Yesterday's London Times

Black Victorian Lives

November 25, 2022 Jen & Mares Episode 30

Our Victorian story arc is coming to a close, but not before we explore one of the most important topics of era: the lives of Black Victorians. 
The Victorians prided themselves on what they considered to be very socially progressive views. After the abolition of the slave trade at the end of the Georgian Era, an overwhelming number of Victorians joined the abolitionist movement to end the practice of enslaving humans around the world. Victorians read the autobiographies of formerly enslaved humans, attended abolitionist lectures, and the majority viewed slavery in the United States as vile and abhorrent. 

But Victorian actions and words often contradicted these efforts. As many Britons condemned American slavery, the British Empire was expanding and forcing its culture upon Black and Brown people worldwide. Minstrel shows perpetuated negative stereotypes of Black people in popular culture, and racist pseudo-science was employed to justify white supremacy.

In this episode, we will ponder, discuss, and question:

            -  the reality and impact of the Georgian era slave trade and how it influenced subsequent Victorian thoughts on the enslavement of humans

           -  the problematic, racist contradictions in mainstream Victorian society

          - the idea or who writes history, and examine the lenses commonly used to study the past today

        - the importance of the application of critical thought when studying history

       - the necessity of intentionally seeking Black voices when examining the past

       - the legacy of racism in history texts today

Victorian London was awash in change, but the experiences of Black Victorians were unique and are all too often overlooked today. Join us we we seek to hear underrepresented voices tell the stories of extraordinary humans - humans who suffered and humans who thrived - and consider the many ways that their stories still deeply matter today.

 Photos and links can be found in our show notes HERE

Episode artwork: Sarah Forbes Bonetta with her husband, James Davies, photographed by Camille Silvy in September 1862  (©️Hulton Archive /Getty Images)

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