Arnie's Class

Episode 48: Kayla Douthitt on Eating Disorder Recovery Journey

Arnie Aniel

Kayla Douthitt is an anti-diet advocate and body image transformer. She is the owner of Wisdom N Wellness in Kentucky. Kayla coaches and supports parents to gain tools and confidence to help their children overcome low body image, negative self-esteem and eating disorders. She also serves on the board for the Kentucky Eating Disorder Council.
Kayla conducts body image and eating disorder workshops and she is a podcast host. She has published in various publications about her experiences with an eating disorder and overcame a 10-year battle with yo-yo dieting, anorexia and binge eating. Now fully recovered with a mission to stop self-sabotage, promote body positivity and raise awareness about eating disorders around the globe.
She is a proud Momma of a rambunctious toddler, a wife, a nature enthusiast and loves all things chocolate.