The Soulful Leader Podcast

Profile Tests: Finding Your FLOW in Business

February 06, 2024 Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac Season 1 Episode 139
Profile Tests: Finding Your FLOW in Business
The Soulful Leader Podcast
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The Soulful Leader Podcast
Profile Tests: Finding Your FLOW in Business
Feb 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 139
Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac

Do you use your profile tests for you, or your business? Have you found that the results become a novelty, or even an excuse for bad behavior? Or are you able to use them as a means to really owning your (and your team’s) Genius AND increasing the flow of your business?

Profile tests have the potential to help us grow as people, as leaders and even to help us grow our businesses, when used with intention. In today’s podcast, Maren & Stephanie talk about the pros and cons of profile tests, the ones that they use (and why) and how you can get more out of your favorite test.

Self discovery seems to be built into our DNA. We are innately curious about ourselves. Join in today’s conversation to learn more about how -when used well- profile tests can help you transform old patterns, find your flow, build kick-ass teams and more.

  • 01:06 Focus on gifts and strengths
  • 04:41 Manipulation and control
  • 05:08 The three reasons you get the result you get
  • 12:02 The value of finding your flow
  • 16:13 It’s not the tool, it’s how you use it
  • 19:46 Hitting your stride in business


23:01 Free Energies Test (Genius Test)

23:08 Special Discount on full Profile Test (Wealth Dynamics Test)

23:32 YouTube Channel

23:39 Energies Attachment


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Show Notes Transcript

Do you use your profile tests for you, or your business? Have you found that the results become a novelty, or even an excuse for bad behavior? Or are you able to use them as a means to really owning your (and your team’s) Genius AND increasing the flow of your business?

Profile tests have the potential to help us grow as people, as leaders and even to help us grow our businesses, when used with intention. In today’s podcast, Maren & Stephanie talk about the pros and cons of profile tests, the ones that they use (and why) and how you can get more out of your favorite test.

Self discovery seems to be built into our DNA. We are innately curious about ourselves. Join in today’s conversation to learn more about how -when used well- profile tests can help you transform old patterns, find your flow, build kick-ass teams and more.

  • 01:06 Focus on gifts and strengths
  • 04:41 Manipulation and control
  • 05:08 The three reasons you get the result you get
  • 12:02 The value of finding your flow
  • 16:13 It’s not the tool, it’s how you use it
  • 19:46 Hitting your stride in business


23:01 Free Energies Test (Genius Test)

23:08 Special Discount on full Profile Test (Wealth Dynamics Test)

23:32 YouTube Channel

23:39 Energies Attachment


Watch on YouTube

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Stephanie Allen:

You are a genius.

Maren Oslac:

But wait a second. How do you know that?

Stephanie Allen:

Everyone is a genius. We just often have been shamed for our gifts and strengths. And so we don't tend to develop our uniqueness in this world. Most of us don't know what that is.

Maren Oslac:

So we've invested the next four podcasts into exploring your genius. In a world where achievements and accolades motivate us to do more and be more, we're often left wondering, is this really it?

Stephanie Allen:

Deep inside, you know, there is more to life, you're ready to leave behind the old push your way through and claim the deeper life that's calling you.

Maren Oslac:

That's where we excel.

Stephanie Allen:

We're your hosts, Stephanie Allen,

Maren Oslac:

and Maren Oslac.

Stephanie Allen:

And this is the soulful leader podcast,

Maren Oslac:

sit back and relax as we share the shortcuts we've uncovered to help you make shift happen.

Stephanie Allen:

Hi, welcome to the soulful leader podcast, we're going to be doing things a little differently, this month. We're going to focus on our gifts and strengths. And I'm gonna start a little bit with kind of a question though. Have you ever been told that you're too much of something or too little of something? Right, like, you know, Oh, you're too talkative. Oh, you're just too creative. Oh, you, you've just you're always, you know, get your nose in a book somewhere. You're not enough of something else. And that really puts a lot of shame onto us. And we either get rebellious and we go, I'm just going to, if I'm being labeled as too talkative, I'm just going to talk all the time and talk louder and faster and in your face. Or we get a shame from it, we stuff it in and we hide it and we go away. And that can often be our greatest gift. So we're going to talk a little bit about profiling tests, which are meant to help you find out who am I why am I here? What are my gifts? And what are my strengths? But as Maren and I have been talking in the past, there's a lot of there's a lot of there's a lot of tests out there. How do you know which one and what ones are the ones that are going to most help you unfold your reason for being and to really liberate your gifts and strengths? So Maren, do you want to say a little bit more about profiling tests and your thoughts?

Maren Oslac:

Yeah, well, I love that question. Because I think that we've all been in that position of feeling like either were too much in some way, shape, or form or too little. We didn't do enough. And I think that that is part of the popularity of the profiling tests. Because you know, whether you're an eight on the Enneagram, or your Human Design is such and such, or, you know, you're there's the disc system. And as leaders, we use the profiling tests a lot to help us hopefully, know our teams a little bit better. And my question is, are we actually using it like that? Or are we using it to define ourselves?

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah, rather than what you had mentioned, is like defining ourselves and then we get labeled, and we get kind of stuck in that. And there's no creativity, there's no space for us to really explore. Or are we using it to actually refine our skills, and bring them into a cohesiveness that actually not only ignites our potential, but also really supports the whole team to grow and become even better than what we could be on our own?

Maren Oslac:

Exactly. And, you know, like, how often do you hear somebody tell you their number as this I'm, you know, I'm a, like I said, eight on the Enneagram, or Enneagram, I'm not sure how you pronounce it. Or, you know, I, I'm an INTP, or I, you know, like for the Myers Briggs. And I oftentimes think I hear people saying it almost as an excuse for this as an excuse for bad behavior, right? Well, I can't do that, or I don't, you know, that's not who I am, instead of as an exploration of the actual gifts and strengths. So it's a fine line.

Stephanie Allen:

It is a fine line, isn't it? Because as much as we want to know ourselves, and we might want to know under and understand someone else, we also don't want to be manipulated and controlled and limited into who we are and why we're here. So there's that finding that that space within and I've often heard so many times too, it's like, there's three reasons why we can, you know, end up turning out our profile the way it is. And one can be from conditioning from our lives, that we are told that we have to be better at X, Y, or Z. Like we have to be better students. So you need to be still more and you need to pay attention, and you need to read more and not go out and be extroverted, you need to be more introverted, so that if you want to succeed, and so we build a skill set, which may or may not even be our strengths set, but we build a skill set to be able to keep the peace, so to speak, or the achieving. It's just that's one way, right? It's our conditioning. The second way, it could be totally a way of we are totally in denial of our gifts and strengths. Because we don't know. We haven't created enough Or we were shamed for them when we're younger. So we haven't allowed ourselves to explore, who am I? Why am I here, and you haven't had enough life experience to try on tonight, like trying on different outfits to see which one fits. You haven't had that playfulness, that extraordinary recreation of yourself to be able to try things on. And then the third way, I always like this one, too, is that it could actually be your profile, and you're completely in denial. That was because you've been shamed, right? Because yeah, me too. I was like, Oh, I don't want to be that. Like, I've been shamed so much of my life. The last thing I want to be that and and so I veered away from developing it and refining it. And I think what we're talking about, what your your presencing, Maren, is that there is another way.

Maren Oslac:

Yeah. Pretty much so

Stephanie Allen:

and what do we do with it once we, once we have it? So can you make any more than that?

Maren Oslac:

Yeah. So regardless, so Stephanie, and I use a tool called Wealth Dynamics. And it is a profiling tool. And the reason that we've chosen this particular tool is that it is business oriented. And unlike some of the other tools that are out there, it has kept the spirituality in it. So when I say that the tool was based on the the mystics and the IChing, and a lot of work that the similar tools to what Carl Jung had actually the same tools that Carl Jung used in his assessment of personalities. And they're multiple whch became the Myers Briggs, which became Myers, yeah right, and there are multiple tools that are based on the IChing and the work of Carl Jung and the other, you know, that type of thing. So, most of them, in order to make it palatable for business, took the whole spirituality side out. So that it became very concretized. And, like, logical, linear.

Stephanie Allen:

Because they just wanted people who could show up and work, and they wanted to know where to put them, they didn't really care so much about the extenstial questions of who are they as a human being?

Maren Oslac:

How do we help develop them?

Stephanie Allen:

What are their values? What are their, exactly. They were just like, can you do this job or not?

Maren Oslac:

Yeah, and plug and play, like, pick the cog in the wheel, and we're done. So Wealth Dynamics has kept all of that in while also being a powerful business tool. So we use it, and kind of what we wanted to do with you all this month is look at, if you're currently using some sort of a profiling tool, or you know what your number or your, your letters or whatever are, then follow along with us. And how do you play with that? How do you use that information, to develop yourself and or your team? Instead of just using it to define yourself, I like to say we, we, we use it, to refine ourselves, not define ourselves. And there's a big, big difference.

Stephanie Allen:

I love that because rather than just staying on the surface of like you said earlier of defining of like, well, that's, you know, that's just who I am, I am this profile. And if you don't like it, you know, that's tough, too bad for you kind of thing. And and if, when we're that way, it limits our growth potential. It's an actual fixed mindset. And we want to be more growth oriented versus saying, hey, you know, this is where I came out as a profile. What do I do with this? How do I refine it? How do I skill build within this? And where do I actually help my team when I'm in flow or when I'm actually in this presence of this development, which is really about the collaboration and the coming together.

Maren Oslac:

And to be honest, the first thing that you and I do with people is we don't, we don't look at the profile and define the person by the profile, we talk to the person and say, does it fit?

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah, because sometimes it doesn't

Maren Oslac:

What parts of it fit and what parts of it don't. I'd say another reason that we really like this profiling tool, Wealth Dynamics is that it's based on the premise that all parts are in us. So it's not that we are segregated out into this one profile, it's that we have all parts of us, and that we're most in flow, when we're doing the things that are in that, that, that are in our art, you know, like that are in our gifts and strengths.

Stephanie Allen:

Right, like so one of our teachers, Daniel Goodenough, who is totally about helping people remember the reason for being and why that's important for our humanity, is he often will say, you know, doing the thing that you love the best in the way that you love to do it with the people you love the most in the way that the world must need to done that would be flow. And to be able to be in

Maren Oslac:

and how do you find that?

Stephanie Allen:

How do you find that? there's like, there's so many, there's so many profile tooling, tools out there to be able to find out, who am I? Why am I here? But there's also multiple levels of that. And I don't think it's, I think we sometimes think it's a one and done. It's like, oh, well, I know what my profiling is. But there's a development. And what I'm hearing you say to Maren is that, what I imagine is like a pie shape, like think of a pie, and that you have the whole pie, but there's, there's a greater amount of that pie that is actually you. So if you think it's like a pie chart, right, it's like, and so the larger percentage of who you are when you can really focus on development of that, that's when you really move into flow. And what flow is, is the path of least resistance. And in Chinese medicine, which is also based on the IChing is that when there is flow, there is no stress. If you don't have flow, you will have stagnation, stagnation leads to dis ease. And whether we're talking physical pain and disease, or emotional or financial, or relationship disease, there's so many different ways where there isn't ease in our life. And so it can be used in so many different ways. That's the value of finding your flow.

Maren Oslac:

And then as a leader, if you either have an internal team that's already your team, or you're you're hiring, you know, people to help you in different places, and you know, like, independent contractors, either way, knowing A your flow, and then B their flow, and whether it's going to be a good fit, or that's actually what you need, in that instance. It makes all the difference. I know, when I started my studio, I had this tool, and I hadn't used it. And I was I was really stuck. You know, it wasn't, nothing was flowing. We had lots of ideas, because I tend towards the idea side, in this particular profiling tool, we call it Dynamo energy. And I had hired all people that were Dynamo energy. So we had lots of ideas, and nothing was getting done. And so the benefit to me was once I actually put the tool into practice, I was then able to hire not just for skill, because I had people who had the skills, but they weren't motivated to do the things because there were idea people, right. And so I was not just, you know, I think you had mentioned this earlier, it's like the skill sets and the things that we develop are not necessarily in line with our gifts and our strengths. And that's one of the powers of profiling tools is starting to help you to find that. And instead of using it as a, as a little badge that you stick on your chest and say this is who I am. It's a way to delve deeper and say is it who I am? And what part of it is who I am and how do I use that to get into flow so that I stay in flow so that my team gets flow so that like we're moving and grooving together instead of being stagnant? Like my team was.

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah, I mean, we can be very shamed. Like we were talking earlier, like when we're in flow, the things that come naturally to you. Like if you are someone who's more naturally introverted and you're really great at just going deep into the research and reading and but you're not necessarily social, you can be shamed for being introverted, when somebody else is really wanting you to be outward, because that's who they are. And I hear often so many times, like how do I not take things personally, like, you know, so and so said this about me or this is going on, and I'm taking it personally. And my answer to that is to really know who you are. And to love that part of yourself to release the shame that what you're generally are naturally good at. It comes actually easily to you. And you will tend not to value that in yourself. And so when I say you know, to get to know yourself, then you start to value yourself, then you actually have that space to hear where someone else is coming from. And you don't take it personally. You can hear what they're needing, and know what it is. Where you can help or where you can walk away or where you can just even just be neutral with it. Just be in love and acceptance with it. I think that's it's so powerful in the way of teams that there's less, not that there's less conflict, but there's less drama.

Maren Oslac:

Yeah. And I, we are in love with self discovery, which I love. I mean, this is a phenomenal thing in humans, right? Is that we want to know more about ourselves. And not just leaving it at the surface level, I think that's what we're talking about is like instead of, Oh, I found out this cutesy little thing about me, I'm this in whatever profiling system, and then I stick it on my forehead as a badge and, and then I just leave it there - it's how, how are you using your tools? That's really what we want to get at. And so this month, what we're going to do is, in the Wealth Dynamics profiling tool, there are four basic energies, Dynamo, Blaze, Tempo and Steel. And then there are eight profiles that all come out of those energies. So what we're going to do is we're going to go through the four basic energies with everybody this month on the podcast. And then we'll mention which profiles relate to each energy, so you can follow along with us. And your, if you're in love with disc, or the Enneagram, or Myers Briggs, or whatever it is, think about that, as we're going through it. Because we'll be asking you a lot of questions and helping you to go deeper into knowing who you are, and using the tool that you've chosen to go deeper.

Stephanie Allen:

What I'm also hearing you say is that it isn't about those other profiles being right or wrong or good or bad, it's being able to actually integrate those into even yet another profile. So that we can we can transcend and include them. Right and go deeper in refining who you are, why you're here, what your gifts that you bring, and how to refine them.

Maren Oslac:

You know, you used a term that I absolutely love. And I don't know how many people understand it, transcend, and include. So, oftentimes, we think either this or that, like, it's this way, or it's that way. And we're very, as a culture, we're, we want to be inclusive. And so there's a movement towards everything's right. And I just, right Yeah, we see that a lot. And it's important. It's important. And there's a step after that. And that's the step of transcendent include. What I mean by that is, when you're in third grade, you're not equal to somebody who's in 12th grade. You are in that you're a human being you're you know, but you don't know as much as somebody in 12th grade. The person in 12th grade has gone through third grade. So they have transcended that. It's also a part of them, so they've included it. And so it's not right, wrong, good bad to be in third grade or to be in 12th grade. That's just where you are. And that's what we're talking about is not right, wrong, good bad to be this profile, or that profile, or do this test or do that test it, they're all equal in some ways. And then also, they're different. And both are true. And that's the transcending and including is having both of those things be true.

Stephanie Allen:

And I bring that into, transcend and include, into relationships because we can often think when someone is very different from us, whether it's in a leadership role, whether it's in a relationship role as a partner or a child or that someone should be more like, X, Y, you know, someone needs to be more like this. Instead of saying, Hmm, that's cute. I'm curious, I wonder what that is? And can we find the transcendence and the inclusion, for both? So where do we need to be? That's the old Rumi saying, right? Beyond right doing and wrongdoing as a field, I'll meet you there. Where can we meet? And that's not the compromise of the happy medium, you know, it's none of that. It's actually an another level above where we are right now, we need to evolve, we need to grow to the new level, which includes both of what you want and what I want, and also create space for what wants to happen, that transcends both.

Maren Oslac:

And I will say that, from a business perspective, when you hit that, you are in complete stride, and like there is absolutely no stopping you. When we did that at the studio. That's when we were like running all on all cylinders. And everybody, all the team members were working together, even though we're completely different profiles. And that's what worked. That's what made it work. It was so fascinating and amazing to watch and to see and to experience. And that's, again, one of the reasons that we use this particular tool, because we are about business, soulful leadership is in business, and how are we doing that not only inside of ourselves, how are we doing it inside of our businesses? And then how is it impacting the planet that like the larger social structure, which I know, Stephanie and I are both are passionate about that it's not just about us, and it's not about us at all. It's about you guys. And then the the ripple effect of like, let's get this so that more and more and more people are thinking at a higher level and in being more inclusive, but not in a harmful way. You know, yeah, from from a place of empowerment. Yeah.

Stephanie Allen:

Collaboration, cooperation, all of those parts, from a place that we haven't been before, like, we have to, I often say, you know, we have to let go of who we think we are so that we can step into who we are meant to become. The ego, so gets identified. And this is where we're talking about labels, or we're talking about defining ourselves by this, instead of being open to the evolution of it that there's actually, and this is what I love about the Wealth Dynamics program, is that there's multiple levels of evolution of one profile, it isn't just not just are you this profile, but there's multiple stages of development within that.

Maren Oslac:

And the entire thing is based on your why, like everything is and that's the, you know, we're talking about the spiritual side of things like everything is based on your why. So if you are interested in finding out your energy, that's a free thing. And you can go to our website for that. We're also doing a special for anyone that's interested in finding out their profile. So you can go to our website and find out about that. So over the next month, we will be doing our normal audible podcast, we'll also be adding some visuals for anybody that's interested, there are two different ways that you'll be able to get those either going to our YouTube channel, which is the soulful leaders. Or if you're on our email list, we'll have an attachment that's in the show notes for each of the different energies. So make sure that you've signed up for our email, or you've joined us and subscribed to our YouTube channel. You can also find us as you know, on LinkedIn, and Facebook, if you want to go to our website now, it's the soulful leader project. And our actual website is TSLP for the soulful leader Project dot life. So, and you'll find all the information and you'll be able to follow along with us. And we would love to hear, what's your profile? What did you come out as? How does that relate to other profiles that you've maybe kind of checked out or profile tests that you've done? So we look forward to seeing you on LinkedIn or on Facebook, and hearing your feedback on our YouTube channel. Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you all next week on the soulful leader podcast.

Stephanie Allen:

And that wraps up another episode of the soulful leader podcast with your hosts, Stephanie Allen

Maren Oslac:

and Maren Oslac. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to dive deeper head over to our website at the soulful leader

Stephanie Allen:

Until next time