Unfolding Words

037: The Snare of the Selfie Spirit

February 04, 2019 Antracia Moorings Episode 37

The desire for self-promotion is part of the evil condition of the human heart. We are all tempted to exalt ourselves in some way—if it’s not through social media, it’s some other way. But social media has a special way of encouraging and showcasing one’s indulgence in this temptation. Of course, social media is not the cause of self-promotion; it is only the platform through which the human heart displays its desires. But the prevalence of such self-promotion should urge us to think more about the issue, especially because so many Christians seem to be walking in step with a trend the Bible so clearly discourages.

Prayer by Charles de Foucauld 
Deliver Me, Jesus 
—from the desire to be praised, honored, glorified, preferred, consulted, or approved. Deliver me, Jesus, from the fear of being humiliated, criticized, forgotten, ridiculed, maltreated, and from the fear of what others will think. O Jesus, give me the grace to desire: that others would be loved and esteemed ahead of me, that in the eyes of the world they would increase while I decrease, and praised while I pass by unnoticed; that others would be preferred in all situations; that others would become more than myself—in order that I would be as holy as You want me to be. 

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