Women of the Northwest

Lisa Hice- Financial and Lifestyle Coach-What makes you content?

July 07, 2022 Lisa Hice Episode 35

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Links: Website: www.lisahice.com

YouTube Channel: Lisa Hice https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-068bxrpNSBGPbWJgdxlcg

Instagram : lisa.d.hice https://www.instagram.com/lisa.d.hice/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.d.hice

Lisa Hice lives in Portland where she works at a local hospital.
She is a lifestyle and financial coach.
                        Topics include: 

  • Needs vs Wants
  • Health and Wellness
  • Cleaning and Organizing
  • Meal Planning
  • Shopping Tips
  • Decorate on a Budget
  • Take time to Rest
  • Digital Detox
  • Beauty and confidence

Subscribe to the Women of the Northwest podcast for inspiring stories and adventures.
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Lisa Hice

Thu, 7/7 8:57AM • 30:44


fun, encouraging, mindset, coaching, worked, save, nice, people, led, finance, money, podcasts, love, week, meal, grew, hungry, stress, driven, home


Lisa, Jan Johnson


Jan Johnson  00:03

Hello, Lisa. Hi. Hi.





Jan Johnson  00:06

to meet you. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah, morning. It's inviting me into your home. This is nice.


Lisa  00:13

Yeah, I'd love to host and have a little tea and fruit and stuff like that. It's always so fun. Yeah, fun to have you.


Jan Johnson  00:21

It's just nice to have other connections with people and right here in Portland. So,


Lisa  00:26

thanks for coming in from our story. It's wonderful.


Jan Johnson  00:29

Well, you know, I just got to do errands and get things. Pack it all into one day. So tell me a little bit about you. Where did you grow up?


Lisa  00:42

I actually grew up just right outside of Salem, Oregon. If you are on your way to Detroit and sun River and bend just a small town called Stainton. Definitely a little country town. So we know


Jan Johnson  00:55

satan because Knappa plays Dayton in all of their ballgames. So yeah, it was


Lisa  01:01

definitely that kind of country roots country living which I absolutely love. I used to live on a farm and and can be on in the country and I just loved it. I just kind of like that small, relaxed,


Jan Johnson  01:14

pretty out there.


Lisa  01:16

Did you do 4-H? Um, no. I


Jan Johnson  01:18

did FFA?


Lisa  01:19

 I did caravans which was a lot like that. It was really fun. So we do like you get your patches. Yeah, and all of that stuff. So yeah,


Jan Johnson  01:27

yeah, it was really fun. Those growing up experiences. Yeah, drive a tractor?


Lisa  01:32

Um, no, but I did ride horses. My, my cousin had has horses. So my aunt she just sold her farm but she has a beautiful she had a beautiful property and they had horses and all that stuff. So we do a lot of those. So yeah,


Jan Johnson  01:51

Did you participate in fear? You


Lisa  01:52

just went yeah, just go. Yeah, no, didn't do like the fruits, but I love to garden and all of that. So hopefully someday again, I'll have a big old garden. Yeah.


Jan Johnson  02:02

What do you like in your garden?


Lisa  02:04

A lot of herbs. I love hours just for like cooking. So I love to meal prep and meal plan. And so if I have like, you know, like the cilantro, maybe a little bit of basil, things like that. So I like to do that. And just flowers. I'm such a flower.



Oh, me too. Yeah. To flowers at your house, too. Yeah. So fun. Yeah,


Jan Johnson  02:26

I had a pack of wildflowers that I just put in my spread out into the seeds into my raised beds. And oh my goodness, this year. They're like crazy. And I got Poppy. Pink and White poppies.


Lisa  02:41

Those are actually mom's favorite flowers popping up happy.


Jan Johnson  02:46

These delicate there's bachelor buttons in there. And there's some kind of yellow, orange. not a it's not. They almost look like a mum or something. I'm not sure what they are. But at any rate they last had all the way through the snow in the winter and like whatever. I'm still bloomed all the way through. Wow.


Lisa  03:06

Yeah, great.


Jan Johnson  03:08

It's crazy. Yeah. So you grew up there. You have siblings, you got a


Lisa  03:12

couple of brothers and sister and yeah, just been pretty much born and raised here in Oregon and then moved away for college, to Las Vegas. So it was my sister moved down there first. And so I ended up moving down there and that's a little bit more of kind of my story and, and things like that. But went to UNLV for a couple years of undergrad in like finance and then ended up moving back home and got into the mortgage industry. Oh, okay. Yeah, so then ever since 2000 pretty much been living here in Oregon. Loving it. So yeah, I love Oregon, just because an hour away. You got the beaches. You got the mountains. You got the rivers, you got the city life. You got the farmers market, so I just love Yeah, and I'm just an outdoorsy person. So it's perfect. And there


Jan Johnson  04:04

are so many trails in Portland. Unbelievable.


Lisa  04:07

Unbelievable. Yeah, yeah. And that's something I love to do is actually like getting out hiking. Being outdoorsy, I lead actually as a kind of a with my friends and been doing in the past is group hiking group or group hikes. People do like with a meetup or something. I'm just on a like, we have a Facebook group, but I used to do it as kind of a ministry with my church and stuff like that. So I just get and also retreats. I've done some leading for group retreats, which is really cool. So nice. Yeah, that's just went


Jan Johnson  04:38

to the Christian Writers Conference. And it was in Canby. Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh, it's it's like so much better than the Red Lion.


Lisa  04:45

Yeah, yes. Yeah. Let a couple of happens. So great. Yeah, I actually led a group couple of group hikes over with like the conference, conferences and stuff as well. Were there so yeah, it was super fun. I want the beach and things. So yeah,


Jan Johnson  05:04

really. So you got a degree in Finance where did thatyou?


Lisa  05:07

Um, so it's kind of a funny story. So my first two, three years in college was in finance. And then I actually graduated from my university, which is a biblical school. So I started in finance in Las Vegas. Yeah. But it's a part of my story and testimony and then finished that Multnomah University. I have a degree in leadership and ministry. Oh, okay. So I have that kind of math dork in me. And I also love just encouraging women inspiring them just coaching and leading women just to flourish and grow. And, you know, just become, you know, who they're created to be. Yeah. So yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. So


Jan Johnson  05:50

okay. And so then did you work in a financial?


Lisa  05:53

I did. So I was working in the mortgage industry for about, since about 2000. And then had kind of a just unfortunate downturn in 2008 2009, when the market crashed. That was definitely a transition change for me when and also a time of loss of real deep loss. Job loss, the company shut down. I actually had to sell my home at that time, I had bought a Tahoe. Yeah, too many toys, too many toys. But I had to lose, I ended up losing those things. And then so I worked in the finance industry for quite a while. And then 2013 was led to go back to school and finish my degree at Multnomah University, which was fantastic. It was a great moment.


Jan Johnson  06:43

Go backwards. So you lost all of that. Yeah. What kind of how did you get from where it was devastating? To taking that next step of finding a plan of what to do? What kind of steps did you go through to make that happen?


Lisa  07:01

Yeah, I mean, I think it was a lot of just soul searching. I was really, really humbled, and it was a very hard season, you know, losing everything. And I realize I'm like, Okay, I have a, I have a choice. I can, like, go into despair, and depression. And trust me, there was some tough moments, for sure. A lot of tears, you know, just a lot of like, why questioning, why is this happening? And then I was like, Okay, I have a choice. I can go, like completely crash, or I can rebuild. And so I made the choice. I was like, Okay, I'm gonna reach out to some community, some mentors. I read a lot of books. I'm a book nerd. So I love books, you'll always see a lot of books in my house, I was just like reading those motivational books and quotes. And then it was also like, my kind of turning point coming back to God, and just growing in my relationship with him a lot of change in transformation. And he just kind of opened doors of a new job at Wells Fargo. So I worked at Wells Fargo for another five years and then just started. Yeah, just that rebuilding. And it was, it has never come back fully, you know, but I'm, I'm okay with that. Because it really, I actually, I think, going through that season of loss has given me such a heart and compassion for those who have experienced losses, right, in Greece. So I have that heart and, and that just understanding but also, being humbled was really good, because it makes me appreciate everything. I'm way more content, more frugal. You know, my co gene is frugal living network. And so it's like, I've learned to have to live on less. And so yeah, so.


Jan Johnson  08:50

So you kind of are using that now for doing some financial coaching.


Lisa  08:55

Yeah, yeah. And so I've been just taking on a few clients here and there, when time allows to do some financial coaching. And a lot of, I've noticed a lot of clients actually have gone through sources of grief or loss. If it's a financial loss, maybe a death or a divorce, those are all sources of losses that can be really hard. And I don't know a lot of times people when they're going through difficult times, they want to go into you pick your poison, if it's food, if it's shopping, if it's you know, drugs, alcohol, all those kinds of things, but and so I've been trying to, you know, encourage and coach and just, you know, sometimes pray with people if they're open to that, but just coaching and helping them set a budget with finances right now being so difficult, it's nice to be able to say, you know, like, here's some ways you can save money, that kind of stuff. So,


Jan Johnson  09:52

let's talk about some of the practical things you need. Yeah, yeah.


Lisa  09:55

Okay, my biggest mindset for me, I'm actually in a series talking about mindset. because it is a mindset, I am a budget nerd. I don't know if you guys won't listen or watch Dave Ramsey and his, he always has that like, Okay, are you a saver or a spender? Are you the budget nerd, I'm the budget nerd. But I am a spender. I like to shop. And so for me, I think the mindset of


Jan Johnson  10:21

therapy, right shopping therapy, shopping therapy, right?


Lisa  10:25

So I have to, like really catch myself. I'm reading a book from from Rachael Cruz right now. And she talks a lot about this about like, needs versus wants. So needs versus wants, I we will always have wants and wants are bad, but is wants make is hitting, you know, are you going into debt? Yeah. Are you? You know, buying more than you can afford? Is it a need? I mean, really writing down like, what is it something I need? Can I save that for it? So it's definitely a mindset, but also like, you know, contentment, I think about money. And what we have is having a mindset of being content with what you have, because we will always want something more. We can always compare ourselves to other people, our homes, our cars, our stuff, how we look. It's very, very challenging. And so it is a mindset of saying I am going to be thankful and content with what I have, but save for a rainy day. Right? Always I always encourage just like Dave Ramsey, have emergency emergency fund. Let me tell you this last few years, I think we all know emergencies happen. Yes, yes. Cars, yes, fires, illnesses, tires, you name it, have that emergency fund, saved for retirement, reduce and cut out debt. Be frugal with your stuff. I share a lot of tips on just practical ways of saving money at the grocery store gas, you know all those things. So


Jan Johnson  12:02

even the the idea of maybe you want something, but do you have to have it like today? Yeah. Or can you save for that for later? Oh, yeah. And you are not paying on your credit card interest or anything else.


Lisa  12:17

So lately, it is such a mindset because it is so hard. We it is such a instant gratification. That's exactly what I was gonna say, with Amazon with credit cards credit. I mean, you literally if you want something right now, you can go two seconds, two seconds. And it's scary. It's true. It's like, what about waiting? And what? A lot of times I try to do this, if there's something really big that I want, I say wait 24 to 48 hours or even a couple of weeks. I was recently just shopping for a new car. Yeah, I just bought a new Hybrid Hybrid insight, which was fantastic. But I did a lot of research and I normally in the back good old days I'd be like I want to Tahoe I just did it. I just went and bought a car and then later I'm like, Oh no, what did I go 700


Jan Johnson  13:03

A month payments were not exactly.


Lisa  13:07

So it's it's that waiting, and patience and research. And it is that mindset like really? Like just taking your time to things and and the lunchtime is your like 48 hours. You're like, Man, I'm glad I didn't buy that because now I don't think



so. Yeah,


Jan Johnson  13:28

yeah. So you also do some things with health and wellness. And I do talk about that.


Lisa  13:35

Yeah, absolutely. So when I got done when I was midway through over at Multnomah University, I actually got a job working at a local hospital. Oh, so which is fantastic. So I've been working in healthcare for the last almost eight years. It'll be eight years August 11. Just crazy. Yeah. And so I think working in healthcare, I've seen and just experienced and learned a lot about like health and also if we don't do preventive medicine and take care of an honor and and just lifestyle wellness, what the outcome can be, right? Diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, obviously we can't prevent, you know, things happen. Yeah. And I'm no doctor, I'm no like, you know, I don't have that full educational background. But I have learned that you know, what we can do the things that we put in our body. How we exercise. Definitely stress management. I think that's the biggest thing stress management because


Jan Johnson  14:36

there's a lot of illnesses that are stress


Lisa  14:39

induced. Yeah, I think so many, I mean, heart attacks are induced from stress. I mean, gut health from stress. That's something I'm really passionate about. I struggled actually with IBS. If you're not familiar with that, it's called the irritable bowel syndrome. And I actually was out sick on Thursday last week with just a horrible gut issues. I mean, because a lot of times it's stressed or foods that I'd had like asleep. About three, four weeks ago, I had had COVID. But so that has led me to be really passionate to helping others to manage your stress, taking care of your body and exercise. That's why I lead a lot of outdoor hikes, getting out in nature in meal planning meal, prepping. Yeah, it's a huge way to save money.


Jan Johnson  15:25

What are some tips for meal planning? Yes. Like do you do a week's worth of time or they have multi cook? Or do you how do you do that?


Lisa  15:33

Yeah, so I have actually a couple of like, forms and printables kind of like shows you how to do it and stuff and I want to do some courses on it but I always have in my kitchen it's turned right now but I have like a menu for the week. So I always do that. And then I do usually a big grocery haul that's really important like once a month you know if you're doing those like real small tiny grocery stops you will spend so much and we're hungry and when you're hungry or stressed or lonely or angry yeah they always say that a sugar or salt Yeah, so


Jan Johnson  16:09

I tried to pass up that Apple I don't know it might be dripping on my chin while I'm driving or something you know I might need something Okay,


Lisa  16:15

I will confess I love sweets. Oh my goodness. Anybody that knows me knows I'm like cookie monster I want the sweets Yes, I love cookies. But I tried to do meal prepping on Sundays and Mondays that's usually my kind of days at home I'll do a lot of like bulk meals. freezer meals that saves a lot of money i because of my digestive issues I have to have foods that are you know a lot more plant I do eat well you know what the ingredients are? Yeah, so yeah, plant based meals just I try to lean more towards lean meats, fruits, vegetables, good proteins and try to watch the sugar but that's my job. So but definitely make a list you know and don't shop when you're hungry or tired. You know shopping midweek is actually sometimes good. So because there's not a lot of people those are a couple of my tips. But always have a list you know like go through clean out your fridge maybe every other week or once a week in your pantry. Make that list and mystery


Jan Johnson  17:20

items in there. Yeah.


Lisa  17:24

Yeah, you know and try to like I'm kind of boring with my meals but like make a variety grab your favorite cookbooks like I always have cookbooks in my kitchen look on recipes online follow along those people that you enjoy and make it fun food is it should be to be healthy but you know make it fun and yeah yeah


Jan Johnson  17:46

yeah, I think and when one of my several weight loss ventures tired about you know, just just having a plate that's you know, how you portion things. Yeah, you can you know, setting your setting looks nice and you enjoy what you're eating and have spent some time thinking about what you're eating instead of doing something else


Lisa  18:10

or Yeah, I I've worked with I have to meet with a nutritionist. Probably about once a month and she's always saying and that's a big thing about like portion controls. I went to go see the new movie Elvis if you have not had a chance to see it go see it is so good. Oh, good. Oh, but I was ordering a drink and it was literally like a 32 ounce for a small Yeah, it was like almost $6 I was like are you kidding me? $6 for this big of a small and it was a small I was like what is your large look like? But that is a lot of the the mindset also around food because I mean, the American society. I mean, a burger is like huge and portion controls. It's It's good to see you don't have to eat everything. No. And I mean, I know like some generations eat everything on your plate. i My grandparents were always like that, but it is. It's it's that mindful, mindful intuitive eating. Am I really hungry? Right? Especially at night. I don't know about you, but I am a snack.


Jan Johnson  19:13

Once I've had dinner, and I'm done. Oh, I don't do anything but I have breakfast. I get up usually about six and then I'll have breakfast in about 10 o'clock. I want like a little something. Yeah, before I have lunch.


Lisa  19:28

Yeah. And it's just picking you know, having those good healthy meals, maybe a snack or two but keeping the portions and asking yourself, Am I really hungry? You know, a lot of times we're thirsty or we're just bored or lonely. Yeah. And so I it's like finding those hobbies. What other things can I do when I'm hungry or bored?


Jan Johnson  19:48

And I think if you prepare if you know you're going to be out for the day or something you pre pack little packages of snacks with you that you've got them right there so you're not getting to that hangry part


Lisa  19:59

of having good Give me now. Yeah, X and yeah, so that's something I love to share is just some fun healthy recipes. You know that it would be fun to someday have like a cool like recipe book or ebook. Yeah, something like that would be super fun.


Jan Johnson  20:15

Really fun. Yeah. And so you have a YouTube channel


Lisa  20:19

I do, I do have my goodness kind of a variety but really a lot of focus on financial wellness. So I'm in the series on money mindset. So you can check it that out. It's just over on YouTube, Lisa highest you could also look it up as frugal living network that kind of coincides a lot of things. But it focuses a lot on the, you know, faith to lifestyle and financial wellness. I'm definitely just I love sharing just the words of encouragement and because I think when we are being encouraged and coached or driven and energized towards wellness, it just it's a trickle effect. You know, if we feel good, we're our home life is better. Our stress is being managed. I also love to share about you know, taking care of our like home. So I love sharing tips on you know, home organization I love like Martha Stewart, TV, so sometimes I'll share some like practical ways to decorate on a budget. Yeah. Some fun ways to go. I love goodwill. So like decorating fun things. Sometimes I do pop in some Bible studies, some prayer videos. So it's kind of a variety, but it's definitely it's a whole but I feel like that's who we that's a lot of us as it were a whole been. It's our finances. It's our sleep, Getting proper sleep, are home, getting community, so I'm gearing more towards maybe doing some fun interviews, some podcasts interviews, so just like that, so that'll be super fun time.


Jan Johnson  22:01

Yeah. Very good.


Lisa  22:03

So yeah, and then I'll share it over on my website, which is you can look it up under lisahice.com. Okay, so yeah, and then Instagram and yeah,


Jan Johnson  22:13

that's yeah. What or can you share any kind of stories from people that you've worked with, in ways that maybe some problems that they've had, that they come with, you know, that she worked through together?


Lisa  22:28

Some problems? Um, let's see. You know, I Yeah, so there was a life coach of mine, who her and I are a lot of like, I love her. Her name is Poppy Smith, you can look her stuff up. And she is an international writer, speaker, author, and I just, I love how encouraging she is. And I think one of the challenges she had talked about was, you know, just having to slow down a lot, taking times of rest. We both can be really driven and really, like, get ourselves out there. And then we just completely crash and burn. Yeah. And what happens when we're overly tired, our communication breaks down, we can be edgy. We are Spitfires at work, we can be short tempered or impatient. And so that's something that I have to continuously challenge myself with is slowing down because I could run a million miles an hour like a racecar driver, but then I hit the crash. But you know, I crash. And so I learned a lot. I mean, she's always encouraging me to along those lines, because that is I think that's just our day and age that we want to run really hard. You know, we don't want to slow down. We don't want to take the time to actually take care of our bodies and sleep and rest and have quiet time. Unplug. I'm reading a workbook about digital detox right. Oh, that's a challenge for Yeah, but if we don't do those things, we are not nice to our family members. We're not nice to our co workers. Were not nice to our loved ones.


Jan Johnson  24:09

Yeah, so take some time to Yeah, yeah. Because setback and


Lisa  24:13

taking step back and so I've yeah, those are definitely those are that's one of my biggest challenges. So


Jan Johnson  24:20

do you feel like the things that you do like with the coaching and whatever, are those are things that do you keep doing them because you feel validated? When I


Lisa  24:32

was fit? Yeah, actually, it's funny because sometimes I have to definitely do that heart check. You know, what is why is my purpose what am I doing? What is the reasoning why I am coaching? And I it really does come back to I want to help people I have that servant heart. I have that gift of encouragement. And yeah, I mean, I think with social media and all that different things. It's like yeah, it can be at night. To picture and and video, but at the bottom, and at the end of the day, it is about helping people grow. It's encouraging them. I love hearing their success stories. That's the my excitement when they come back and say, oh my goodness, I just was the first month being under budget. And I'm like, yeah. You know, happy? Yeah, yeah. And so I think that reminds me of like, okay, this is why I'm doing it. We're just helping them go through hard seasons difficulties. I think that that's the biggest thing, too, is just encouraging them. Yeah. during this difficult time. It's it's


Jan Johnson  25:36

I don't know. I don't want to call it a high but it kind of is, you know, yeah, it just, you know, it just, there's some times when you're doing something, and you just know, it's so right. Yeah, that you can step back and just go have a moment and just go, this is what I was made for. Right? Yes,


Lisa  25:57

exactly. Yeah, I for a long time, I was like, I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing kind of going through change and trying to, you know, some trend or some transformation. And now I'm like, I'm using a lot of those things to help others. Yeah. And I just have such like, everyone's like, you're just like that motivator you'd like to encourage you like to coach people. And like, yeah, and it is a gift. Yeah, that's something I love to do. But I also need encouragement to I have to be like, they always say like, if you are a money coach, you also have to have a financial coach, you know, making sure to have be encouraged and be motivated from other people. Because you got to be driven to write so Exactly.


Jan Johnson  26:37

Yeah, it's a it's a circle. Yeah. So anything else you'd like to share with us?


Lisa  26:45

Yeah, I think, yeah, just moving forward. I'm just really excited to continuously encourage and help people right now. I know everybody's going through kind of a rough couple years. And so and now it's, you know, especially along the lines of finances. So definitely, you know, check out the YouTube channel, the website, Instagram, as I continue to share ways to save money, and lifestyle, wellness, because those things definitely go hand in hand. Someday, I would love to have some books out there. That'd be super fun. I love encouraging, especially women right now on confidence. A lot of women struggle with just beauty and confidence because they are comparing themselves to all these filters on Instagram, and it breaks my heart. And I want them to know that they are beautiful and loved. So yeah, hopefully a book will come out on on that because that's something you know, no one's perfect, right? No one's perfect. You can spend a million dollars and it's not gonna matter. Yeah, yeah. It's in the heart that you are beautiful. Exactly. Yeah. So and get some fun ebooks, maybe at some point. 


Jan Johnson  27:58

That is awesome. Yeah. Thank you, Lisa. This is really been fun. And so



fun. Thank


Lisa  28:03

you so much for coming in. And having me I'm excited.