Leaving Religion: a Guide

Bringing Back Sacred Writings

May 04, 2022 Amanda Joy Loveland Season 1 Episode 38
Leaving Religion: a Guide
Bringing Back Sacred Writings
Show Notes Transcript

Join me and Keira Poulsen as we talk about the books that have been burned. There have been so many women in our history that have written sacred books that were burned and or destroyed. Often these women were also killed, burned with their books, as a heretic for speaking truth.

How amazing and fortunate are we that we live in a time where we get to speak our truth, we get to write sacred books and publish them without fear of death!

Are you feeling the call to write your sacred book? If so, join us next week for our writers retreat and step through the gateway to this stunning writers experience.

It's time to for your message to reach the world.

Join us: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/writersretreat

To learn more about Keira Poulsen, connect with her here:

IG: @keirapoulsen
FB: @keirapoulsen

To listen to my previous episode with Keira,  check out episode #27

Let's stay in touch!

IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
FB Amanda Joy Loveland
YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland


Hello, hello and welcome to my podcast leaving religion and those really behind. I'm your host, Amanda J. Loveland. And as always, so happy to be here I am Miss podcasting, life has just been a little busy and crazy, and we're just going with the flow. So I hope you have missed my new episodes as well because I know I've missed them. And today I get to do a really beautiful and short and sweet episode with my beautiful friend, mentor and publisher Kira Polson. If you have listened to her previous episode or haven't listened to it, I highly recommend it. It's a very, very beautiful episode. But today her and I wanted to dive in and talk about sacred writing. If you don't know there are so many people and women in our history who have had their sacred words, and their writing destroyed. And the reason why this is is really because of control and because they were called heretics. So we are diving into this topic a little bit today. And again, it's a little short and sweet, but I know you will enjoy it. So here let's dive into the episode the conversation with Kara Polson. We are blasting this out today. I'm so excited. I'm excited to talk about this. And I felt like i What a beautiful topic and to have this you and I really need more time to talk about this. But this is okay. 25 minutes, and we'll got me we'll just touch base. And we really felt called to talk about the sacred writings, especially of women that have been destroyed, ripped out burned. And would you mind sharing the story of Who's the woman that had the book burned out her feet? Who was the one that had it was the book I am love and love is God or I am? Do you know that one? That story? Yeah, that's Marguerite. Yeah. Do you mind sharing that? Yes. So I'll share that. When I went to Missouri for our my my last retreat with the women in my mastermind, we were all sitting in a circle. And we were all like, I can't remember if we were drumming or something. And we all got to take a turn in the center of the circle and sharing what our purpose was. And as soon as I sat down, I had this vision. And I kept like seeing myself like combing through burned ashes. And I was like, What is this? Like, what is this vision, and I just heard that women's books had been burned, and that these were the ashes. And it was time to bring forward the ancient truths that had been burned. So fast forward. A week later, I'm in New York with my Shaman. And we're sitting in her sacred tent, which is really it's her Sky Temple. And she pulls a card. And when I say pulls a card pulls an Oracle Card. And this woman's name Marguerite for it day shows up. And I feel her her spirit into the room and sit by us. And then we read about her and Marguerite, she was a bag queen. So she was a woman who lived with other women in a communal sense. And they lived as Christ did. And she wrote a book called I want to remember it, I have it over here on my nightstand. It's good that your is the mirror. It's a mirror of simple souls. Let me find it real fast. It's so her book, yeah, that's what it's called. The, the book is called the mirror of simple souls. And the, the whole premise is, is God is love. And love is God. And at that time and the 15th century, or maybe was a 13th century that she was from. That was like her that was that was a lie. It was like the you are a heretic if you had spoken those words. And so we're reading about her and then all of a sudden we get to the part where the the her book was brought in, in the middle of the church, and they burned her book at her feet. And when I read this story, I broke down sobbing because one week earlier, I had seen this vision of the ashes. And here now I was getting a story of one of the women whose books were burned. And, and yet her book continued to circulate. And it went through all of of Europe. She was in France and with through all of Europe, and it ended up being like found in the Vatican in 1945, which is now why you can buy it on Amazon. Right. But the really hard truth is that she was then burned at the stake. Like many of these women and her story and her presence is always here with me like I feel her on this crusade with me of helping Wake sacred, ancient truths. Yeah, yeah. And I, I, this is such a we just got off an Instagram Live and we were talking about this a little bit it's like Never did I ever Never did I ever see this coming Never did I ever see that coming? Never did I ever think I would be doing this podcast and Never did I think I'd be writing a book to help people navigate leaving religion and never did I ever think that I would be one of the voices that would assist some of these works coming through, you know this next book in particular, this is what I I, I feel called to do. And, you know, I feel like often we are such fascinating creatures because we're always looking for truth. And I feel like part of why we're always looking for truth is because we know that something's missing, we know that things have been taken out, we know that things have been removed. And it's fascinating to me and not surprising that it came through the women, right, it was the women, when you go read Christ, Christ story, Jesus Christ story, it was the women that helped to initiate him. It was the women that held this space that had the sacred knowledge that had the sacred abilities to do these rituals with him and, and bring in the space, there was a few men, at least in my belief, there's a few men there as well. But it was the women that held this knowledge and the sacredness that then it went into a man and you know, things happen for reasons and it's, it's fascinating to now watch is the matriarchy kind of system kind of comes back into the sacred and divine feminine stepping back in into the planet. And then the word that gets to come through us that get to be in creation that gets to be spoken. And like you're writing a book right now that you know is one that was unexpected, right? Yeah, you want to share a little bit about that. It was actually you and I were sitting next to each other. It was in January, and I was sitting at I was teaching a class on sacred writing. And I had you all like, learn to channel. And in that moment, I was like, Well, I'm not a good senator. I don't sit well. I'm like, Give me something to do God. So we'll give you 20 minutes. I'm like, Alright, God, is there a new book for me to write? And I start to just write and the words the codes of alchemy, show up? What am i What is this even mean? So then I just start channeling and it's like two chapters of like, what is literally coming out of my hands. And I still had no idea what this book was going to be. But since January now it's May, I've written quite a bit of it. And it's actually all ceremonies is all healing ceremonies, spiritual ritual that is personally done. That's done on your own with God with Christ with your angels with the Divine Mother. It's all like deep personal, spiritual connection. And never did I ever think I was going to write that book. And it is one of my most sacred experiences is bringing this book through. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Well, and what's funny about I forgot about that. So it's like that came through and that experience in January and then at the end of this day experience here, like, I'm realizing I need to do a retreat out this and you and I made eye contact and I was like, we get to do this together. So we have a retreat next week to step into a sacred space of assisting people and receiving it receiving their books receiving their sacred writings that get to come through them, and then out into the world. I'm so excited about this retreat one, I'm excited because it was given to you and I like we were sitting next to each other it came in at the same moment. For me, that's divine guidance. And, and then to have it be in such a beautiful location. I believe that getting back into the earth is how we regulate our nervous system. And when we're in such high vibration, especially in retreats, where we're doing healing, we're doing sacred writing, it's crucial that we get to get back into the earth and to be in the base of Zion to be in the magic of these rocks. We couldn't have picked a better spot and for this work to happen so I'm just really excited I am excited to and I you know for as people are listening to this podcast you know i i often hold space of okay how can I assist those that are you know, when you leave religion it's hard and you have already if you haven't listened to curious other episode all make sure I post the link down in the comments. You have a really stunning story of your experiences extremely unique of leaving religion and then you know that I'll let people go listen, but writing has been in my ex Greetings writing has been. And I use writing as a tool all the time, all the time, all the time, somebody's needing to heal something to clear something, to have peace around something, I will use writing as a tool every single time, and often will burn it, especially if they're going through some sort of, you know, letting go process. But writing is one of even though we get to receive some of these words, it's one of the most I don't even have words for the sacredness and the experience and the like fulfillment. And like all the things that happen when we sit down and we write and now to step into this space of assisting sacred words and writings that have been around ancient texts that are that get to come through us. There's just there's no words. No, no. And so I think I want to put our listeners into a visual. So I want everyone who's listening to just close your eyes, raise your hands on your heart, or palms up right by your, by your womb, if you're driving through not just by word do not to close your eyes, come back later. But if you can close your eyes, take a deep breath in all the way to your lower belly drop in. And I want you to just listen, listen to that piece inside of you that knows that there is more, there is more that you are here to be doing in the world. Listen to there's like this, like hunger that's deep inside of you that is craving, craving to be exactly what you came here to be. And that when you learn how to channel a book, when you learn how to actually allow the divine to work through you that that piece is going to be so clearly shown to you. Because you will be hearing it learning it receiving it from the Divine on your own. And that is what we're going to be doing. So just take a deep breath in and feel into like, that's what's possible at this retreat. What's possible is that the blocks that have been holding you back the the spaces that are keeping you small, with a man is healing with my work, we're going to clear that out for you. We're going to literally like blow out whatever the obstruction is, so that you can move with ease and grace and flow with your purpose. And with bringing through sacred writing. Yeah. And I know people often in fact, I had this question recently. Thank you for that. Kyra, by the way. And people ask what is channeling? You know, how do you channel and in shamanism, we call it being the hollow bone where our mind kind of sits beside and we just receive we sit in a space of just receiving and then it comes through us there's no I had a friend recently asked how do I channel right? You know, is it something I received beforehand? And then I go, right. It's like, No, I set up sacred space. And I know you do the same thing. We set up sacred space. And then we connect to God source whatever it is, and like, Okay, what show me what gets to be written today? And then we just go and it is it's we're a vessel for whatever the words are, they get to be spoken that get to be written. Yeah. And it's a really beautiful experience. That is it is and it's possible, it's, here's the piece that I guess I'll end on is that everybody has experienced channeling. If you have ever those who are listening, if you've ever had an answer come to you when you're in the shower, or you're driving down the road, and you've been wanting this answer, and this solution showed up, like that's actually just channeling, right. What we're going to teach you and what I teach is how do we turn that on at any time, right? Because those forms of channeling, they're sporadic. And they're not you can't choose when you're going to get that answer that comes out of nowhere. I believe that when you have a system that you train your mind and your body with, you can turn on that flow state, anytime, anywhere. And that's what we're going to this piece of what we're going to be doing, there's so much we're going to be doing. But that is a piece that everyone who leaves will learn how to do that. So that it's not just some random miracle. You just get to actually experience it all the time. I know you experienced that with your last book that you just wrote. Yes, and this next one is going to be yes, we're just gonna hold conversation for another day. I do want to the thing that keeps I keep hearing is for those of you who are feeling the truth in this, for those of you who are like yes, I feel I feel that but who am I? And I would answer back to you who are you not to do this? Because we are In a place in our society and in our world where we, our children are asking us to step more and more into who we are an embodiment of this sovereignty, that is God gifts that we have access to, so that they can also do that. So who are you not to do this? And if that's a fear that you have come to the retreat, and we'll help you clear it, that's, you know, you know, I will share that four years ago, I was a massage therapist. And that's what I was, I was a mom of five, which I still am, and a massage therapist. And then I decided to follow the call of my soul. That said, I was here for more than I was here to make a difference. And never in my wildest dreams would have thought that I'd be sitting here with a publishing house that publishes sacred books, that I'd be having this conversation with you this beautiful, brilliant shamanic healer, that we'd be putting on this massively powerful retreat in only a week and a half, and doing all the things that I feel lucky and called to do. And it really just comes down to saying yes, yeah, listening to your fans saying Yes, amen. listening and saying, yes. So that's the invitation. On my podcast, this will be in the shownotes. I'm sure it will be in your show notes. We only have a handful of spots left. So if this calls to your soul, come be with us in Zion, we will create some magic. Yes, we will. Yes, we will. Well, thank you. That was a short and sweet podcast. All right, have a beautiful day. If you are not familiar with Kara Paulson, I will make sure I post her website and her social media pages go follow her. She's absolutely amazing. And has really been a godsend to me in my life. And I'm grateful that we are now friends and now get to go create some magic together. We don't know if we will ever do this retreat again. So if you are feeling the call, and you know that you should be there, but there's some fears, some trepidation, I encourage you to lean in nine times out of 10 retreats, we'll do this because we get to lean into places within us that feel uncomfortable. But when you step into the magic that resides at the space and resides within you, and you get to unlock those places within it is it's beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful. So if you're feeling the call, we've already sold a few more rooms today, a few more spaces today. Head over to my website, Amanda loveland.com. For slash writing retreat, or writer's retreat, check out the show notes to make sure and get the website correct because in this exact moment, I can't remember what it is. Anyway, secure your room today, this will be a powerful, powerful retreat. And this is a call, especially for women, it's men to but especially for women. If you know that there is a divine work that gets to come through you please say yes, please say yes and answer that souls call to what you are here to do. And be that example to others of showing up of leaning in being seen. And who are you to do this you are an amazing, amazing sovereign being who gets to create magic in this world. Remember, you are not alone. We get to create our communities we get to create our experiences and everything in life is giving us feedback. So if you are having feedback that is not super pleasant right now, be curious and ask why this is coming into your world. What is it that gets to be looked at gets to be seen and gets to be witnessed? You are divine creator. So go create beauty and magic in your life and know that you are not alone. Sending you all so much love