Daughters Diary

August – Physical Health

Chanel Season 2 Episode 4

This month’s theme is about physical health. I knew I’d want to discuss physical health at some point, but I wasn’t in a hurry because the world puts so much emphasis on it. I wanted to make sure I’d shared the importance of spiritual health, mental and emotional, as well as healthy relationships before I jumped into this topic.

I’ve spent a year working to get back into shape. It’s a lifestyle decision, not just about wanting to see a number on the scale or look good. Those are bonuses. The past year has been work. This month, I want to share the tips that have helped me develop healthier choices along the way. It doesn’t just happen in a day, but making small healthy decisions daily can happen.

1) Count those calories!
2) Be realistic about what you want to give up.
3) Take baby steps to permanent change.
4) Focus on healthiness.
5) Find what works best for you.