Unfolding Words


October 28, 2019 Antracia Moorings

I'm starting a series on the questions of Jesus. The first one we will be looking at is from Matthew 9:28: "When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” 

Jesus was asking more than whether they believed in the power He had just shown in other people’s situations, or even that whether they believed in theory that he was the Messiah.  He was asking whether they believed that He had power to do this…right now…for them.

Sometimes it can be easy to believe the theory of who Jesus is, but it can often be harder to believe that He wants to work in your life and in your situation.

This is the kind of faith Jesus is looking for though, and it is the kind of faith the blind men display. It is one thing to believe in theory abut another to walk this belief out practically—yet this is exactly what Jesus is seeking.
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