Michigan AF Podcast

Kendra Kissane, Environmental stewardship manager, Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, Dairy Management Inc.

Michigan GROWN, Michigan GREAT Season 4 Episode 58

Kendra Kissane has her dream job of being the environmental stewardship manager at the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy through Dairy Management Inc. She’s working with farmers to meet the sustainability goals of achieving carbon neutrality or better, optimizing water usage, and improving water quality by 2050. She and her husband are moving to her family’s farm, where she will get to use her interior decorating skills to make it their own. They enjoy participating in adventure races, skiing, traveling, and hiking.

Listen as Kendra talks about:

  • Why she enjoys her job as environmental stewardship manager, and how she got here
  • Her plans for wildflower planting and a pumpkin patch
  • How farmers can recognize and promote the sustainable efforts they make every day
  • How she and her husband met 
  • Her favorite state park in Michigan, plus her favorite foreign countries

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