Unfolding Words

054: Kristie Anyabwile: On Growing in the Word

June 10, 2019 Antracia Moorings

I had the best time chatting with Kristie Anyabwile, she's a wife, mother, and homemaker who loves leading Bible studies, discipling women, cooking, hospitality, and reading. Her husband Thabiti Anyabwile pastors Anacostia River Church in Washington, DC. We talked about how she grew in the Word, how she spends her time in the Word, her heart for discipling women and her upcoming book. Check the show notes for all the resources Kristie mentioned. Show notes: www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode54

Connect with Kristie Anyabwile

  • Reach out to Kristie on Twitter: www.twitter.com/kanyabwile

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