History in 20 Podcast

The Plantagenets Mini-Series Part III: Edward I & Edward II

History in 20

The third part of the Plantagenets Mini-Series! Apologies for the length of this video, I tried to cut down a few times but this was about as short as I could get it. Back to 20 minutes next time (hopefully!).

This time we look at the beginning of the Edwardian period of the Middle Ages, starting with Edward I (r. 1272-1307) and Edward II (r. 1307-27). Although they were father and son, they were very different people and very different rulers. Edward I, better known as 'Longshanks' was a fierce warrior king, known also as 'Hammer of the Scots', while Edward II was rumoured to be homosexual, and labelled as weak and ineffective.

Key events that we will look at in this episode include: the Welsh rebellions of 1277 and 1282; the Battle of Falkirk (1298); the rise of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce; the Battle of Bannockburn (1314), and the rule of England under Isabella and Roger Mortimer.

Feel free to let me know in the comments section what you think. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button!

A reminder of who's who (so far!) in the Plantagenet family tree!

Henry II (1154-89)
Richard I (1189-99)
John (1199-1216)
Henry III (1216-72)
Edward I (1272-1307)
Edward II (1307-27)

