PhiLab Podcasts

EN - Canada from West to East - Community Foundations (Western) │ Eva Friesen, Carm Michalenko & Sky Bridges

PHILAB Season 1 Episode 1

Today's episode is the first of a three parts serie that will cover the Canadian territory from the western to the eastern part.
The goal is to give a voice to as many philanthropic actors as possible.
We are starting out west to find out more about what community foundations are, as they are a big part of the philanthropic ecosystem but are sometimes misunderstood.

To help us answer this question we have three guests on the show today : 
- Eva Friesen who is the President and CEO of the Calgary foundation
- Carm Michalenko who is the CEO of the Saskatoon foundation 
- And Sky Bridges who is the CEO of the Winnipeg foundation 

We will be exploring the following three themes with our guest: 
- What are some of the misconceptions about community foundations
- What is their role on the provincial scene
- How did Covid affected there work 

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