, we hoard stuff. And it's not about hoarding stuff. But it's preparing from a place of mentally, emotionally and spiritually, which makes the physical preparation, gentle, rather than feeling like you're not enough or there isn't enough. And it's like we get in our heads, instead of dropping into our hearts. So this is a practice that we do every year, and we'd love to share this with you. So today's podcast, I, you know, Maren and I decided we would share what we what we share in our monthly unfolding with the 12 days of creation groups that we have. And just as a way of really sharing of what can be possible. And imagine if you were in an opera, a new operating system, not one of trying to figuring and forcing, but one of allowing and letting come and that you were radically prepared internally. So that you could, you could own it, and you didn't feel like an imposter. And it would be more playful and joyful. That's why That's what we're offering. And so we thought we would share it with you all as a podcast today.

Maren Oslac:

So as you're listening, what you will hear is there is there are 12 days from December 26th to January 5, that we literally presence the 12 months of the coming year. So we're looking at day nine and day 10 of those 12 days as they related to September and October, which we're just finishing up to October right now. So enjoy the podcast. Certainly make sure that you check the show notes because all the links and everything will be in the show notes at the end. And if you have any questions, which they may come up because this is really different, this is not this is you know to paths in a in a forest diverged and we took the one less less traveled. This is definitely the road less traveled. So if you have questions that come up, you can email us or you can find us on our Facebook or LinkedIn page. The soulful leaders. Enjoy the podcast. In a world where achievements and accolades motivate us to do more and be more, we're often left wondering, is this really it?

Stephanie Allen:

Deep inside, you know, there is more to life. You're ready to leave behind the old push your way through and claim the deeper life that's calling you.

Maren Oslac:

That's where we excel.

Stephanie Allen:

We're your hosts, Stephanie Allen

Maren Oslac:

and Maren Oslac

Stephanie Allen:

And this is the soulful leader podcast. Sit back and relax as we share the shortcuts we've uncovered to help you make shift happen

Maren Oslac:

welcome to the Great uplift 12 Days of Christmas and we are actually going to be Doing September and October. At the same time. It's kind of an interesting thing. My book disappeared. So I have no notes for myself right now. And so it was meant to be because, and

Stephanie Allen:

it disappeared just in the last week. Yeah. It wasn't like, disappeared for a long time, right?

Maren Oslac:

No, I started a new journal. And I always put my journals in the same place anyway. But what was very exciting about that is, Stephanie has got some really rich stuff in the last couple of months. So we're gonna do a little interview. Stephanie. Me, I get to interview Stephanie. Isn't that exciting? So the first thing that, before we got on, Stephanie, I were talking about is her process, which is a little bit different than my process. And you've heard a little bit about mine over the this past year. So Stephanie, what is, when you did this past year, I know it's different each year, this past year, especially for the month of September and October, what was your process that you went through?

Stephanie Allen:

Well, first thing in the morning, when I would get up, I would literally just sit in presence, just breathe. And then I would draw a little mandala. If you don't know what a mandala is, it's like think of a little circle. And then you are creative within it, it just whatever comes. So you might be inside the mandala might be outside the circle might, you know, but I with my intention of, I'm, I'm presencing what is going to happen that that month of the next year. And so I draw a little picture. And then I randomly and I mean randomly, I'm not trying to look for a quote or anything like this, I might, you know, reach for a book or something that pops up even if it's on, like even Facebook or something, something that literally speaks to me. And I write down that quote, so I create the mandala I find a quote. So for September, it's this, basically two hearts, one one is upside down, and one is right side up. And there is a butterfly in the middle, almost like a it's a cocoon, right, and the butterfly is ready to come out. But it's still within the cocoon. And my poem is from Robbia, who was a great Sufi mystic, and it says, I look everywhere for your love, then suddenly, I'm filled with it. And so for the month of September, and I love September, because September is my birthday month. So I usually really enjoy September because it's a time that I allow myself to receive and because it's coming into fall, it's a time of harvest. So I like to, like really reflect in the gathering. So back in when I was writing, this is day nine, in, in the 12 days of Christmas in the 12 days of Creation. Oh yes. And I also pick a word for the day, which I pick, this word was for September was forgiveness. And September. For some of you who may not know, I was engaged, and in September of last year, my engagement ended and that my partner at the time decided he was going to go back to his old life. And he actually left me on my birthday, essentially at the end of September. And I was just so heartbroken. And I was really looking inside myself and realizing like how attached I was to the outer identity of oh, I'm engaged. Oh, I'm loved. And so interesting that I picked that quote I said, I look everywhere for your love and and suddenly I'm filled with it.

Maren Oslac:

Right, so and, so from the outer to the to the

Stephanie Allen:

inner. Yeah. And so for this month, when I'm

Maren Oslac:

So when you say this, like you're looking at the looking at that I've just really been looking at my rhythm in my life. This is something I've had a conversation with many people lately. It's like when we think of Yin and we think of Yang, Yin is like rain coming from the top going down and being absorbed. Yang is from the bottom up. So it's rising up, so say think of fire, it's coming up and it goes up to the top of the head. We have daily rhythms We have monthly rhythms. We have yearly rhythms, we have lifetime rhythms. And often we are out of rhythms. So when I'm seeing September, September is actually a time when we are meant to be going into Yin, meaning we're going inward going inward going inward, and yet at least where I live. September is kind of getting back to school getting back to university getting back to work coming back from the beach. You know it's hustle and bustle organized. It's also a little bit harvesting but It's so dang busy. So I this this September I, I refuse not to be so busy. And I practiced letting go. And really listening. I'm just letting things unfold. And what's so interesting when I go back and I read what I wrote on day nine, I'm having a very hard time letting go of my, my day nine, and identity and my

Stephanie Allen:


Maren Oslac:

the ans, that you say at the beginning of the day, you you presence, like a word, you draw mandala and you pull a quote. At the end of the day,

Stephanie Allen:

end of the day, I write it down what happened

Maren Oslac:

write some notes for yourself of what you, you know, kind of what you noticed throughout the day.

Stephanie Allen:

Exactly. So when I read my journal, on this day of day nine, it was having a hard time slowing down and letting go. And here I am, in September, the real September, and was so aware of wanting to slow down and letting go and recognize how hard it was, not because it's hard, hard, it's because it's a it's a habit. And so learning how to rewire myself to say it's okay, it's safe, you can let go. You can let unfold it there is nothing you have to figure out or force or do. And I just realized, yeah,

Maren Oslac:

it's kind of like the butterfly, the the mandala that you drew the butterfly in the cocoon.

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah, it's ready. Yeah, but it's not ready.

Maren Oslac:

Right. Like it's still percolating.

Stephanie Allen:

It's still percolating, it might have formed everything, but it's still in the chrysalis. And that's okay. Instead of making like, you know, because often I think, oh, it's not okay, I need to get X, Y, Z done or whatever,

Maren Oslac:


Stephanie Allen:

Then when I turn the page, and I go to October, so what happened this month in October for me, is my back went out. And I've been in and there's no logical reason. So often, I'll say this with my clients. You know, did you hurt yourself? are you lifting something heavy? You know,

Maren Oslac:

I always get asked that. Like, what did you do?

Stephanie Allen:

Right. What did you, exactly, what did you do that caused your back to go out? I'm like, I didn't frickin do anything. I had the most amazing day. This happened like, like a week ago or more. I had the most amazing two days of literally, just being. I let myself meditate. I journaled. I had a nice, long, hot bath, I did yoga, like I literally nurtured and loved myself. I woke up at 2am in the morning, and I could not get out of bed because my back was in such pain. I'm like, I didn't do anything. Like, I mean, I loved myself, I nurtured myself. What the heck is this back doing? Right?

Maren Oslac:


Stephanie Allen:

So one of the things that, both Maren and I study with Daniel Goodenough, who's a wonderful teacher with the HuPerson project and the Caravan of Remembering and we've been working with him in over this month, one of his his questions to us were saying, you know, what, if you woke up, kind of like an alien, what if you woke up in the body of yourself right now and looked out through our eyes used our senses and our awareness, and it was the first time you ever incarnated in this body? You didn't have a backstory. How would you then, you know, unfold your your day?

Maren Oslac:

So you didn't know the history of this person?

Stephanie Allen:

You didn't know the history of this person, Nothing. So I had been presencing that I'm like, Oh, this is interesting. Obviously, my backstory doesn't want to let go of me, because it's like, got me flat out on my back, right, using all these words back, right? And I

Maren Oslac:

spasams going on, Like, you will stay here.

Stephanie Allen:

You will, you will, you will, right. And so as I'm looking through my October, I'm looking at my mandala that it's like an inward spiral, all the way to the center, which is our heart. And then the sunshine, which is the radiance of light that's coming out from within. And one of the things that I was present to that day, day 10, was the goddess Venus. And what her her attributes are is Venus dispels troubles and turmoil, gifting devotees happiness, and joy. And like, Well, isn't that interesting? Because I could feel the dichotomy of both the trouble and the turmoil of letting go and just being and also feeling, you know, I have a great amount of gratitude and love for my life, but why am I unhappy? Kind of like, kind of like, I'm so grateful, but why do I still feel like crap, right? And I'm like, Well, isn't this interesting? She's gifting the devotees happiness and joy. I'm like, okay, I'd like to have some of that. You know, she heals issues on the mental and physical level. Hmm, she is the morning and evening star. And she's the daughter of the sea. She's the Roman goddess of love. And I'm like, well, I like that because October is really the final completion of the engagement. It's like, it's one year I gave myself one year of not trying to distract myself from, from feeling. I literally said, you know, because it's really easy. Like, when you have a heartbreak or something's not working, it's really easy to distract yourself so that we don't really feel it.

Maren Oslac:

Right. It's just move on, just just move on,

Stephanie Allen:

carry on, my life is great, I'm going to focus on what's good da da da. And I actually gave myself a whole year of saying, I'm not going to fill up my schedule with things so that I don't have to feel, I'm actually going to stay present to feel what, so I can heal it, so that I can learn from it and not keep repeating these patterns. So I then pulled a quote from Shelley, the the poet, Shelley. And Shelley says, But doth suffer a sea change into something rich and strong. And like, Oh, that's interesting. My word for the day 10 was be loved, or beloved it's the same word, right, be loved, or Beloved, divine. And I wrote myself this question back in January, if I loved myself, I would dot dot, dot, dot dot, and I wrote, let go, let God and know that everything is happening for me. And for my highest good, feel relaxed, And it's also, you know, we're in, our culture is such a fix-it think hopeful and positive, be loving towards myself, and others, say no to anything and everything that is not for my highest well being. Set my new set new standards higher, and boundaries will then be communicated. Tell the truth to myself and articulate it to someone else with self love, respect and confidence. And then I wrote, It's not that I needed, I won't do this life without spirit. That spirit really is, my beloved. That is the inner marriage inside a loving and a loving God like a loving universe. And that to build my marriage within, with the divine, so I can change my DNA for my future. This is what I wrote down. And it's so interesting, because I think of my back, the back pain, and I'm like, maybe it was actually holding me back from a bad thing. But it could be like from a good thing of just be still let go, let God, breathe. What do you need to do? You're on, you're on a roll here. It's not about doing it all by myself. culture. So it when our back goes out, or you know, like we said earlier, people will come to you it's like, fix it. What did you do wrong? Right? There's this right, wrong, good, bad instead of just being present to it. So being present to what is this? What's the message here? Oh, it's asking me to slow down, maybe I just need to slow down and presence, or stop and allow, allow what wants to happen. Just be with it, feel. like it's totally giving me the last part of feeling into it. And one of the processes I do when I have a client who has chronic pain, I'll have them breathe into it and say, you know, what does the pain what what is the pain asking of you? I always say where there's pain, there's a gift. And often, pain happens because it's trying to help us be present to this gift, so that we don't move forward without it. And as I'm lying still, I'm just realizing, like how abundant, not only abundant, but I have everything I need inside me and around me. And that there isn't necessarily that I have to do more or have more. I'm already enough. And to to trust the process. I think there's a like I, you know, I want to shift blame on you know, well, maybe maybe I, you know, I did too much too much. You maybe I did too much. Or maybe it was the massage I had from my friend who gave me a beautiful massage that day. Or You know, I, you know, you try to like externalize everything

Maren Oslac:

find all the reasons

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah. Instead of maybe it was a gift to just relax and say no, because one of the things I had to do is I had to say no to going to lead a yoga class. And you know, the part of me that was in bed going, Oh, they're really counting on me. I really need to show up. I'm like you can't get out of bed. Like they'll be okay. They'll understand and you're taking care of yourself like that. It's okay. It's okay to get sick, it's okay to not feel great all the time. It's okay not to be happy all the time.

Maren Oslac:

So one of the things that I'm hearing is that the process that we have, that we that we do for the 12 days of Creation, for the Great Uplift, what it allows us is to actually start to build a resonance in our lives to build the attraction factor to being in conversation, rather than in judgment, with ourselves, with spirit, with all of the things that are going on, and, you know, because you presenced that day back in January, it's not a fortune telling machine, it's a conversation. So then you got to have a conversation going into October or going into September. Now we're about to go into November. So we'll be presencing, what what did we write about? What do we notice? And what may that mean, for us, now that we're an 11 months later? right, and I think about the, like, the guidance that's there for us.

Stephanie Allen:

That's right.

Maren Oslac:

Like when we go to fortune tellers, or we go like, we look at our horoscope, or we you know, and that's all beautiful guidance, get, don't get me wrong, and you have it, you have a even better guide right inside of you. And what we do with the 12 days, and that, that practice that we do together, and that we'll be doing again this year, it helps you to build that for yourself. And that's what I'm really hearing is the beauty of that, of, of the witness of that in your own life.

Stephanie Allen:

Absolutely. And you know, when you when you go to start something, no matter what it is, when you want to, you know, change a behavior, or you want to start a new relationship where you want to, you want to create something - a dream or an ideal - it takes a lot of energy, a lot of life force to get something going. And then once something goes, it's like great, it carries on, it starts to build its own momentum. And then you know, it may or may not be yours to keep on going it may you need to hand it off to someone, or maybe it's complete. And it takes a lot of energy to change direction takes a lot of energy to stop it. And I look at this as that of like, this is now like from October to October, that was that full year cycle. And now I'm stepping into something that wanted to come. And here I am in my future self from when I first wrote this, and as I'm looking back at my notes that I wrote back, you know, a year ago, or like 11 months ago, you know, I actually gave back the engagement rings, I actually gave back, gave back, gave back gave back, you know, and I said I had a feeling of profound gratitude for my life, my gifts, and the unfolding of the process. And so that that was the AHA, as I was, you know, still presencing the back this month, my own personal back pain. I was like, oh, there's a gift here, there's presents here. Presents presents, exactly where a T. and how grateful I was and how just being able to acknowledge where I've come from in a year. And that maybe the back wasn't holding me back from you know, my life, but it's actually was just holding me to be able to get back the gifts that I would have kept. If I had kept going on. I would not have really received. It was just really powerful. Yeah.

Maren Oslac:

Powerful, powerful. I love it. Well, thank you for sharing that with us today. For all of you that are interested, we this year, we'll be doing the 12 days of Christmas, which we're now calling the 12 days of Creation because it's really taking those 12 days between December 25 and the Epiphany on January 6, and presencing the next year and co-creating that with spirit, with your highest intention with life, right. And we will be doing that it'll be free just like we've done in the past. And next year, we're going to do a small group circle, a co-creation circle with the women and men who would like to be a part of that, whoever would like to be a part of that. It'll be for the entire year. There'll be 10 calls with us. So it's only $240 for the year, which means 20 bucks a month investing in you and as I said If you're not interested in doing that, that's fine. We're still doing the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 days of Creation. As a free, as a freebie, as a give back. That's what we do. What we found for ourselves this year and prior years is going back through it and getting the gifts like we just did. With Stephanie. We're going to be doing that every month with you guys live. So there's the accountability, there's the being present with other people who are on this journey with us who are intentional, like we are, and being able to up level with a group of people instead of like that whole, what we're always taught of like, Oh, you gotta do it on your own. So all of those links will be down below. We'd love to answer any questions if you have any. And most of you are aware of the fact that we have a podcast. If you're not, you can find all of our information at the soulful leader podcast or you can find us on LinkedIn and Facebook under soulful leaders.

Stephanie Allen:

And that wraps up another episode of the soulful leader Podcast with your hosts, Stephanie Allen, and

Maren Oslac:

Maren Oslac. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to dive deeper, head over to our website at the soulful leader

Stephanie Allen:

Until next time,