Daughters Diary

Purposeful Living

Chanel Season 1 Episode 9

This month we're focusing on Purposeful Living. Here are the first few tips I use.

Tip #1: Choose Joy

Find joy in everyday. One thing I’ve challenged myself to do everyday is find one thing to look forward to. This is a simple exercise and a huge game changer. It’s useful for a few reasons.

1) The feeling of hope creates joyful anticipation. 

2) It promotes a more positive outlook on life. 

3) It creates simplicity in life that we all need from time to time. 

Tip #2: Create healthy habits

I have to say that creating healthy habits is another game changer. Healthy habits show that you value yourself. If I care enough about making healthy choices that’s because I value my life, and the lives of others hopefully.

Tip #3: Own It!

This is a tough tip. I’ll be honest, this is one I’ve struggled with. I struggle with owning it!

What I mean by this, is owning what I’m good at. Why is this hard? It’s hard because I don’t want to seem cocky or overly prideful. But truthfully, false humility is a really bad look too. There’s a way to be confident without being cocky. Pretending like I’m not good at something that God has gifted me at is not humility.

Secondly, I also don’t want to set myself up for failure by thinking I’m good at something that I’m really not. I really don’t want to be the American Idol contestant that’s confident she can sing and she really can’t.