Unfolding Words


Antracia Moorings

In Matthew 8:26, Jesus asked His followers why they were so afraid their boat would overturn on account of some wind and waves, especially since He was right there in the boat with them. Certainly, if the Son of God was in their midst, they would safely get to the other side of the lake.

If they had really understood who He was, they would have understood that no boat that carried Him would be allowed to sink. He was safe in His Father’s hands. By extension, they should have understood they were safe with Him, for they were His chosen followers. This would later give them assurance in the future that they were in God’s hands.

Then having initially rebuked the disciples, He rebuked the winds and the sea. By the power of His word the storm was stilled. And immediately there was a great calm, indeed such a sudden calm after a storm that it was beyond the experience of even these hardened fishermen. In that moment they knew that they had seen the Master of wind and wave at work. And they were filled with awe.

Just like the disciples, you and I have Jesus with us in every circumstance we encounter. And, He has promised to never leave us or desert us. So, what are we so afraid of? 

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