Unfolding Words

011: Your Provision Is God's Priority

July 30, 2018 Antracia Moorings Episode 11

Mark 6:30-44 where Jesus feeds the 5,000 is more than just a miracle to wow the crowds. It is instead a picture of how Jesus is a very personal good shepherd, who has compassion and aims to provide good things.  As Jesus and the disciples seek to find a quiet spot to rest and regroup, the crowd followed Jesus and the disciples into a desolate place.  It is there in that desolate place that Mark paints a picture of Jesus with a flock of sheep in need of a shepherd. These sheep (the crowd) had wandered into a desolate place with no provision for food, but Jesus being the good shepherd that He is provided for them.

Scriptures and Resources

Mark 6; John 6:4; Numbers 27:15-17; Ezekiel 34:14; Strongs 2048. erémos

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