Generation Bitcoin

Is Bitcoin a Libertarian's Dream? | Generation Bitcoin #001

June 26, 2021 Matt Season 1 Episode 1
Is Bitcoin a Libertarian's Dream? | Generation Bitcoin #001
Generation Bitcoin
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Generation Bitcoin
Is Bitcoin a Libertarian's Dream? | Generation Bitcoin #001
Jun 26, 2021 Season 1 Episode 1

This is an episode of Generation Bitcoin with host Matt James and guest Amir Zendehnam. Amir is the founder and CEO of Spekr. 

In this conversation, we discuss the link between libertarianism, Austrian economics, and Bitcoin. We also talk about current events, including: El Salvador adopting the Bitcoin standard, the future of Bitcoin, and how to help grow the Bitcoin network.

#bitcoiner #libertarian #bitcoin

Show Notes Transcript

This is an episode of Generation Bitcoin with host Matt James and guest Amir Zendehnam. Amir is the founder and CEO of Spekr. 

In this conversation, we discuss the link between libertarianism, Austrian economics, and Bitcoin. We also talk about current events, including: El Salvador adopting the Bitcoin standard, the future of Bitcoin, and how to help grow the Bitcoin network.

#bitcoiner #libertarian #bitcoin

what's up everyone my name is matt james
welcome to generation bitcoin
today i'm here with amir xenon how are
you doing today amir hey what's up matt
thanks for having me on
yeah man great to have you let's start
with some backstory of the
so he's the founder and ceo of specker
a super sick cbd company as well as a
and bitcoiner og you and you and i met
back in college around 2013
when bitcoin was about 100 bucks and i'm
glad that we're able to reconnect after
all these years
tell me a little bit more about your
background and how long you were
involved with the libertarian community
and what you did within that community
my background in the liberty like
libertarian world
is in 2007
is when i first became a libertarian
and through ron paul
through that 2008 ron paul presidential
then in uh 2012 i continued my activism
and um i was living in los angeles at
the time
and i
wanted to figure out a way to get
involved in the next ron paul campaign
so as soon as he announced that he was
running for president
um i was trying to figure out how to
uh grow his campaign in california you
know which is arguably
one of the hardest places uh in the
world to
grow the message of liberty because
generally love to do the exact opposite
of liberty but um
that's around when i met you um
i was one of the head organizers for the
ron paul campaign in california in 2012.
we were running the liberty hq in
venice um that was pretty much the
uh operational point for california
with the campaign after that um i
continued my activism
for a future free world
in the republican party and i was
um you know in all areas of the
republican party
um i was a chairman i was a state
delegate i was on the board of the
republican liberty caucus which is an
amazing organization
and after
2016 when i had to run for re-election
i decided i don't want to do politics
um you know shout out to ron paul
because it was an answer that he gave me
at a yal event that made me just
exit for now i'm gonna come back to
politics one day but
ultimately it just wasn't making me
and i just realized that
if i really want to make
efficient positive
drastic global change in the world
i should practice what i preach and
go do it in the market um which is you
know persuading people
through high quality and low prices and
over government which is forcing people
or else you know so
as a result of that i uh went full time
in the cannabis industry i've been in
the cannabis industry for over 10 years
but that's when i decided to go full
um which eventually transitioned
into my health optimization company
that focuses on cannabinoids like cbd
uh specker and i have had specker
for over three years now and specker has
been a cryptocurrency friendly
business since i launched the company
over three years ago
which means that you can
use cryptocurrency to
buy your products on the specker website
so awesome through there um you know i'm
just trying to spread the message of
in any positive healthy loving
way whether that's through health
uh ingredients like product formulations
i formulate all of the specker products
as well
um so yeah it's all about freedom for me
every thing i'm doing whether it's in
politics or in the market
it's with the goal of efficiently
bringing about freedom in our lifetime
for sure man i i definitely agree with
you i understand what you mean like
participating in the market providing a
good or service is
really the way to go i i definitely
agree with that i remember back in the
day where
we were ron paul definitely got got us
both into this movement and
i remember when he came to ucla that was
one of the highlights that was
that was huge so so that was that was
one of the big things that i did during
the ron paul campaign
was that was essentially my original
to bring ron paul to my college
and that was huge yeah it was and let me
tell you matt that was
such a complicated event to set up
and the amount of people that
came was so unexpected we only had a few
the campaign literally gave us about two
weeks time and in
two weeks it was like 7 000 people came
it was so packed so that was
one of the coolest things that i did
uh in the ron paul 2012 campaign was
people were up in the trees trying to
see people were all
you couldn't get in they had to they had
like there were so many people that they
closed the gates and people were
literally yeah the trees of liberty is
how we called them with that picture if
you remember
that was that was dope well i'm uh i'm
really happy that we
were able to go through that together
those are some good times so
transitioning on um tell me about how
this transitioned into bitcoin for you
and when you first learned about bitcoin
and why it appealed to you okay
so i found out about bitcoin in college
because that's when i got in the
cannabis industry
and so like the 2009
2010 like right when it came out
aka the only people that actually were
using it
generally speaking or drug dealers or
people trying to get drugs or you know
things the government doesn't want you
to do
whether good or bad they don't want you
to do it so the oh geez yeah like i
i found out about it not through
libertarianism as much as
through cannabis and then at the same
um since i was getting more and more
into the liberty movement
then i found out that libertarians were
talking about it
as well um
and i remember
when i first found out about it i didn't
want to get into it because
i didn't want to add extra heat on
because i knew back then it was not a
private ledger
so for anybody watching this the bitcoin
is not anonymous it is a public
ledger so anonymous yeah yeah
so yeah your name and your address isn't
there but
an address is there and your transaction
history is all there
so if they know who that like they can
figure out who that is
if they try hard enough which the
government has
done many of times um so i got i
invested in bitcoin um like my first
bitcoin transaction is in um
like january 2014 that's when
you can first integrate coinbase into
bank account so for me
i was like all right it seems like a
little more legit now you know i
won't add heat on me now um
so i'm gonna get in and i've been
investing since 2014. um
i'm still dollar cost averaging strong
awesome awesome yeah i remember back in
the day i i was around that same time as
well when i first found out a bit
about bitcoin uh obviously through silk
road you know that was where everyone
heard about it through but uh back then
you had to get through
get it through local bitcoins that was
that was uh
quite the order yeah see and that was
another thing the first few years
i did look into it and i was like yo
this is actually really [ __ ]
and it's really sketch like
so i gotta meet up with some dude and i
gotta give him cash and he's gonna give
me a usb
drive and i don't know
but i'm gonna have my cash on me that
doesn't sound
and i don't know that like you know this
is what i'm thinking when i'm first when
i first heard about this and how
you had to get bitcoin so
that sounds def definitely sounds
sketchy today
which you could still do like the local
bitcoin thing where you could actually
like there are websites where you can
meet up
with people locally and you can exchange
cash for
cash yeah so cash in the mail or
whatever yeah
yeah yep
all right well yeah the bitcoins
definitely came a long ways from there
now we got paypal and square and
everybody offering it so
uh moving on to uh yeah
so i wanted to get into the economics a
little bit so yeah i know
bitcoin and austrian economics really go
hand in hand
uh versus keynesian economics um so
from my experience the og bitcoiners are
a lot of the time supportive of austrian
economics a lot of these
people are libertarians you know like
you and i so i was wondering uh what's
your take on that you know how are they
related and
uh does austrian economy do you have to
believe in
austrian economics to to hold bitcoin or
what do you think about that
i think that
being a bitcoiner
will necessarily turn you
or should turn you if you go down the
economics rabbit hole
into an austrian because the austrian
school of economics
is premised
by methodological individualism so
it explains bitcoin
to you in a very true
way so
you know for me i found out about the
austrian school
and bitcoin at about the same time
and it wasn't that hard for us
to really understand that because
through the ron paul days we were all
about end the fed
and we learned about the austrian school
and the central banking
and i mean the austrian school of
economics is
arguably a school created as a critique
of central banking so i mean the
austrian business cycle theory
is literally a critique of central
banking so
um you know but it's things like within
the austrian school
say subjective theory of value
is completely different from other
economic schools like
labor theory of values so if you're in
the bitcoin world
you necessarily will see that
yes the labor labor theory of value does
not work here so
like this is extremely subjective in how
this value is set here
so what does that mean you know um
yeah so the austrian school is something
when you're learning about bitcoin i
implore people to
become proficient
in the austrian school of economics
because it will benefit you
in learning more about cryptocurrency
because that is the school that's
tied to the theories that make
bitcoin what it is um and you know
it's not to say that the austrian school
is primarily
like it has to be this free market
economic you know
thing but again the entire school is
arguably based off of a critique of
the exact same thing bitcoin is trying
to fight so
yeah yeah we wanted to end the fed for a
while you know and
that here here's our uh perfect solution
you know ending the fed can be done over
by offering an alternative that they
can't stop right
so that that's the that's the beauty of
it i i think i think it's
beautiful that the libertarian world
essentially didn't even have to use the
word libertarianism to get
all of these millions of people around
the world
onto the message of freedom through
so that's beautiful we literally never
had to talk about who will build the
roads or eat like the word
which throws a lot of people off and you
know pushes people away when they hear
that word
so that's the beautiful thing is that
bitcoin normalized a lot of these
concepts that
otherwise are
not accessible to many people because
you know i always said this you're not
going to get a free society until you
can prove
to people that the free society will
benefit their lives and profit their
more than the slave society that we're
currently living in
so what bitcoin does is
it provides an example for
that exact type of person that doesn't
give a [ __ ]
about who will build the roads or
they want to throw in there when you
talk about libertarian philosophy
and that's the thing about bitcoin
bitcoin is philosophical
but it's also so many other things you
know it's like all the computer
programming aspects of it you know
um so
yeah yeah yeah it really is amazing how
many how many people
are in this movement now and you know
the libertarian was such a fringe thing
and you couldn't even say the word
before it was like a bad word it was you
know it was like saying the word
but now it's so cool because
the same people that were talking [ __ ]
to me about libertarian philosophy
are now coming to me and asking about
and there's no debate anymore it is
necessarily true
so that is a massive shift
in the conversation for
a free world where they're not debating
your premise anymore they're trying to
from you it's not a debate anymore
they're like teach me your ways
yeah you're like you gotta start you
gotta start with the you know the
economics the
what is money and you gotta really like
so hey so everything like you pretty
um hated on me for the last 10 years i'm
gonna just talk about
again exactly yeah
it's all about all the boring stuff that
people don't want to talk about
right right and now see that's the thing
it's boring for most people because they
find a way to profit off of it i would
argue the profit that me and you found
through libertarian philosophy was
the prophet of inner freedom you know
and we gained from that and we
saw that for other people they just
don't come on as easily
so they need a incen they need a better
incentive and a lot of a lot of people's
incentive is money
so what does bitcoin do it shows you you
can make money
doing these freedom things yeah what
what do you think about that there's
there's a lot of people that you know
get involved because of
trying to make a quick buck uh you know
that's just kind of the way it is i
guess and
a lot of people are trying to get rich
quick and they find out about crypto
and they want to find out how to get
rich and it kind of rings them in
you think that's a uh that's that's the
okay way of going about it
no i think that the majority of people
that get wrecked
the majority of the people that come in
and out of crypto are exactly those
types of people that you just
explained yeah so yeah
if you're coming into this for a quick
buck you're probably gonna get wrecked
that's just the data the data shows that
i i i try to impart
all my novice friends the same things
over and over and over and over again
but you just have to get wrecked
people have to learn the hard way humans
generally are programmed
to learn things the hard way so
yeah get wrecked on a few [ __ ] coins
lose a hundred percent of your
and then you'll have a different tone
you know just like me and you bro
we learned the hard way you know we jump
in the alt game here and there you know
like me i was
i i've transitioned over these years
like it looked like this it's like
like bitcoin bitcoin all coins all coins
all coins all coins bitcoin bitcoins
same here same right because you learn
you're like this is not worth it
like if i want to go to the casino i'll
go to the casino
yeah you know yeah i always tell
everyone to
gamble with a very small portion of your
uh of your portfolio for sure
well that's the thing the people who are
driven to those
types of investments aren't the types of
people who are
only trying to put one to five percent
in like we are
so that's the issue they put
95 into the [ __ ] point and then
maybe one percent into bitcoin i don't
know if even that
yeah so that's the problem it upsets me
when i hear
when i hear people of just have dogecoin
and no bitcoin and they just got into
the space and
see and that's okay like the biggest
thing that we saw in 2021
was like
hey i just got into crypto and
you immediately know when you
say what did you buy you
know it's not going to be bitcoin when
it should
only be bitcoin first yeah
and you know they're saying everything
other than bitcoin
yeah and that happens they think they're
smart yeah they think they're smart
they think they're like beating the
system i'm like oh that is so
cute yeah we've tried that too
learn from past failures so you don't
have to make the same failures but again
human nature is not like that currently
yep yeah all right well let's
let's move on a different subject here
i'm done talking about this uh doge
[ __ ] coin yeah yeah whenever we deviate
to [ __ ] coins we need to
pull the conversation back to generation
bitcoin cheers
cheers so my next question uh
what are a few of the most prominent
events in history and i know you uh
really like involving history into this
whole thing
what what are some events throughout
history that helps demonstrate why we
really need bitcoin
and why we need austrian economics so
what are some what are some things that
come to mind
so i got my history degree from ucla so
this is
definitely the rabbit hole that i do
love the most
um like an instance in history
the best instance in history is the
of the institution of government is the
example the inception of the state
thousands of years ago is the best
the best modern day example would be the
reason that bitcoin even came out is say
the the
or it came out around that time which is
the 2008 crash so
you know that goes to show you what
happens with hardcore central banking
the next example we have is this year
the governments of the world printed
money out more money like insane amounts
of money you know like historical
amounts of money out of thin air
and it just goes to show you
that you know a hundred years ago if
they did this when they did this
we didn't have alternatives that were
safe enough you know say like the
alternative 100 years ago was gold
and then the government came and
confiscated the gold
so that's not a safe haven you know so
the government has proven that they've
taken it so it's not a safe haven um do
you see the money printing
going up over time or what do you see
where do you see that leading
historically speaking
and i'm just basing this off of the last
100 years
of central banking data
the the central banking system is
designed in a way
to not be it is an
up and an exit it's a pump and dump
yeah government central banking is a
pump and dump
and once you real it's just a more
long-term pump and dump
that could take 500 years but it's still
a pump and dump
you come in you take everything you can
and then you leave the scraps for
whatever else for generations yeah
future generations exactly
yeah so
that's the you know the outlook on that
you know
yeah i agree i i tell people you know
having a holding on a bitcoin is a bet
governments are going to continue
printing and they are i mean it's
pretty pretty obvious there's no
indicator in history that would show
unless the government collapses that is
the indicator the state
fails they print themselves into failure
that is the central the anatomy of the
central banking system
yep yep i agree
all right my next question here let's go
on i want to talk about uh
i want to talk about el salvador so el
recently adopted bitcoin as legal tender
i'm sure you know
i'm sure you saw it on the bitcoin
jack you know
and yeah so what what does this mean for
the world where do you see this leading
and and what what do you think about el
do you think it's a cover-up do you
think uh do you think they're really
supporting bitcoin or do you think
there's some other motive there
what do you mean by cover-up do you mean
like some kind of criminal element that
could be say drug trafficking or human
okay this is what i think
this is my angle on it historically
the americas let's think about the last
hundred years
have been in a colonial battle with the
united states
this is nothing new that a small country
in latin or central america
or sorry central or south america is
pulling some move against the u.s empire
like do you not remember when the latin
american countries were
like oh yeah edward snowden will come
pretend yeah julian assange i'll come on
ed like
it's the [ __ ] you to the colonial
systems that have destroyed
their their generations
you know so in my view this is kind of
like a
[ __ ] you to the you know us empire
by doing this it's just the next [ __ ]
you but
every time that happens in
central and south america not like most
of the time that it happens in central
and south american history
there's going to be some kind of coup
some kind of mass protest
like some kind of overthrow of the
government like replacing of the
like yeah you know the the empire ain't
happy about that
so could there be other angles like
is el salvador like us they get from
drug trade like
are the governments of central and south
involved in the drug yes like what
it's not like a conspiracy to say that
these countries are involved in the
illegal drug trade
like there's plenty of evidence to
suggest these things
actually fun fact about john mcafee
maybe rest in peace
is that he
put like when the government in belize
[ __ ] with him he started donating
uh computers to secretaries of like
government officials and he was putting
his spyware on there
to spy on the
government of police and he got all this
information to like
essentially see what they were trying to
do to [ __ ] with him but what he found
out was that
these top people in the government were
involved in
drug trafficking and human trafficking
so you know that's not
a conspiracy theory so
that angle i don't really care about
that angle like does the united states
sell black market drugs to make money
like do a shitload of governments in the
world use that as a source of funding
yes so for me to be like oh
el salvador's doing that oh they're so
bad like nah bro like
everybody does that you know so like i'm
not really gonna cap on some
normal thing of the anatomy of the state
when it's like yeah it's a state
of course they're gonna go do things of
course they're gonna go tell you you
can't do it
and then do it themselves that is the
anatomy of the state
so um that's my angle
is it's a small central american country
that has been
railed by u.s imperialism
for many many years
and this is essentially a way for these
people to
potentially flex on some semblance of
sovereignty i mean
el salvador uses the u.s dollar as their
reserve currency
so they don't even have their own
yeah you know so this is a revolutionary
transition for them because
in a sense they're just like dude we
don't want to use your [ __ ] dollar
anymore how about that
yeah you know i don't think there's
anything wrong with a
sovereign country not wanting to use a
foreign currency
yeah it's really a perfect uh perfect
situation he got 70 percent
unbanked there and they can't even
imagine if you if you had no way of
storing your value you can't even you
don't even have a bank account
how do you even live in that situation
it's it's like uh it's very clearly
you don't live in this this system that
we're living in that's essentially what
it is you live
outside the system that we live in yeah
yeah well who do you think's next do you
think there's gonna be more countries
here adopting uh bitcoin as legal tender
or you think this is gonna be a
one-off and for for i think i mean we
were i think
panama was talking about it so it's a
domino effect
me and you have known this for many
years the people who
have been in the bitcoin space
know this and
we like my end goal is for this to be
world reserve currency so like one
is not enough how long will that take do
you think
what's your time zone here where do you
see within the decade
decade where do you see it in five or do
you see bitcoin in five years from now
i think that the adoption of bitcoin is
going to be like the adoption of
any mass technology like the internet it
took decades before it
really became normalized but we're
already over one decade in
on bitcoin yeah so
you think there's an exponential
component there i think yeah like let's
go internet timeline here you know
yeah let's say from you know like the
60s to the 70s to the 80s to the 90s to
the 2000s to the 2010
you know by the time you got
you know the internet that's fully
accessible to everybody
in the world that's 50-year timeline
50-year yeah 57 oh my god oh my [ __ ]
yeah like 7
60 60 yeah 60-year timeline say from
like the arpanet
to the internet to today
yeah uh 60 [ __ ] years like 70 years
at most you know like i'm excited i hope
it happens in our lifetime
that's the thing like i have the outlook
that it's not just going to happen in
our lifetime it's going to happen in the
near future
like the the best example is just the
technology that we're using in front of
us right now like
think about this bro 10 years ago
if we wanted to do a live stream
first of all with a 4k camera streaming
i'm streaming with a 4k camera right now
with professional audio and then
this thing right here like how much did
this change the world in 10 years you
so there were cell phones before there
were touch screens and stuff before but
you know it's just like it hits and then
it just goes
but the same with say teslas
nobody wanted to buy a tesla like eight
years ago now it's like a tesla is the
coolest [ __ ]
car you can get like oh my god you got a
like it's like a luxury car now you know
yeah it goes to show you how fast things
change this is why
when i talk about you know like the
abolition of statism in our lifetime i'm
like bro i got like a
you know like 20 to 50 year outlook on
yeah that's not that's not that far you
know that's the difference between
like today and 911 you know which
doesn't seem that far
yeah like 20 years yep he thinks it
changes fast you know you think uh
when bitcoin starts starts becoming
adopted more
widespread you think governments are
going to be forced to downsize because
they have to rely on taxation which is
more transparent
and visible to society rather than
which is secret taxing everybody
i think they'll have to downsize i
believe that technology will make the
obsolete so it'll be
a slow growth where
the technologies and industries that
monopolized in the past are now
going to be monopolized by
or not monopolized like open to
competition because
now i can make a rocket you can make a
you know now we can get in the space
game right say for example
yeah so what does that do
it makes an entire area of government
like nasa who the [ __ ] needs nasa when
you have these private people that are
doing more than nasa
like essentially you need nasa just for
the regulatory stuff
like they make you work with nasa a lot
of the times you have to do things with
the government
so you know
it's just like things are
going to drastically change
in this world and they already are like
they're changing so fast
that most people aren't actually paying
attention to the change i'm
really into trend forecasting so i'm
constantly focusing on like what is
today what was yesterday stressful what
will be
it's fun bro it's so cool like but yeah
of course
you know yeah yeah life is stressful out
here in this current
you know life that we're living that's
why we're trying to go live in a free
because less stressful and that's you
the thing about like yeah the woods that
we turn into a
technologically superior and advanced
world you know like we start in the
and then we create free cities
and prove that our models can work
better than government so going into
what i was saying it's like the only
thing that we need to make the state
is the functions the government thinks
that they
that other people can't do yeah as
like they do which every year that goes
we're proving with one data point after
like oh look those private militaries
over there are way more efficient and
they get paid way more
yeah how the [ __ ] would i use them like
you know
like well those private police aren't
shooting people on the street so easily
what up
it's little things or or you know what
maybe i don't need to go to the hospital
for this maybe i just have my own remedy
yeah i i can just go and buy online you
gotta have options you have competition
we have we have more options exactly so
those options
create competition and the state
hates competition so what
bitcoin does is it directly competes
in an arena that the state will kill you
for competing in which is using your own
on that that's not theirs on that note
uh we definitely
want to support bitcoin you and i
clearly and
all my viewers always part of bitcoin
want to support bitcoin what do you uh
what do you recommend people do to
support the growth of bitcoin
and and get it to be get it to grow and
get to get people on board what what do
you what do you think are some good ways
of doing that
the best thing that you can do
as you grow in bitcoin
is educate yourself on all the topics
that make bitcoin the history the
philosophy that you cannot listen to
podcasts like this
right yeah listen listen to lots of
connect with people in the industry
learn things like computer programming
cryptography and how
these things are made again
the full spectrum of everything
that has to do with bitcoin and
i would recommend the least focused
part should be the price
that's the part you should focus on the
least yeah i agree go focus on
everything else
and the money will come i agree because
if your main focus is the money
you're gonna get [ __ ] wrecked yeah
you're gonna be stressed and you know
you kind of [ __ ] deserve it too
it shows you what happens in
the free market when there's no daddy
government to protect you
and tell you what you can and can't do
and you're free to do whatever
you want over there yep it just goes to
show you
that if you don't act disciplined and
responsible in a free world you will get
[ __ ] wrecked without a safety net
there's no government there for you you
chose that and now you have to pay the
consequences for your decision
and i'm sorry if that doesn't sound
pleasing to you
but that i'm not gonna apologize
for thinking that survival of the
is the way of the world you know and
that is what promotes
advancements in the world
is competition and there are going to be
winners and there are going to be losers
so if you want to be a winner in this
or in any world long term
disciplined action is how you do it
yep so you know if you want to get rich
go to a casino if you want to get rich
quick in
crypto it's not going to happen it it
it's the the rate of people getting rich
in crypto is the same rate of
anybody getting rich in any other
it's like penny stocks i mean i'm in the
cannabis industry i'm in the cannabis
industry right
everybody thinks that if i just start
selling cbd
i'm gonna get rich that's not the case
i've been in the cannabis industry for
over 10 years am i filthy rich right now
no it takes hard work because i'm
playing the long game yeah i'm playing
the 50-year game here so okay i've been
in the cannabis industry in the crypto
world for like a decade that's not the
long game
the long game is that 50-year outlook
to where when i'm you know 50-60 years
old and i'm looking back
and then i see okay that discipline is
what helped me take the right
steps to do this in the most efficient
manner possible you can get to the top
but you know
in other ways but i'm trying to do it
with as little stress and as much
as possible awesome yeah i really think
that's cool what you're doing with
specker and
you've been i know you've accepted
bitcoin since
since the beginning right well what else
are you doing in terms of uh
integrating bitcoin into specker weren't
you saying that you uh
were looking at doing something
something else with that
is there a company that you were working
with uh
oh my god okay all right
you don't have to say it if it's not if
it's uh not completed yet
let's see there are like multiple angles
on that
um so
my goal i guess like what i will say
until it's integrated
is my goal being
a long-term cryptocurrency investor and
somebody who has dedicated my life
to achieving a free society in our
is to practice what i preach and
part of practicing what i preach is
getting away from the centralized
that we think coercively control
us like a bank account
we think we need that but we actually
don't now with cryptocurrency yeah you
don't yeah
so my goal with specker
as we transition is to transition it
from as many government
structured industries as possible
um which includes things like
banking so you're trying to decentralize
the specker is what you're saying
trying to dece like
i'm trying to create as much
freedom within the business model
as possible in a
current slave society without the
government killing me
yeah that sounds good that sounds great
to me like
i'm doing whatever i can that's not
that is but it's also something that
most people don't think that they have
access to like
well how am i going to run my business
if i don't have a bank account from
chase or bank of america or wells fargo
well phil there's there are options here
be your own bank so
yeah i'm trying to lead the way on that
with my business
um and that's a multi-year transition
um but as we've talked about um
it is something i am logistically
figuring out
how to do right now and when i do
logistically figure it out
i hope to share it with as many business
owners as i can
because especially with me being in the
cannabis industry
selling things like cbd i have been
censored at
every turn every turn
the payment processors the banks like
just wants to take the side of
the way that i see it and the way that i
look at the world these days
is stop trying to make yourself
liked in a room where everybody hates
go to the room where everybody likes you
and then start there as your premise
instead of the premise starting with
everyone hates you so the way
all of our businesses are structured
these days is i have
specker i have to follow these
and like use these payment processors
so i have to use this payment processor
and then i have to use the shopifys of
the world
and then i have to integrate this and
that but then
they censor you and they block your
account and they take your money from
so what am i doing trying to be
liked in a place that doesn't want me to
why would i surround myself with
people and businesses who are actively
fighting against my growth yeah it is
absolutely irrational so me being a
person of action
i'm not gonna do what the majority of
other people do which is just complain
and then hope that somebody else is
gonna take care of it the reason i
made my specker products is because
i was using those products and they
so i realized i can make it better and i
so that's what i'm trying to do with um
what we're transitioning specker into
um over the next few years and
you know what it might not work
it might suck yeah but
if it does work then i have essentially
that you can have
a business like mine that is
a regular you know health company
but following very similar standards to
how a lot of these crypto currency
companies protect themselves
that sounds really great um you know
coming up on the end of time here
um where can people find more about you
your spectre company where can they find
your cbd company
and your youtube channel where can they
find you
awesome so you can find me
um on all social media platforms my
handle is
my first and last name amir zendanam
and you can check out specker and
we ship all across the country in the
united states
we ship to a bunch of other countries
as well if your country's government
is friendlier to this plant
which a lot aren't um
and yeah you could uh support us by
buying specker products with bitcoin
on the specker website when you go to
checkout you can have the option to use
and a few other um cryptocurrencies but
you know i prefer bitcoin
so yeah you know i'm really just trying
change the way the world is seen in
the business world through these actions
of integrating
crypto with things like the
decentralized finance space so you know
that overarching conversation was
you know specker is shifting to d5 so if
you're a business
start looking into decentralized finance
and as john mcafee
said decentralized finance is going to
be the thing
that destroys the state and i completely
agree because they literally cannot
control it yep
it's exciting so if you if you're
listening to this go look into
decentralized finance
and learn everything you can about it
because this is
granting us human sovereignty on a level
we haven't seen in state history i don't
really know about before but
in modern state history we have never
seen this level of
individual freedom yeah definitely it's
super exciting well it's nice talking to
amir i'm going to go ahead and
link your youtube channel in the
comments so check him out there
and thanks a lot for coming on thank you
appreciate it hey thank you so much matt
you are an epic human being and i am so
that we have so many
mutual ideas in a world that
is so imbalanced so
big shout out to you and i am wishing
well with lots of success as you
continue on this podcast
love you bro love you too man