Yesterday's London Times

Victorians, Social Clubs & Drag Kings, Oh My!: PLUS, Looking at the Past, Present, and Future of YLT

Jen & Mares Episode 27

Wow, what a year it’s been! It’s our first podcast anniversary, and we are so grateful for YOU, our YLT community! In this episode, we will take a moment to remember our past, reflect on our present and dream about the future. Specifically, we will:
  * share our origin story, and talk about the fun and challenges we encountered along the way as we launched the podcast into being
  *  take a quick look at our past episodes, and reflect on how an episode comes to life
  * drop some new Victorian era stories - social clubs and drag kings, oh my!
  * give a sneak peak into what we are working on and planning to share this autumn and winter
  * introduce our new media company, Collective Good Productions!

As always, we will also dig more deeply and question:
  * how classism, racism, and suffrage shaped the iconic social clubs of the Victorian Era
  * how Victorian women challenged the social and sexual mores of the time through drag and cabernet in the legendary music halls
  * our overall objectives and values as a podcast as we move forward into Year 2

Photos and links can be found in our show notes HERE.

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