
You Are Not Alone Book Synopsis With Dr. Ken Duckworth and Margaret Curley

Clint Mally

Millions of people in the United States are affected by mental illness every year. Unfortunately, the mental health care system remains chaotic, underfunded and often inaccessible, and many people are asking themselves the same questions: What if my insurance company won’t cover my treatment? Will I have to be on medication my whole life? Will I ever feel better?

People experiencing mental illness and their families and friends are often unsure how to navigate this system, deal with financial and logistical issues and handle the emotional challenges of mental illness.

“You Are Not Alone,” NAMI’s first ever book, is here to offer help. Written by Dr. Ken Duckworth with the expertise of a leading psychiatrist and the empathy of a family member affected by mental illness, this comprehensive guide includes stories from over 130 people who have been there — including people with mental illness and caregivers — and understand how challenging it can be to find the help you need, when you need it. Their stories are what makes this book different from your typical mental health guide.

You Are Not Alone (book):

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