Planning with Your Inner GPS
The Soulful Leader Podcast
The Soulful Leader Podcast
Planning with Your Inner GPS
Jan 16, 2024 Season 1 Episode 136
Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac

What is a plan? A way to make God laugh? A way to ensure you won’t fail? 

We have so many contradictory thoughts (and sayings) about planning it makes us wonder, is it important? And is it possible to create a plan that doesn’t come from a figuring, forcing, or fixing place?

This is the rich, and timely topic that Stephanie and Maren discuss in today’s podcast.

So often we set our goals and then get so busy pushing to make something happen, we stop listening to what actually wants to happen, to our guidance. We’re head down, butt up, missing the left turn that would have resulted in an even more beautiful option. Or the focus backfires and we find ourselves in a bad country song - sick, spouse leaving and losing the house. 

There really IS a better way to do goal achievement, and there are very few people who are talking about it. You actually can have your goal, be healthy and keep your spouse and house. It’s just not how you thought it would look.

  • 03:55 Setting goals with inspiration, the alternative to my way or the highway
  • 05:50 The conversation (around your goals)
  • 09:26 Shiny object syndrome
  • 13:47 What if I miss my opportunity?
  • 18:16 Being unreasonable
  • 22:32 Interconnected threads and your Inner GPS

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