The Ahlquist Agenda

Building (Early Care and Education) Back Better

November 22, 2021 The Ahlquist Center for Policy, Practice & Innovation Season 1 Episode 6

In this month’s episode, we talk about the importance of early care and education: its importance to the economy, what Illinois and the federal government is doing to make it more accessible and affordable, and hear from We, The Village, a group in Illinois working to make the early education and care system better for Illinois families.

Episode Resources:

For more information about the wealth of early care and education programming offered by Children’s Home & Aid, visit our website.

To learn more about We, The Village and the Right to Care campaign, visit their website. And for the latest updates, please follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

As of publishing, the House passed the Build Back Better plan on November 19th. It now moves to the Senate. You can read the latest updates here. For the latest on Build Back Better, follow us on Twitter @AhlquistCenter.

To learn more about how the lack of child care has impacted mother’s return to work, the Washington Post has a great explainer.

To learn more about why the business community supports increased investment in early care and education, read here

To learn more about Brightpoint, visit our website at