Yesterday's London Times

Boxing Day 2022: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Jen & Mares Episode 32

It’s one of our favorite days of the year - Boxing Day! Shake a cocktail, snuggle in, and join us as we look back as a community on 2022, and make some announcements about where we are headed as a podcast in 2023. In this episode, we will:

- share some fantastically festive cocktail recipes

- present our annual awards to the podcast friends we learned about throughout the year

- make some unendorsed recommendations highlighting some of our current favorite things

- express gratitude for YOU, the YLT community, and let you know what is in the works for 2023

Photos, info, and recipes can be found on our show notes HERE

From our studio to you, wherever in the world you are, we wish you a warm and safe Boxing Day, and a most brilliant New Year ♥️