Unfolding Words

075: The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know About Success

Antracia Moorings

Consider the fact that Noah preached for more than 100 years while building the ark, but no one besides his family was converted. What does this say about what we often view as successful ministry versus faithfulness to God? 

So Noah built this ark and looks like his act of faith didn’t draw crowds. But we can’t determine Noah’s success based on our culture’s definition of success. Humans are poor judges of success and failure because  use the wrong measuring sticks. For us success equals the rich, the powerful, the influential, and the attractive. But these successes don’t hold the same weight in God’s kingdom. On the other hand, we often determine on failure to equal—the poor, the broken, and the unimportant people. These are often the ones God calls blessed.

According to Jesus, it is possible to gain the whole world—to reach success according to the world’s standard—and still fail at life because you lose your soul in the process. At the same time, Jesus declares that it is possible to lose all your possessions, relationships, and status, and yet succeed in what really matters—in your relationship with God.

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