Greater Formation and Power Podcast

036. An Interview With Kelly Fassett: "Build Unity, Lean Into Differences, Forgive Your Enemies"

Tom Griffith

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.”                                     ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:17-19‬ ‭NASB

In this episode you will be encouraged to :

  • Listen for God's voice and directives
  • Wrestle through to obedience
  • Embrace God's "with-ness" as enough
  • Move toward those who are different
  • Practice curiosity
  • Take on Christ's mission of reconciliation


Since 2012, Kelly has served as the Executive Director of UniteBoston.  This organization seeks to serve Unity, Reconciliation, Justice, and Restoration in Greater Boston.

She has a certificate in Christian Foundations from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Masters of Divinity, through Boston University, with certificates in Religion and Conflict Transformation and also International Mission and Ecumenism.  She is an ordained minister with the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts.

Kelly, her husband and two daughters live in an intentional Christian community in the  Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, MA..  They enjoy spending time outdoors.

 You can learn more about UniteBoston and/or connect with Kelly here: 

On Facebook:  Kelly Fasset


Andrea St. Louis is a highly intuitive Coach, Writer, and Business Consultant with a passion for helping people to see themselves from God's perspective and to live in purpose. She is a wife, mother, and recent seminary graduate committed to teaching others to embrace authenticity and grace in sharing their stories, discovering their gifts, and embracing their place in the Kingdom.

You can connect with Coach Tom at:

P.S. ... If you are stalled in life, or particularly if you are in transition, here are three ways I can help you Get Clear, Get Focused and Be Fruitful!

1. Grab a Free Copy of my "4 Key Steps to Clarity and Fruitfulness" Document.  It's a Blueprint to help you move ahead. 

You can connect with Coach Tom at:

P.S. ... If you are stalled in life, or particularly if you are in transition, here are three ways I can help you Get Clear, Get Focused and Be Fruitful!

1. Grab a Free Copy of my "4 Key Steps to Clarity and Fruitfulness" Document. It's a Blueprint to help you move ahead. Click Here

2. Join my FaceBook Group, "Greater Focus and Fruitfulness" for more teaching, training and community. Click Here

3. Work with me:
I can help you Clarify, Plan, and take Bold Steps into Your Future. Book a Free 30-Minute Strategy Session with me: Click Here