James Lee: From Paper Route to FPA President
Framework with Ana Trujillo Limón
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Framework with Ana Trujillo Limón
James Lee: From Paper Route to FPA President
Feb 21, 2023
Carson Coaching

Welcome to this special FPA week episode!

James Lee is the incoming FPA president and a financial planner with a background in investment research. He has a passion for helping people make good money decisions and has been a member of the Financial Planning Association since 2000.

"Financial planning services are wanted and needed, and I feel that my service to FPA is my way of scaling financial planning to more people throughout society." - James Lee

James Lee was of Korean descent, and so he felt a strong connection to the flavors of Korean cooking. To pursue better health, James and his wife adopted a vegan lifestyle. After college, James worked as an investment research analyst and then decided to become a comprehensive financial planner. With his background in analyzing legislation, James felt a responsibility to advocate for the financial planning profession and so he joined FPA and eventually became its president. Through his involvement with FPA, James was able to help protect financial planners and their clients.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How James Lee changed his lifestyle to become a vegan and the health benefits he has experienced from it.

2. How James's career in financial planning was sparked after deciding not to pursue a medical profession.

3. How the FPA Pac has been able to protect and advocate for financial planners through lobbying efforts.

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