Yesterday's London Times

Pea Soup, Anyone?: The Great Fog of London

Jen & Mares Episode 31

Seriously?  An episode about... fog?
The fog has become synonymous with the city, much like one of its characters; and a provocateur at that.
But we're not talking about silvery, wispy, Dumbledore-type fog.
The fog that permeated winters between the Victorian era and the 1950s was sulfuric, gamboge colored, gritty, and reeking of rotten eggs.
In this episode, we'll ... :

  • look at fog from scientific and cultural perspectives,  
  • see how the fog grew into smog as the city grew,
  • take auditory field trips to experience that fog in the 19th and 20th centuries, 
  • think about how one person's bane can be another's inspiration,
  • examine a catastrophic fog event that brought the city to a standstill for five days, and
  • examine how London attempts to solve a very big problem.

So many photos!  See our show notes HERE.