Expanding Time
The Soulful Leader Podcast
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The Soulful Leader Podcast
Expanding Time
Sep 03, 2024 Season 2 Episode 164
Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac

How would you like all the time in the world to do what's necessary? The mystics say that we have it, so why do we always feel behind?

One reason is that we’re out of tune with our own personal rhythm. Being out of rhythm puts us into tension, takes us out of flow, we are out of sync with the timing of things (and people) around us, everything gets crunchy.

When we are in sync, time expands. It’s calming, kind, and nurturing. The body doesn't go in a fight or flight. It stays relaxed, so you have less chronic pain, you sleep better, you hear better, and it puts you into flow with everything around you.

As leaders, understanding and using rhythm gives us an edge. Instead of the old ‘push through’ that takes its toll on us (and our teams), finding our rhythm means we get where we want to go AND we have the energy to both enjoy it and continue.

“Our nature is to breathe and be in rhythm.” ~ Stephanie J. Allen

  • 06:34 Tuning into your own rhythm
  • 07:49 Tuning into another’s rhythm
  • 08:15 Slowing down time
  • 10:42 Making space for choice
  • 11:45 Doing the practice

Today, Stephanie and Maren share time, rhythm, connection and flow shortcuts in a quick and powerful podcast. You will love learning more about getting in touch with your own rhythm;  it’s the only way we can really connect to another - and connection is what makes business, and life, work.


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