Bridging Beliefs

Is the Buddha Agnostic? God in Buddhism

Rob Cacchioni Season 1 Episode 7

A brief introductory study of God and gods according to the Buddhist scriptures. We also examine the Bahá'í Writings to shed light on its authenticity.


  1.  0:38 Intro
  2.  12:10 Buddhist Scriptural Authenticity
  3.  23:34 Limits of Language
  4.  42:44 Gods Abound
  5.  1:01:44 Buddha Above Gods
  6.  1:15:44 Buddha Worshipped by Gods
  7.  1:47:02 Buddha is the Dharma
  8.  1:50:03 Buddha is Ultimate Reality
  9.  2:04:03 The Purusha - Personal Brahman
  10.  2:20:10 Mahayana Scriptures
  11.  2:37:05 Conclusion

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Hello, friends. Thank you for joining their study. We will look at authoritative text. Of course, any comments are my personal interpretation for any official or authoritative by teachings. Please visit the high dot or GE. I'd like to think that the high administration as well as all of those working for peace in the description below you'll find time stamps of the various sections in this video so you can jump to those sections if you like. There's also a link to download an audio form of this presentation as well as a pdf with all of the quotes. So today we're gonna be looking at a topic on ultimate reality and Buddhism. The quotes and text that we're actually going to be studying come from what is called the Pali Canon. This is the Central Buddhist texts which give the foundation for what's called terra VOD in Buddhism there of the most ancient texts we have from Buddhism, there are others that were revealed in Sanskrit, and some of you have in Tibetan in Chinese, which come from the Mariana Tradition. This is a quick synopsis, whereas this is in the poly language and is generally seen to be some of the most ancient, authoritative texts of Buddhism. One of the things that's going to come up a lot for some readers or some viewers is how different this perspective of Buddhism might be from what they've heard or been told by friends, colleagues and in general media within the West. Because oftentimes we I believe we see a Buddhism that has been culled, meaning parts of it have actually been chopped off in its presentation to Western audiences. So we often hear that Buddhism is a near philosophical system. It's not a religion, or it's a system of meditation, even to the point where some people say that a person can be Buddhist and Christian that because it's actually on religious itself, it's more of a practice or philosophical system they can actually blend. Another aspect to be often see is many of the rules and regulations and moral precepts and ritualistic precepts of Buddhism also get removed. So, for example, the vanilla, which is actually the rules and codes of conduct for amongst the nuns of Buddhism, we often also have presented to us a Buddhism that is devoid of judgment, no conceptions of heaven, no conceptions of hell. And bold as it might seem to say, I would suggest that thes air actually distortions of the actual but the Scripture and the times, I think very unintentionally, in times this is actually how it's presented in the West to make it more palatable to the Western audience what we don't often hear of in the West. Some of the fundamental tenets that I see within the actual description themselves are, for example, the divine status of the Buddha, the necessity of faith and love and even worship of the Buddha Theo existence of gods. This is about an ultimate reality in Buddhism, basically, that there are many topics that we don't see often in the West and common culture that are actually within the Buddhist tradition itself. One of the things we have to do is to place what does them in its evolutionary context, to really look at it as part of the Indian religious tradition all sometimes people will say we have to look at Buddhism on its own terms in its own evolutionary context. But what you end up I have experienced, which end up seeing, is this cold virgin of Buddhism Um so I would suggest that it's truly Izvestia actually looking Buddhism within the Hindu on, especially upon the shadow contacts context, to see what the Buddha is responding to, what he is, correcting, what he is answering and thereby be able to actually understand that. But it's clean more clearly. One facet of how Buddhism can be portrayed at times and again, especially with the West, is the claim that Buddhism is not enthusiastic. Um, this is a to me, a very peculiar claim that Buddhism is a non theistic, not atheistic, not theistic manana, theistic in the sense that it doesn't speak of divine beings. Why this is so strange is because if Buddhism is non theistic, and I would have to say that Greek mythology is non theistic, that Roman religion was non theistic, Sumerian or ITU shin religions were non theistic. Why? Because Roman Samarian, Egyptian in Greek mythology or Norse mythology, for that matter has many divine beings, and so does put it. When we actually look within the Pali canon, we encounter the divine beings that come out of the Hindu vet IQ tradition, meaning the tradition that comes from the Vega's, the Holy scriptures of Hinduism. So to place a phrase like non theistic on Buddhism, if I'm going to be just and honest, I'm actually gonna have to say, Well, it's non theistic because these people think that there's no ultimate divine one God. But then I would actually have to call great mythology and Egyptian mythology non CS stick. So I really do believe that that that placing this term on Buddhism is itself just a distortion of actually what Buddhism is saying. So at the very least, we would say that Buddhism is actually polytheistic mean. It has many, many gods because an actual fact, as I I think we will see Buddhism has a more gods of in Greek mythology, more gods than Sumerian mythology. And in some sense I would even suggest more divine beings than even Hinduism itself. And, of course, we're looking at ultimate reality within Buddhism. And again it may seem striking but that we will be seeing that there is, I believe, a very clear conception of an ultimate within the Buddhist tradition, and we'll see what that looks like. So before going into some of the Buddhist scriptures themselves, I believe there's a series of philosophical problems with presenting Buddhism as a non theistic or atheistic tradition. Um, one of those things is sort of related to the Western conception of deism. The idea that, well, there might be an ultimate reality, but that ultimate reality is not concerned with human existence is actually not an intervening being not being relates to its creation in any direct way. More like, if you will, the grand architect or the mathematical being that is behind the laws of the universe and rationality. Why I find this untenable is because, first of all, just like the problem with deism itself, the question arises well. Is there a moral code? Are their virtues or qualities that we refer to his virtues that actually have to be manifested? And if you will exemplify within a human life in order to ascend towards this being or to be of of, ah, greater fulfillment of our life? And I think the answer both for the deists in the early modern philosophical era as well as with Buddhism, the answer is yes, that were supposed to see people as ends. Not as means we're supposed to be just and honest and compassionate. We're supposed to see truth and duty and responsibility and sacrifice for the good of all. All these are represented with Buddhism and within a lot of theistic writings. But all those things have to do with how we treat each other. All those things have to do with how we relate to each other as human beings so that we can be in accord or congratulate with the reality that we're supposed to be. Which means that the laws that we're looking at are directly related to human beings themselves. There are truths about human beings and how we should act within this world and these derived from, if you will deism or in Buddhism from the Dharma. So if we are in any way beholden to the teachings of virtue and sacrifice, then we have what I would call like an ontological ethic. Something outside of us that were actually beholden to, which seems to cause. Ivan suggests a pretty large philosophical problems for a complete absentee landlord. Conception of a C law like a mathematical principle behind the universe. It's This is what I would I would call the problem of the Dharma itself. Another aspect that comes up with relationship to Buddhism eyes the concept of a body Safa ah, body sat for which does it pure from the pages of the party. Cannon is a being who under the teachings of the Buddha, has ascended through a purification of themselves, a disentanglement with this world embodying CZ three embodying of the principles of compassion and non attachment, they reach a place where they are able to actually pot pats into the realm of Nirvana. They can finally leave the world of what's called Samsara the realm of birth and rebirth of death and suffering. But they choose not to, and when they choose not to, they do so out of compassion for all other human beings. In fact, all living things, their entire focus is actually to ensure that they stay within the realm of suffering and within the realm of trials, in order to sacrifice themselves for the raising up of all beings and bringing them towards a true understanding of the Dharma. The Buddha himself does this at the beginning of his mission. He is able immediately to pass into Nirvana, but he actually stays for the sake of those who might see, So the question would be, I think, Jule the bodhisattvas, which is not to enter the realm of your Vonna, but rather to stay in this world and sacrifice out of love and compassion. Do this in accord with what the Dharma releases, and I think moving. Look at the Buddhist scriptures. We have to agree that they dio that the Buddha, when he actually chooses to actually remain in this world. Although he can leave the realm of Samsara of aging, sickness, death and trial and suffering, he chooses to stay in contrast to what Mara this figure Mara tells him to do, which is to release himself from suffering because no one will listen that Mara really is the figure off, if you will, Satan within the Buddhist writings because more attempts the Buddha telling him not to stay, not to follow his compassion, his sense of justice love, but rather to either pass into Nirvana to death in a sense, or to actually take money, wealth and power. It's very much like the testing of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness. So this section is a look at the Buddhist scriptures and other structures in the context of behind texts. So looking at what say Abdel Bahar Mahala shall give Fendi or the world center might say, and taking a look at what is the nature and validity of the Buddhist scriptures? Often times I have met friends of mine who actually think that the Buddhist scriptures are corrupted or inauthentic or unreliable. We really want to take a look at this to examine some principles from by scriptures themselves. So this first scripture, where this photo's quotation is from Abdel bomb in the divine holy books, there are unmistakable prophecies giving the glad tidings of a certain day in which the promise one of all the books would appear. A radiant dispensation be established. The banner of the most great peace and conciliation be hoisted and the oneness of the world of humanity proclaimed among the various nations and peoples of the world. No enmity or hatred should remain. All hearts would be connected, one with another. These things are recorded in the Torah or Old Testament in the gospel in the Koran. In this end of esta and the books of Buddha in brief, all the holy books contain these glad tidings. So just quickly. Several different scriptures are actually mentioned here, one of them being the books of the Buddha, that actually there are prophecies and four tellings and glad tidings of a day in these holy books again, one of them being the books of the Buddha. Secondly, show you FND any good. Orientalist could probably refer you to commentaries on the cran and on the Buddhist scriptures. So in the discussion that the Guardian showed, if any is having with an individual, he's suggesting that someone look out our sorry seek out commentaries on the Buddhist scriptures sensibly to actually help them understand with the scriptures say once again because they are a holy receptacle of ratings. This is from the Mork one common faith commissioned by the universals of justice. The scriptures have not changed. The moral principles they contain have lost none of their validity. No one who sincerely poses questions to heaven if he persists, will fail to detect an answering voice in the songs or in new punny shots, anyone with some intimation of the reality that transcends this material. One will be touched to the heart by the words in which Jesus or Buddha speaks. So intimately of it, so we actually have four dispensations actually represented here. The first is the songs from the Old Testament that Jewish scriptures you punish odds which we will be looking at this in the study, but as well the words of Jesus and Buddha that anyone who poses a question to heaven to try to understand and to commune with their creator can hear an answer from within the Japanese hot and punish odds the Torah, the Buddhist scriptures or the new test. So this next quote is actually from Mahala. Now it doesn't speak directly of Buddhist scriptures, but it puts forward a principle, if you will, a covenant, a principle that we have to consider when assessing the ability of these form validity of these former holy books. And should they reply, the books that are in the hands of this people, which they call the Gospel and attributed Jesus, the son of Mary, have not been revealed by God and proceed not from the manifestations of his self. Then this would imply a cessation in the abounding grace of him who is the source of all grace. If so, God's testimony to his servants would have remained incomplete and his favor proven in perfect. His mercy would not have shone. Resplendent Norwood, his grace have overshadowed all for if, at the ascension of Jesus, his book had likewise ascended into heaven, then how could God reprove and chastised the people on the day of resurrection has happened, written by the imams of the faith and by his illustrious divines. This quote is responding to claim we sometimes hear from Islamic community that the New Testament, the gospel itself, eyes not in the hands of the Christians that when Jesus Christ ascended up to heaven while his message ascended with them and we have only faint and corrupted echoes of that message Behold a here are saying this could not be because this would imply that a secession of the grace of the source of all grace would have happened and that the people of that day could not be held accountable for their acceptance or rejected rejection of the message of the Prophet Mohammed. Now, this is a principle being put forward about the authenticity of the New Testament because of its net the necessary authenticity off it so that a person could find their beloved in the person of the Prophet Mohammed. But this principle can be carried over. Are we just say that? Actually, the teachings of the Buddha himself actually were completely obscured? That we have lost them completely because I've heard this again in some conversations were because there is a passage where Abdel boss says the teachings of the Buddha have been lost. But is there a different way to understand this? That would not imply a cessation of grace that the promise made in these holy books, as if you saw previously of the glad tidings of the coming off the Buddha, the Great Buddha to come, could actually carry humanity within the Buddhist tradition toe where they could recognise even, for example, Jesus or the Prophet Mohammed or the bomb in the hollow themselves. This next quote shed some light upon this question of the teachings being lost. This is from Abdul Ball. Mahama also established a new religion. Confucius renewed the ancient conduct and morals. But the original precepts have been entirely changed and our followers no longer adhere to the original pattern of belief. The founder of Buddhism was a precious being who established the oneness of God, But later his original precepts were gradually forgotten and displaced by primitive customs and rituals until, in the end it led to the worship of statues and images. This is only the beginning of the quote, but here it sounds okay. Well, they originally came. Now. Confucius is different. He renewed ancient customs and moral conduct. But the Buddhism Buddhists, that's right. The Buddha himself brought a message to humanity, but that his teachings were lost. His original precepts forgot. Now, if we consider the very next pair off, Abdul Maha says, consider, for example, that Christ admonished the people time and again to heed the 10 Commandments of the tour and insisted upon their strict observance. Now one of the 10 Commandments forbids the worship of images and statues. Yet today there are myriad images and statues in the churches of certain Christian denominations. It is clear and evident that the religion of God does not preserve its original precepts among the people, but that it has gradually changed and altered the point of being entirely effaced. And thus a new manifestation appears and a new religion is established. For if the former religion had not been changed unaltered. There would be no need for renewal so immediately after the statement regarding the Buddhist teachings. It's actually a pied to Christianity, but that it's actually that these observances, these original precepts, have been lost among the people. And again, this is the paragraph immediately following, he continues. In the beginning, this tree was full of vitality and laid in with blossoms and fruit gradually and grew old spent, Baron until it entirely withered and decayed. Not is why the true gardener will again plant a tender sapling of the same stock that it may grow and develop day by day, extending and sheltering shade in this heavenly garden and yield its prized fruit. So it is with the divine religions. With the passage of time, their original precepts are altered, their underlying truth entirely vanishes, their spirit departs. Doctrinal innovations spring up, and they become a body without a soul. That is why they are renewed. Our meaning is that the followers of Buddha and Confucius now worship images and statues and become entirely unaware of the oneness of God, believing instead, an imaginary gods has did the ancient Greeks, but such were not their original precepts. Indeed, the original precepts and conduct were entirely different again. Consider to what extent the original precepts of the Christian religion haven't forgotten and how many doctrinal invasions sprung up. For example, Christ forbade violence and revenge and enjoying instead that evil, an injury be met with benevolence and loving kindness. But observe how many bloody wars have taken place among the Christian nations themselves and how much oppression, cruelty, rapacity and bloodthirsty nous have resulted therefrom. Indeed, many of these wars were carried out at the behest of the pope's. It is therefore, abundantly clear that with the passage of time, religions are entirely changed and altered, and hence they are renewed is from some answers questions. So here are all the beginning that sounds a ziff well, the original precepts of the boot over action for gotten it's immediately paralleled with loss of the original spirit in the original teachings that were brought by Jesus Christ is not speaking of the Scriptures themselves. It's saying that one doctrinal innovations came in that many of the ethical teachings themselves were actually forgotten, that we began to focus on rituals and even at times go directly against some of the injunctions off the original message to such a point of the Divine Gardener. Because this tree is no longer bearing fruit has planted a tree of the same kind within that garden toe once again bring fruit to humanity. So this next section is to actually address an idea that is very prevalent, often within Western Buddhism some people refer to as the indeterminable Sze. It is a riel belief that the Buddha himself didn't wasn't interested in, or a shoot or brushed off discussions about the nature of reality or what's beyond this world or the nature of the Buddha himself, for what he's like after death. Um, the most famous one of these is actually a story about a narrow where this individual gets actually shot with a poisoned arrow and someone comes up to actually pull it out. And the individual says, Well, first I want to know, like what kind of poison it wasthe where the poison came from and who actually shot it. And what was he like? And what was his character and the Buddha, actually, and this is actually in in the Buddhist scriptures says that this isn't really falling because you just actually want the poison out because it's killing you, right? And this has taken generally to be a presentation that would have no interest in what was beyond about defeat, different problems of gods and where things came from. Um but I'm going to actually read a different passage. That's one of the more common ones used. So we're going to look at a quote from the Pali canon itself on this topic. Or such wanderers might say, Does the tattoo gotta the Buddha exist after death? Is that true? In any other view foolish, they should be told, friend. This has not been revealed by the Lord. Does the talk to God and not exist after death? Does he both exist and not exist after death? Does he neither exist nor not exist after death? They should be told friends. This has not been revealed with Lord. Then they may say, Why is the aesthetic go Thoma the Buddha not reveal this? They should be told friend. This is not conducive to the welfare or to the Darla or to the higher Holy Life war to disenchantment, dispatch, cessation, tranquility, realization, enlightenment, nirvana or marathon. That is why the Lord is not revealed it or they may say Well, friend, what is the Aesthetic Utama revealed? They should be told. This is suffering has been declared by the Lord. This is the arising of suffering. This is the cessation of suffering. This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering. This has been declared by the Lord. Then they may say Why has this been declared by the aesthetic Thoma? They should be told, friend, This is conducive to welfare, To Dharma, to the higher holy Life To perfect this enchantment to dispassion, to cessation, to tranquility, to realization toe enlightenment to Nirvana. That is why the Lord has revealed it, Kondo, Those bases of speculation about the beginnings of things which I have explained to you as they should be explained should I now explain to you as they should not be explained and likewise about the future? One of the speculations about the past There are ascetics and brahmans who say and believe the self in the world are eternal. This is true when any other view is erroneous or the self in the world are not eternal itself in the world are both eternal and not eternal itself in the world, or neither eternal nor not eternal. The self in the world are self created. They're created by another terrible self created and created by another there neither self created nor created by another, but ever risen by chance and similarly with a guard, pleasure and pain. Now could I go to those ascetics and Brahmans who hold any of these views? And if being asked, they confirm that they do hold such views? I do not admit their claims. Why not? Because qanda different beings, whole different opinions on such matters. Nor do I consider such theories equal to my own. Still less period. I am their superior in regard to the higher exposition. As for those bases of speculation about the beginning of things which I have explained to you as they should be explained, Why shy now explain them to you as they should not be explained? And what about those speculations about the future? Some ascetics and Rodman's who say the self after death is material and healthy in material both for neither The self is conscious after death. Unconscious, both or neither. The self parishes it has destroyed ceases to be after death. This is true when any other view is erroneous. Now, Linda, I go to those ascetics and Brahmans who hold any of these views and if being asked, they confirm that they do hold such views. I do not admit their claims. Why not? Because Linda, different beings will different opinions on such matters. Nor do I consider such theories equal to my own. Still less superior, I am their security or in regard to the higher exposition. As for those bases of speculations about the future, which I have explained to you as they should be explained, Why should I now explain them to you as they should not be explained and condo for the destruction of all such views about the past in the future for transcending them? I have talked and laid down the four foundations of mindfulness. What are the four here? Kalinda among dwells contemplating body his body aren't clearly aware and mindful. Having put aside hankering and fretting for the world, he dwells contemplating feelings, feelings. Mind his mind. He dwells contemplating mind objects, his mind objects ardent, clearly aware and mindful, having put aside hankering and fronting for the world that is how Kanda, for the destruction of such views about the past, in the future and for transcending them. I have taught and laid down the four foundations of mindfulness. So here it seems that actually Buddha is coming out against on the surface, any speculations about the nature of the top two gotta the Buddha after death, the nature of the self, where the world came from but rather is giving the, if you will, the noble truths right, that the life is suffering. That suffering could be ended in the wages and suffering and giving the four foundations of mindfulness. In addition, there is another problem. We'll see that will come up shortly. But before this, I wanted to read one passage from one common faith were commissioned by the Universe Office of Justice. It is there for an inadequate recognition of the unique station of Moses Buddha. It's a roster Jesus and Mohammed, or the succession of avatars who's inspired the Hindu scriptures to depict their work as the founding of distinct religions. Rather, are they appreciated, when acknowledged, has the spiritually educators of history has. The animating force is in the rise of the civilizations through which consciousness has flowered. He was in the world, the gospel declares, and the world was made by him. That their persons have been held in a reverence infinitely above those of any other historical figures reflects the attempt to articulate otherwise inexpressible feelings aroused in the hearts of unnumbered millions of people by the blessings their work is conferred in loving them. Humanity has progressively learned what it means to love God. There is realistically no other way to do so. They are not honored by fumbling efforts to capture the essential mystery of their nature and dogmas invented by human imagination. What honors them is the soul's unconditioned surrender of its will to the transformative influence they met. Immediate. They are not honored by fumbling efforts to capture the essential mystery of their nature and dogmas invented by human imagination. But what honors them is the soul's unconditioned surrender of its will to the transformative influence they mediate. This is what the book is saying right above, he's saying. In the end, you have all these people wrangling within the Brahmin class, derived from the thoughts birth out of Thea punish odds. They're all having these rancorous debates, which he actually mentions amongst themselves. And he says to them, I have come here for the eradication of suffering. I have come here for the elevation of humanity, for equanimity, for peace, for the development there, transformative will. And he's saying in the end it is for people to recognize that this is actually the medicine of the divine physician. This is the cultivation of the Divine Gardner and to embody it in their lives. So we don't disagree from this aspect. Just are often called the terminals at the same time when we actually look at the passage itself, which seems to issue and push off any of these kinds of speculations. One thing is he actually states that he holds different opinions on such matters. He has a higher exposition that his conceptions of our superior and we're going to see this actually come up in the future because he actually accused as many of these religious teachers of not knowing the true path of the divine because they, in contrast to him, have never been there. So if he's saying his views are higher exposition, that they are superior, then he has these views and the problem with taking these kinds of quotes the way they generally are taken is because they make a, uh, serious problem for actual Buddhist scripture. Because the Buddha does talk about these things. He actually does talk about what it is beyond this domain, he does talk about realms of divinity about the passage through. If you were all super sensory realms, so what? We would have to put it. Oh, to assume this is all he means is just to put aside all these conversations. Those are religious conceptions, virgins here for the upliftment of humanity. A simple philosophical concept would be almost a put on blinders and refused to look at vast tracts of Buddhist Scripture itself. There is another aspect of this that we can look at within the context of the Pali Canon. So well, read it now from the time a Nando, when among no longer regards feeling is itself or the self is being in precip e int or is being precip e int and of a nature to feel by not so regarding. He clings to nothing in the world, not clinging. He is not excited by anything. They're not being excited he gains personal liberation, and he knows birth is finished. The holy life has been led. Done was what had to be done, and there's nothing more here. And if anyone were to see to a monk whose mind was thus freed, a tot Agata the Buddha exists after that would be seen seen by him as a wrong opinion and unfitting. Likewise, the tattoo God does not exist both exists and does not exist. Neither exists nor does not exist after death. Why so? As far Ananta has designation on the range of designation reaches as faras language in the range of language reaches as faras concepts and a range of concepts reaches as far as understanding and the range of understanding reaches as far as the cycle reaches and revolves, that Monk is liberated from all that by super knowledge. And to maintain that such a liberated monk does not know and see would be a wrong view and incorrect. There's a very enigmatic passage because it sounds like the monk himself. One who has actually achieved his full of state of liberation in this life, has achieved Nirvana himself, doesn't know the answers to these questions, but at the very end of the passes, she says. To see that the monk does not know and does not see would be a wrong view and incorrect in the middle is the answer because it says, as far as language in the range of language reaches as faras understanding in the range of understanding reaches that we're dealing with a a worldview were the limits of human language. Understanding cannot express the rial reality of what the Buddha is after death or with the rial Reality of the soul is in the worlds beyond get at the same time, the Buddhist scriptures tell us off. So what can we gather from this? How this is very much like a talk by Abdullah Hans comments or questions Redox. More intangible, intangible realities where we cannot describe things that are so lofty and on physical. So we put them, if you will, into symbol and metaphor parable. So it's from such symbols and metaphors that we have to gain if you will, a glimpse of really what is going on within the Buddhist scriptures, and we actually note here and vs 38 39 of the passage quoted indeterminable Sze, the Buddha says. I do not admit their claims. Why not? Because different beings hold different opinions on such matters. Nor do I consider such theories equal to my own, still less superior than it's. So he and numerous places explains this reality that is not born of speculation, the speculation of the Brotman, or priestly caste. So this contrasts to what the broad mons himself are doing, which are like the passages above putting invented human dogmas and in a sense, by their wrangling and debating or actually losing the original precepts of the religion. Important to this concept, uh, is a doctrine within the Buddhist writings that again is often misrepresented the West. We often hear that the Buddha himself was just a philosopher, sat down and figured this out, and then he shared what he figured out with the rest of the world. I want to read two quotes quickly from the Buddhist writings, both from the ball again. Sorry, Po Tah Sorry. Porter is actually a chief disciple of the Buddha. Sorry, Put when I know and see Thus should anyone say of me The reclusive Thoma The Buddha does not have any superhuman states any distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. The reclusive Utama teaches the Dharma or dump, huh? Merely hammered out by reasoning following his own line of inquiry as it occurs to him. Unless he abandons that assertion in that state of mind and relinquish is that view Then, as surely as if he had been carried off and put their he will end up in hell just as a Biko Biko, a priest or monk possessed of virtue, concentration and wisdom would hear and now enjoy final knowledge. So what will happen in this case? I see that unless he abandons that assertion and that state of mind and relinquishes that view, then Shirley is if he had been carried off and put their he will wind up now. The second quote again addressing Sorry, Botha. Sorry, Put in when I know one See, thus should anyone say of me? The reclusive Utama does not have any superhuman states any distinction and knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. The creek loose Go Thoma teaches a dharma hammered out by reasoning following his own line of inquiry is it occurs to him unless he abandons that assertion and state of mind and relinquishes that view then, as surely as if even carried off and put their he will wind up in now, it's really the identical quote. There are many of these within the Buddhist scripture, where the Buddha comes out very, very, very clearly and tells his followers in the world that it would be a grievous wrong to say of the Buddha, that he had simply philosophically reason this out. So much so again, a different topic. But the individual would end up in hell. Another aspect of boat isn't we often don't here in the West. But here we have at the Buddha, contrary to the perspective, has presented by the Brafman, or priestly class of Hinduism in their speculative reasoning and arguing debate. The Buddha is saying no, he is not coming here with the speculative philosophical enquiry. He knows that spite direct knowledge, not through the faculty of reasons We see this part clearly because the Buddha says again to one of his disciples again, would I, in my disciples esteem me for my excellent knowledge and vision? Thus, when the reclusive Thomas says, I know he truly knows when he says. I see he truly sees the recluses. Ca Thoma teaches the Dharma through direct knowledge, not without direct knowledge. He teaches the Dhamma with a sound basis north without a sound basis. He teaches the Dhamma in a convincing manner, not in an unconvincing manner. This is the second quality by which my disciples honor me. So does the Buddha understand? By hammering out his doctor? My reasoning? No. We're told here that he understands it through direct knowledge. Of course, he says that he teaches it in a convincing manner, that which is hammered out for reasoning to help other people understand it. But it's not how he has actually gained the knowledge that he should. So this next section I called God's about meeting their gods everywhere. Um, again, the peculiarity of calling Buddhism and non theistic religion will really, really come out here. Why, Jenny? Because I don't know if many religions that have any more gods than Buddhism, if you will. The cosmology, the layers of reality and the divine beings that make it up is extremely extensive in Buddhism and oftentimes so extensive. It's very difficult to keep a handle on. We also several the passages that you will see with study, where there are divine figures and beings that even the commentators in the translators of these texts don't even know who the boat is talking about. So they expand even beyond, if you will divine beings and realities that we can sort of trace within the Hindu pantheon itself. So here we go. Then the Wanderer Sokolow dyin, quieted those wanderers and asked the blasted one. Venerable sir have Would point is an entirely pleasant world realized here who'd die in with the abandoning of pleasure and pain with the previous disappearance of joy and grief, a vehicle a monk enders upon and abides in the fourth Jonah, which has neither pain nor pleasure, a purity of mindfulness due to equanimity. He dwells with those deities who have risen in an entirely pleasant world, and he talks with him and enters into conversation with it is at this point that an entirely pleasant world has been realized. Venerable sir. Surely it is for the sake of realizing that entirely pleasant world that because lead the holy life under the blessed one, he answers, It is not for the sake of realizing that entirely unpleasant world that the beakers lead the holy life under me. There are other states with dying higher and more sublime than that, and it is for the sake of realizing them that beakers lead the holy life under me. Well, actually see that there are different realms or bases as they're called within the Hindu cosmology. The realms of reality called the base of Infinite Space, were the base of infinite consciousness that we're going to see. He's a real often called the Jonah's on the fourth Johnny, saying that when an individual has reached this place, he says, he dwells with deities, gods, and actually Converse is with him. And that's an entirely pleasant world, enough itself symbol boy being There's lots of deities. This next quote I called an endless refrain of homage because this is actually throughout the body. Cannon really occurs hundreds of times. It is a declaration of the or eulogy of the person of the Buddha, and it reads now a good report of Maastricht Thoma has been spread to this effect that blessed one is accomplished fully enlightened, perfect and true knowledge and conduct sublime Nowhere of worlds, incomparable leader of persons to be tamed. Teacher of gods and humans. Enlightened, blessed, he declares this world with its gods. It's Maura's and it's Brahmas, this generation, with its recluses and brahmans, its princes and its people, which he has himself realized with direct knowledge. He teaches the dollar good in the beginning, good in the middle and good in the end, with the right meaning and phrasing. And he reveals a holy life that is utterly perfect and pure. Now it is too good to see such your aunts in here, the Buddha and I said, This is a constant unity, a refrain that we here, in Sutra after spectra, have their search of the Pali canon whenever the beauty of the blessed one, the Lord Buddha has actually declared. And it says he is a teacher of gods and humans. He declares this world, uh, with God's morals and brahmas. These air different classes of divine beings, the Mara itself being of a negative quality. But these are beings that are deities that are gots so To say that there is no gods within Buddhism would be a very, very peculiar notion. But he also says in here that he has realized again, with that direct knowledge, we just saw all the realities of this world. State of it, as if a divine physician and himself from that reveals a holy life perfect and pure. For this time, this next quote. I just turned multiple exhaustive God rooms because we hear begin to see really helpful. The actual Buddhist cosmological picture of divine beings is And I will apologize from here on forward for my inappropriate pronunciation of Hindu terms or Polly terms. What do you think, Don? On, Johnny? Which is better? Hell or the animal realm? The Animal Room Master Sally Boulter, Which is better? The animal realm of the room of ghosts. The realm of ghosts Master. Sorry. Which is better? The rum of ghosts of the realm of human beings. Human beings. Master. Sorry. Put, Which is better human beings for the gods of the heavens Of the four great kings the gods of the Heaven of the four great kings Master. Sorry, Put, Which is better? The gods of the heaven of the forgery kings or the gods of the Heaven Of the 33 the gods of the heavens. Of the third of free master. Sorry. Put, Which is better? The gods of the Heaven of the 33 or the Yarmuk Odds Theon God's master. Sorry, Put, Which is better? The Yama gods or the gods of the Casita, have the gods of the two seater heaven master. Sorry, Porter, which is better? The gods of the Tracee to heaven or the gods who delight in creating the gods have delighted creating master. Sorry, put, Which is better? The gods who delight in creating, or the gods who wield power over others. Creations! The gods who will power or others creations! Master! Sorry. What do you think, Don and Johnny, which is better? The gods who will power over others creations or the brothel in the world. Master! Sorry. Put to set the broad in the world, Master. Sorry. Pota said the broad in the world then the venerable Sally port of Thought. These Brahmins are devoted to the brothel world. Suppose I showed the Brahmin done and Johnny the path to the company of Brahma and he said Gun and Johnny I shall. So you show you the path to the company of Rama. Listen and attend closely to what I shall say Yes, sir, he replied. The venerable Syrup Otis said this. What is the path to the company of Brahma? Here? Done. And Johnny A. Bhikhu provides pervading 1/4 with the mind and beauty with loving kindness. Likewise, the second. Likewise, the third. Likewise, the fourth, so above, below, around and everywhere and do all this to himself. He abides, pervading the all encompassing world with a mind imbued with loving kindness, abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility and without ill will. This is the path to the company of a problem again, down on Johnny A bhikhu of bites providing 1/4 of the mine, imbued with compassion with a mind of you with appreciative joy, a mine imbued with equanimity. Likewise, the second, the third, the fourth so above, below, around and everywhere and to all us to himself he abides pervading the all encompassing world with a mind imbued with that anonymity. Abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility and without a will. This too is the path to the company of prom. Then master Sorry, Pooja, pay homage in my name. If you're headed the blessed ones feet and say venerable Sir the broth, Linden and Johnny is afflicted, suffering and gravely ill. He pays homage with his head at the feet of the blessed one. Then the venerable sorry put to having established the Brahmin Done and Johnny in the inferior are brought in the world, rose from a seat and departed well, there were still more to be done. Soon after, the venerable sorry put had left the Bronfman done and Johnny died and reappeared in the bra homeworld. Then the blessed one addressed to because thus beakers Sorry. But having established the Brockman, Don and Johnny and the inferior brothel world rose from his seat and departed while there was still more to be done. Then the variable Sorry puta went to the blessed one not for paying homage to him. He sat down on one side and said, Honorable sir, the Brahmin done. And Johnny is afflicted, suffering and gravely ill. He pays homage with his head at the blessed ones feet. Sorry, Puto. Having established the Brafman Done and Johnny in the inferior Brahma world, why did you rise from your seat and leave while there are still more to be done? Venerable sir, I thought thus. These Romans are devoted to the broader world. Suppose I show the Brafman Done and Johnny the path to the company of Sorry Po Tah the Brafman done and Johnny has died has reappeared in the Brahma world. So in this quote sorry, Porter, which is the chief disciple of the Buddha, is showing a Brahmin a member of the priest casts of the Hindu faith the way too broad. He knows that he can actually bring him further. Then the realm Brock. But he tells them that he himself can communicate to a Brahmin Done and Johnny how he can achieve his highest goal, which is union with drama in the drama world. Hence there is a problem because the Buddha then says the Brockman Done and Johnny has that verily appeared in the problem a world but also pre Prior to that, we see all of these different gods. In ascending order, we had the four great kings, the gods of the 33 Yama gods, the gods of the to see to heaven the gods who delight in creating the gods who real power over others creations and then the world of Brahma. So in this sense, we actually have an extremely full cosmology and extremely full pantheon of divine beings. But sorry, put it here. Could have led him higher. He did not teach him everything, but even the path that actually Sorry, put it gives to the Brafman. Done. And Johnny is about creating with him on all pervading feeling and consciousness, off loving kindness and compassion for everything in the world. This again is the Dharma. This is the Dharma at the Buddha has come to actually communicate humanity. This is what in order for a person to ascend into Nirvana, they actually have to do this to at least get past the problem. World hands. Once again, we have this problem of the Dharma being loving kindness, its laws in this cosmos or loving kindness and compassion. And if we look at the Buddha's ethic, honesty and justice and humility and forgiveness and detachment, his next passage relates the seven stations of consciousness. And there, Davis, this is here. We'll begin to see the basis coming. We're gonna have to text with the the basis, which is the highest most of the highest orders of the Buddhist cosmology. And we'll see it here in that there are entities it quotes again. Ananda is one of the chief disciples of the Buddha. Another. There are seven stations of consciousness in two realms, which are the seven. They're beings. Different, embody and different in perception, such as human beings, some Davis and some in states of woe that is the first station of consciousness. They're beings, different in body and the like, and perceptions such of the Davis of Brahmas retinue born there on account of having attained the first job that is the second station. There are beings alike and body and different in perception, such as the Basada Davis that is the third station. There are beings alike and body in a lake in perception, such as the super Kina Davis, that is the forestation. There are beings who have completely transcended all perception of matter by vanishing by the vanishing of the perception of sense reactions and by non attention to the perception of variety. Thinking space is infinite. They have attained to the sphere or the base of infinite space that is the fifth station. There are beings who, by transcending the sphere of infinite space thinking consciousness, is infinite, have attained the sphere of infinite consciousness that is the six station. There are beings who have transcended the sphere of infinite consciousness, thinking there is no thing having a team to the sphere of nothingness that is the seventh station of consciousness. The two realms are the realm of unconscious beings and, secondly, the realm of neither perception or non perception. It's what we see as enigmatic, and some of these structures might seem to those not familiar with the scripture. What we see is they're all of these realms which come up to these different spheres. The spheres of nothing is this fear of authority this year of infinite space, the sphere of infinite consciousness, the sphere of nothingness in the sphere of neither perception or non perception, but that within these there are beings, entities that abide within those realms. And remember, these are all above. Those have united with Brahma retained the first Shauna. The first of these four paces itself another quick text on the basis. So again, the border, speaking to a diet hero, Diane, with a complete surmounting of perceptions of form with the disappearance of perceptions of sensory impact with non attention perceptions of diversity, aware that space is infinite. Ah, Bhikhu enters upon and a binds in the base of infinite space that surmounts it. But that, too, I say, is not enough. Abandon it, I say. Surmounted, I say. And what surrounds it here? Would I by completely surmounting the base of infinite space, aware of that consciousness is infinite, a big who enters upon and abides in the base of infinite consciousness that surrounds it. But that, too, I say, is not enough abandonment. I say surmounted, I say. And what surrounds it? Hero die in I completely surmounting the base of infinite consciousness, aware that there is nothing Bhikhu enters upon and abides in the base of nothingness That's her mounted. But that too, I say, is not enough. Abandon it, I say. Surmounted, I say. And what surrounds it? Hero Dying by completely surrounding the Beith of nothingness, a bhikhu enters upon and abides in the base of neither perception. Norn ons perception that surmounts it. But that too I see is not enough. Abandon it, I say. Surmounted, I say. And what certain rounds it hero dying by completely surmounting the base of neither perception nor non perception, a bhikhu enters upon on a bias in the cessation of perception and feeling that surrounds it. Thus I speak of the abandoning even of the base of neither perception or non perception. Do you see die in any fetters, small or great? I was abandoning. I do not speak. No venerable Sze. That is what the blessed one said the venerable would die in was satisfied and delighted and the blessed ones work. So here again we encountered the different basis, the basis of infinite space, consciousness, the base of nothingness, the days of neither perception and wrong perception. And then again, this complete cessation nirvana. But in each of these cake, in each of these cases, the individual themselves enters and binds within this round. These rounds, which are all above the other rooms that we've looked at and themselves, come to be increasingly more imperceptible and difficult to talk about. And this is what the book is actually sharing with, if you will, the opening shot of world, the pedantic philosophical world, the Hindu world that he's actually coming to. In each of these realms, he's actually placing as above the Vinick Penfield above the beings that the average Hindu would actually see as being the realities that there actually praising eulogizing, one of which is a problem. So we see that actually, the if you will the world of Buddhism is actually highly populated by divine beings. Well, now, see, actually how if each and every one of these beings is within the Pali canon now going to be subordinated to the Buddha himself? Buddha, in essence, is above the cots. Then the spirit of Diga podra Jonah went to the Blessed one After playing homage to the blessed one. He stood on one side and said, It is a gain for the Hodgins. Venerable sir. A great gain for the Virgin people at the Tot Agata the Buddha, accomplishing fully enlightened dwells among them. And these three clansmen the venerable Una Rueda, the venerable now India and a venerable Comm Billa. When hearing the exclamation of the spirit Diga Peron, Jonah the Earth God's exclaimed, It is a gain for the Hodgins. A great game for the Virgin people have the tot Agata accomplishing fully enlightened dwells among them on hearing the excavation of the Earth gods the gods of the heaven of the four great kings of the 33. The Yamagata, the gods of deceit to heaven. The gods air delight in creating the gods who read power over others. Creation. The gods of Baraka's retinue exclaimed, It is a game for the Virgin's a great game for the barge on people that the tot Agata accomplished and fully enlightened dwells among them in these three clans and the venerable Anna Ruda, the venerable Mandia, the venerable Kim Billa. Not so that instant. At that moment, those venerable ones were known as faras the prom a world people. So here, almost the entire cosmology of the Buddhist world, including the Vedic gods, appointed having mentioned usually it's understood that the gods of the 33 are actually the gods named within the Vader's themselves. These gods, with many other gods above them, are all praising the joy and the honor of the people of the fava JIA on this Harriet the city, because the Buddha and three of his disciples are among we again, we'll see another highly populated cosmology, all subordinate to the Buddha, the decode among things on that, all of that on the dissolution of the body. After death, I might reappear in the company of the Brahma of 1000. He fixes his mind on that. This speaker's is the path the way that leads to re appearance there again, a Bhikhu possesses faith and wisdom. He hears that the Brahma of 2000 of 3000 4000 5000 his long lived beautiful, enjoys great happiness. Now the problem of 5000 worlds abides intent on pervading a world system of 5000 worlds. And he abides, intent on pervading the beings that reappear there just as a man with good sight might take five gall nuts in his hand and review them. So the Brahma of 5000 abides intent on pervading a world system of 5000 worlds and he abides and tender pervading the beings that have reappeared there. The bigger things hold that on the dissolution of the body after death, I might reappear in the company of the Brahma 5000. He fixes his mind on that. This because of the way that leads to re appearance there again, a beagle possesses faith and wisdom. Here is that the Bram of 10,000 is long lived, beautiful and enjoys great happiness. And he had bides intent on preventing a world system of 10,000 worlds. And on pervading the beings have reappeared there, just as a fine barrel gem of purest water. Eight faceted well cuts lying on a red brocade glows, radiates and shines. So the Brougham of 10,000 abides, intent on pervading a world system have 10,000 worlds pervading the beatings of appeared. There again, the beaker thinks, Oh, that on the dissolution of the body after death, I might reappear in the company of the broad of 10,000. He's fixes his mind on that. This speakers is the path the way that leads to reappearance. There, again in the beaker possesses faith and wisdom. Here's that the gods of radiance, the gods of limited radiance the gods of immeasurable radiance of streaming radiance. The gods of glory, the gods of limited glory of immeasurable glory. The gods of riff Fulgence glory, The gods of great fruit. Thea via Gothia, top of God's pseudo Ossa gods. The Saw Dassey gods the Ark Anita Gods are long lived and beautiful and enjoy great happiness. He thinks, Oh, that on the dissolution of the body after death, I might reappear in the company of the Ark Anita gods. He fixes his mind on that. This because it's the path that way that leads to re appearance. There he hears of the gods of the base of infinite space of infinite consciousness. The gods of the beef of nothingness, of the base of neither perception or non perception, are long lived on enduring and enjoy great happiness. And he thinks, Oh, that on the dissolution of the body after death, I might reappear in the company of the gods of the base of neither perception or non perception. He fixes his mind on that, establishes it, develops it. These aspirations in this abiding of his thus developed and cultivated, lied to his rear pins. There this beakers is the pathway that leads to reappearance again and be co possesses faith, virtue, learning, generosity and wisdom. He thinks all that by realizing for myself with direct knowledge, I'm right here and now enter upon and abide in the deliverance of mind and deliverance by wisdom that air taint lis with destruction of the taints. And by realizing for himself with direct knowledge, Hero now enters and abides the deliverance of mind. The deliverance by wisdom entertained us with the destruction of teens because this pickle does not reappear anywhere at all. This is what the blessed one said. The beakers were satisfied and delighted with the blessed ones words. We again have this extremely filled cosmos brothels of 5000 worlds or 10,000 worlds and actually jumped. One section of that continues to list greater degrees of divine beings and then continues through another ascending arc to it again reaches the base of infinite space of infinite consciousness of nothingness. I'm neither perception or non perception. All of these air, the strivings of all entities within the realms of being it is only one that actually reaches to the path of Nirvana. The Buddha has actually brought where truly it is a reality of the Buddha that resigns. Then one can finally be free. But this is above not only the Vedic gods, but any imaginatively known mentioned divine being all subordinate to the reality and truth of the Buddha himself. This here is another longer coach, huh? From the Vatican. Now, a number of egos were sitting in the assembly hall where they had met together, returning from their arms around after their meal when this discussion arose. A moment, His wonderful friends. It is marvelous. How made Ian powerful is the tot Agata again the Buddha, for he is able to know about the borders of the past to feign attained final nirvana cut the tangle of proliferation broke the cycle ended the round insurmountable suffering that for those blessed ones they're burst was thus their names were. Thus their clans were thus their virtue is thus her state of contrast in tray Shin was thus their wisdom was thus they're abiding in attainments was thus their deliverance was thus when this was said, the venerable and under told the beagles friend Todd take. Artists are wonderful and I'm wonderful qualities taught Ogata's are marvelous and have marvelous qualities. However, the discussion was interrupted for the blessed one. Rose from meditation when it was evening, went to the assembly hall and sat down on a seat made ready. Then he addressed the beakers. Thus, Peak was from a discussion. Are you sitting together here and now? And what was your discussion that was interrupted? Hear? Venerable sir, we were sitting in the assembly hall where we had met together in returning from her arms round when this discussion arose among us. His wonderful friends, it is marvelous. It's their deliverance was. Thus, he continues. Well, this was said venerable sir, the venerable Ananda said. To us friends, Kattegat is air wonderful and have wonderful qualities. Marvelous, marvelous qualities. This was our discussion, venerable sir, that was interrupted when the glass of one arrived. The blessed one address the venerable Ananda, that being so when on to explain more fully the tot Ogata's wonderful and marvelous qualities, I heard and learned this venerable sir from the blessed ones own lips. Mindful and fully aware and under the body, Sato appeared in the two seater heaven that mindful and fully aware the Buddha appear in the juicy to heaven. This, I can remember, is a wonderful and marvelous quality of the blessed one. I heard and learned from blessing one's own lips. For the whole of his life span, the bony sought for remained in the two deceit to heaven. This, too, I remember, is a wonderful and marvelous quality of a blessing. I heard and learned for this from the blessed ones own lips, mindful and fully aware, the body sought for passed away from the two seater heaven and descended into his mother's womb. This, too, I remember, has a wonderful, that marvelous quality of the blessed one, hired and learn from the blessed ones own lips. When the nobody sought for passed away Medusa to see To Heaven and descended into his mother's womb than a great, immeasurable light surpassing the splendor of the gods appeared in the world with its gods. It's Maheras. Its promise in his generation, with its recluses, brought mons with its princes and people. And even in those abysmal world, inter space is a vacancy, gloom and utter darkness where the moon and the sun, mighty and powerful as they are, cannot make their light prevail there, too, a great immeasurable light surpassing the splendor of the gods appeared and the beings born. They're perceived each other by that light. So other beings indeed have appeared here, they thought, and his 10,000 fold world systems shook and quake and trembled, and there to a great immeasurable light, surpassing the splendor of the gods appeared. This, too, I remember, is a wonderful and marvelous quality of the blessed one. So in this passage, we have so many aspects of Buddhism come to the fore that we often don't see within the West. And I think it's important to say to that this point, the rumor that the Buddha was agnostic should just be permanently laid to rest. There are endless divine beings and their analyst divine realms, and some which are so super sensible, inaccessible the limits of playing because the limits of language, the limits of human thought that we could only get a bear sketch of them hit In this passage, we actually have the Buddha descending, and he was not born here is a man, but he actually descended from the realms above. In addition to descending from the rooms above his splendor, his radiance and his light exceeds all the other gods in totality. Not only this, but when he descends into this world, he is born, actually immaculately is actually born of a virgin birth. In addition to that, when he enters this world, the light of his radiance the light of dharma shining out from him fills all of the realms of darkness, the gloomy an abysmal and dark rounds and fills them with, like the place where no other light to reach so that people can finally see that they're not alone in these realms. We see this again, actually, in further searchers of the body cannon, where the Buddha then actually proclaims his message to the world. And the same images actually used where all the 10,000 fold world systems, all of creation is filled with light far beyond that of any of the God denizens of this entire realm. He declares himself to be the best, the foremost among all beings, the highest in the summation of creation, The Lord of the Darkness. Um, really. Whatever conceptions of divinity that could be found within the Hindu Vedic pantheon within the philosophical systems of a punish attic and brought Monica thought are here transcended by one figure, the Buddha. This next quote is about the thousands of deities and they attained to an immaculate vision of the Dharma. Now, on that occasion, many thousands of daisies followed the blessed one thinking. Today the blessed one will lead the venerable rock Ola Further the destruction of the tings and the blessed one went into the blind men's grove and sat down at the root of a certain tree on a seat made ready, and the venerable Rahul A paid homage to the Buddha to the blessed one and sat down at one side. Then the blessed one said to the venerable Rob. Being disenchanted, he becomes dispassionate through dispassion. His mind is liberated. When it is liberated. There comes the knowledge. It is liberated. He understands birth has destroyed. The holy life has been lived. What had to be done has been done. There's no more coming to any state of being. This is what the blessing, one said. The venerable Rocket was satisfied and delighted in the blessed ones Words now, while this door's discourse was being spoken through, not clinging, the venerable Raul as mine was liberated from the taints and those and in those many thousands of deities there arose the spotless, immaculate vision of the Dharma. All that a subject to a rising sub subject to cessation. We find this theme actually arise again in many, many searchers of the Pali canon. We're not only does the radiance of the Buddha actually eclipse the radiance of all these divine beings, but they actually want to know what he has to teach. They come if you will on the scene by those of us in this world to listen to the proclamation and the exposition of the Dharma to his disciples. And they themselves learn from the Buddha. Another quote and I gotta have experienced the three miracles by my own super knowledge once give out in this order of monks, the thought occurred to a surgeon monk. I wonder where the four great elements the earth element, the water element, the fire element, the air element cease without remainder. And that monk, contained in such a state of mental mental concentration of the way to the David realms appeared before him. Then, coming to the room of the Davis of the four great Kings, he asked those Davis friends, Where do the four great elements Earth, water, fire and air cease filled? Remainder had this question that day was the four great King said to him, Monk, we don't know where the four great elements sees for the remainder. But the four great kings were lost here and wiser than we are. They may know where the four agreed elements cease so that Monk went to the four great Kings and asked the same question. But they replied, We don't know. Put the 33 gods may know so that Monk went to the 33 gods who said We don't know. But Sokka, the Lord of the gods, may know this is often soccer is often seen as Indra soccer. The Lord of the Gods said the Yama Davis may know the Yama, Davis said. So Yama sudden of the day was me. No. So Yama said, the two seater Davis may know the juicy to, Davis said. Some two seater son of the Davis may know Sandu Sita said That didn't animal Moratti Davis may know. And in the Nimon, a rotted Eve said the Sumita son of the Davis may know Centimeter said the para mamita vasavada T. Davis may know the pattern. Amita vasavada diva said Vasavada tea, son of the Davis may know Vasavada. T said that Davis of Brahmas retinue me. No. Then that monk, by the appropriate concentration, made the way to the Broadmoor world appear before him. He went to the Davis of Brahmas retinue and asked, They said, we don't know. But there is Braga Great Brahma, the conqueror, the unconquered, the all seeing all powerful The Lord, the maker and creator the ruler a pointer An order father of all that have been and shall be He has lost here and wiser than we are He would know where the four great elements cease without remainder. And where our friends is this great Brockman. No, monk, we don't know when, how and where Brockman will appear. But when the signs air scene when a light appears and a radiance shines forth, then Braca will appear such signs or an indication that he will appear Then it was not long before the great Brahma appeared and that monk went up to him and said friend, where did the four great elements earth, water, fire and air sees without remainder To which the great brought more? Replied Monk. I am brought great drama the conqueror of the unconquered, the all seeing all powerful, the lower the maker and creator, the ruler a pointer and order father of all that have been in shall be second time among said friend. I did not ask if you are brought Mother great Brahma etcetera I asked you where the four great elements sees without remainder in a second time the great problem replied as before and 1/3 time. The monk said. Friend, I did not ask you that. I asked for the four great elements Earth, water, fire and air sees felt remainder. Then Kevin did. The great Brahma took that monk by the arm, lead him aside and said Monk thes Davis believe there is nothing Brahmin does not see. There is nothing he does not know. There is nothing he is unaware of. That is why I did not speak in front of them. But Monk, I don't know where the 14 element cease without remainder and therefore a monk. You've acted wrongly. You've acted incorrectly by going beyond the Blessed Lord and going in search of an answer to this question elsewhere. Now, Monk, you just go to the lesson Lord and put this question to him. And whatever he answered, he gives accepted so that monk swiftly is a strong man. Might flexor un flexes arm vanished from the Brahma world and appeared in my presence. He prostrated himself before me, then sat down to one side and said, Lord, where do the four great elements the earth element, the water element, the fire element veneer elements cease without remainder. I replied, Monk, once upon a time a seafaring merchants, when they set sail on the ocean, took in their ship a land citing bird. When they could not see the land themselves, they release the bird. A bird flew to the east of south to the west of the north and flew to the zenith into the intermediate points of the compass. He even saw land anywhere. It flew there. But it's on. A lender returned to the ship in the same way. Monk, you have been a ce faras the Brahma world, searching for an answer to your question, not finding it. And now you come back to me. But, monk, you should not ask your question in this way. Where to? The four great elements the earth element, the water other than the fire element, the air element sees without remainder. Instead, this is how the question should have been put. Where to earth? Water, fire and air. Find no footing. Find where a long and short, small and great, fair and foul where our name and form holy destroyed. And the answer is this. Our consciousness is signed. Lis boundless all luminous. That's where Earth water fire in there. If I know footing bearable for long and short, small and great, Fair and foul. Their name and form holy destroyed with a cessation of consciousness. This is all destroyed. So what do we have in this picture we have a monk was seeking to understand. We're in a sense, materiality comes to an end for the experience of body experience, of spatial dimensions. Centra comes to an end, and in the story, he again ascends through all of these domains, asking and asking each of the denizens of these realms where this comes to an end. Finally, he comes to the realm of Brahma, the highest realm that he can find and think of. And he comes before Brock and asked him this question. And it's here. We get sort of a sense of how difficulty Buddhism would have been for a Hindu mind. Why? Because when the monk asks, brought which we've seen many of the Bronfmans air trying to attain this world, which the Buddha already puts worlds and worlds and worlds beyond and says basically that he himself is infinitely superior to problem. Brahma Brahma then actually answers that he knows everything is all seeing, has created everything and among four times asking the same question. Broadman then kind of tucks him away over to the side and confides in him that he doesn't know that he wanted to save face in front of his retinue and that the monk had made a horrible mistake because he left the company of the Buddha. When, of course, the boot. It knows what he does. Not so the apex of a Hindu cosmology. Because we've already passed. Sokka, who is Indra? We've passed. The 33 gods should be like Verona Ogni Vaio, all these divine beings, we have surmounted all of them. And Buddhism puts this wonder figure Brahma the creator at the pinnacle because even he can actually himself having ego and can actually, in order to save face, hide his ignorance from his followers. And he knows that there is a being in this domain of all the world systems of reality. Who is his superior? Who knows what he does not know. And that is the Buddha. You have to know that as extremely populated and seemingly polytheistic that Buddhism is, and Hinduism itself seems to be on the surface immediately. We can actually see that there is a hierarchy, but in some sense for the western mind these air more angelic entities, beings who inhabit realms or worlds beyond this one. But even they actually have a higher ER that seems to slowly come to a point that in reality, we to this point we see there is one entity that actually stands above them all. And that is the king of the Dharma. The boot. This is why, as well that we see as I mentioned that Buddhism could have been so difficult for a Hindu mind because it seems to have actually d elevated. If you will lowered the rank and standing of their divine beings by placing the boat above, we see similar themes. And actually, Christianity's relationship to Judaism or Islam to Christianity were on the surface. It seems to have reduced. We will see, however, because we're going to look at some Hindu texts that I believe very much that the Buddha is actually making a claim to what he is. That a Hindu from their own scriptures could fully understand. Another quote. Oh, and he asks the Lord about this. Hernando the Davis from the 10 World's spheres, have gathered to see the Ta Takata for a distance of 12 years. Jonah's around the Moloch, Saul Grove near Cucina. There is not a space you could touch with the point of a hair that is not filled with mighty Davis. And they're crumbling. We have come a long way to see the top. Takata. It is rare for a Todd to got a fully enlightened Buddha toe a rise in the world. And tonight, in the last watch, the tattoo got a guillotine final in Obama. And this mighty monk is standing in front of the Lord, preventing us from getting a last glimpse of the dot a god. But, Lord, what kind of Davis come the Lord perceive Ananda? There are Sky Davis whose minds or her found they are weeping and tearing their hair, raising their arms, throwing themselves down and twisting and turning crying All too soon, the blessed Lord is passing away. Hold her soon the whale fairer is passing away. Hold him soon The eye of the world is disappearing And there are Earth Davis, whose minds are earthbound to do likewise But those Davis who are free from craving, endure patiently saying all compounded things, Aaron permanent. What is the use of this in this story from the Maha party, Nevada Sutra, his actual just before the Buddha dies, before he leaves his earthly frame and we see that the entire domain, anything you could possibly see from the vision of the Buddha is jam packed with divine beings all coming Just actually capture a glimpse of the Buddha. Some of them, with lesser understanding, are actually tearing their clothes, throwing themselves along the ground, crying and moaning and groaning just because they want to see the Buddha before he leaves the world systems where all the elements are abide because he is released here in this in this sutra itself, he will be released from his dispensation within this world and all of these air, actually just trying to see the Lord before he actually leaves again all of the divine beings below the border. So I'm here going to read and quite long passage and this'll pass and shows that really all divine pinks, including all of the Vedek entities themselves a door of the Buddha worship the Buddha praise the Buddha and come to see him. And there are many entities in heroes I've alluded to previously that actually we've never even heard off. We don't even know who they are, the general just being that all of the divine realm all of the world systems come to praise the Buddha. Thus I have heard ones the Lord was staying among the sake ones in the great forest. A couple of Otto with a large company of some 500 monks, all our hands and Davis from 10 World Systems frequently came there to visit the lowered in his order of monks. And it occurred to four Davis of the pure boats. The blessed one is staying at a couple of our two with a large company aside, some 500 monks, all our hunts. These are ones who have attained liberation. What if we were to approach him and each recite a verse? Then those Davis, as swiftly as a strong man might stretch his flexed arm or flex it again, vanished from the pure abodes and appeared before the Lord they saluted him, stood to one side and one of them recited this first great. The assembly in the forest here, the Davis have met and we're here to see the unconquered brotherhood. Another said the monks with concentrated mines or straight the guard her senses. The driver does his reins. Another said. Bars and barriers broken the threshold. Stone of lust torn up unstained. The spotless Sears go like well trained elephants, and another said, who takes refuge in the Buddha? No downward path will go. Having left the body, he'll join the data hosts and the Lord said to his monks, Monks, it has often happened that the Davis from the 10 World systems have come to see the tattoo got on his order of monks. So it has been with the supreme Buddha is of the past, and so it will be with those of a future as it is with me. Now I will detail for you the names of the groups of Davis, announced them and teach them to you. Pay close attention and I will speak. He has towards amongst and the Lord said, I'll tell you them inverse to which realm each belongs. But those who dwell, composed in resolute like lions and mountain caves, have overcome hair raising fear and dread their minds. White, pure, unstained call in couple of Otto's would the Lord perceived 500 of his our patents and more lovers of his word to them, he said. Monks observe the data host approach on among strove eagerly to see with superhuman vision that's arising. Some saw 100 gods 1000 some or some saw 70,000 others saw God's innumerable all around, and he who knows within sight was aware of all that they could see and understand. Under the lovers of his word. The lower Turning said the data hosts approach looking and seek to know them. MOCs, in turn, has I declare their names to you in verse 7000. Yeah, cause of Capitals Realm Well endowed with power and mighty skills, fair to see with splendid train have come rejoicing to this wood to see such monks and 6000 Yonkers from him. Elijah, a varied Hugh and well endowed with powers, fair to see with splendid train have come rejoicing to this wood to see such monks from Sata's Mt. 3000. Yeah, Cosme Ora varied Hugh Summers 16,000 Jaca is all very you, Vesa Meters host 500 Maura varied you com Bira to from logic Aha! Comes whose dwelling place his own popular slopes of 100,000 Yonkers Follow him king dot Arata, Ruler of the East The gondola's Lord A mighty king has come with retinue. Many sons are hiss Who? Old bear Indra. Same tall willing, down with mighty skills. King rule, huh? Ruler The South The combined has lowered a mighty king via a parka Ruler of the West Lord of Gaga's on a mighty king King Vera, ruler of the North Lord of Yonkers in a mighty king from the East King Terata Shawn from the South, The rule Haka and from the West Bureau Parker cou Vera from the north Dust ranged in couple of art was wood The four great kings All their splendor stood with them came their vassals versed in guile Skill deceivers All 10 contender first and 10 Do veto It took a condo. Ana, come a set our next Can you gun Do Negandhi These pinata Obama, Norma Tali! It was the Davis Charioteer Nala Kita Sin, the Gonda Buzz Raja Janice Saba Park in Sitka, Tim Borrow and Serie a va Casa, his daughter thes and more rejoicing came to that wood to see the Buddhist monks from Nabbous Abbas Ali, Chaka Ke, Nargles, Kambala, Xhosa Hatteras Biogas with her kin from Yamuna Terata came with splendid host Ravana to the mighty Naga chief to the forest. Meeting place has come in the twice born, winged and clear of sight, fierce Kuroda birds. The Nagas foes have come flying here. Citrine soup, Ana. But here the Naga king's heir, Saif lowered, is imposed truce with gentle speech. Ay, in the Naga share, the Buddhist piece assures to whom in Drew's hand once struck ocean dwellers. Now, in magic skilled, Mesaba's resplendent brothers came. Color conjures terrible to see. Donna Vegas is the paucity city. Harada, too, fell No Mookie and Bali's 100 sons who were hold the Rocca with a band of warriors who joined their master, Rahul, who had come to wish their meeting well. Gods of water, Earth from fire and wind, the Riv Arunas and their retainers, Soma and yassa to Davis, born of love and compassion with a splendid train. These 10 with 10 fold varied hosts endowed with mighty powers and fair to see rejoicing, came to see the Buddhist monks and venue or vision, too, with his. So Holly's came the Osama's the Yama twins and those Davis pretend on Moon and Sun. Constellation God. Sprites of Clouds. Sokka the vase Who's Lord Ancient giver? These 10 with 10 fold, very hosts. The Saab was radiant breaking necks, fiery crusted calorie tacos. The Rojas cornflower blue with Verona Sodom, Kutan on edge aka So Lay, Huh Akira Rossana Vasa Vanessa says he's 10 with 10 fold. Varies Hosts the semanas and masa Mona's both being man like and more than man like came. The pleasure corrupted the mind corrupted God's green Davis and the red ones to paragons Maha Potter gods. With trained these 10 with 10 fold Very toasts. Su Cas Karuma Sarunas Vega, NASA's followed in OTA Gaia's Wake. Deka Khanna's Sadam Mattias Hara Ga Jess. Those gods called mixed in splendor and petunia the Thunder, who also causes rains. He's 10 with 10 fold. Varied hosts the comedians that to seek us the Hamas, the kata Hakkas with train Colombe tacos, the llama chiefs and the gods of flame Sarvas. Those who delight in shapes they've made, and those who seize on others works these 10 with 10 fold. Buried hosts Thesixty Dave, a host. The very kinds all came arranged in order of their groups and others, too. And do array, they said. He who has transcended birth, he for whom no obstacle remains. Who's crossed the flood him canker Lis will see the mighty one traversing free without transgression. As it were, the moon passes through the clouds. It's a brahma next and with him, Parramatta Salon, Komara, Tisa or Sons of the Mighty Ones. He's also came Ma Habra, who ruled 1000 worlds in the Brahma world supreme arisen there, shining bright and terrible to see with all his train, 10 lords of his who each rule of Brahma world and in their midst, Rita ruled 100,000 when all these incoming vast array with Indra and the hosts of Brahma, too. Then two came Maheras hosts, and now observe that black ones folly. For he said, Come on seas and buying them all with lust will catch them all. Surround them all about that. None escape whoever he may be. Thus, the warlord urged his murky troops with this pommy shook the ground and made a horrid dinner, has won a storm cloud bursts with thunder, lightning and with heavy rain and then shrank back, enraged but powerless. And he who knows by insight, saw all this on grassed its meaning to his monks, he said. The hosts of Mara come, monks take good heed. They heard the Buddha's words State alert and Maheras host drew back from those on whom neither lost nor fear could gain the hold. Victoria's transcending fear. They've won. His followers rejoice with all the world. So in part, I apologize for the length of this quote. Um, it's a very long part of a Buddhist sutra. The mighty gathering, it's called. I chose it specifically because it's so profoundly illustrates how the Pali canon, those ancient Buddhist scriptures we know represent the reality in the nature of the Buddha. In this mighty gathering, every God comes even those beings that action if ical beings who fight under the Buddha's words obtain a piece. Warring factions come and they're united in their loving adoration of the Buddha. In this pantheon, we see Bra Vishnu value Indra. We see the main chief medic, gods and beings far surpassing them all coming to the Buddha just so they get to see him because his appearance or if you will, the light that appears in the lamp that he is at this time comes so rarely to the world. That is the great joy, ultimate joy of any of these beings to be present when the Buddha is here. We also see nearing the end of the story that actually Mora, if you will. Clearly the Buddhist Satan comes rushing forth with all his armies to actually conquer, because he's got all the divine beings, all of reality, that have come here to see the Buddha. And if you noted multiple times, even just to get to see his monks, the ones who have actually truly embodied in his teachings, they even want to see just them. Maura rushes forward to conquer them with ego with lust and pride, but it's suddenly thwarted as he's coming up. I who by the light of the Buddha, they're protected by the Dharma, the Buddha's teachings, really, in essence, for the boat it is. There is, I think, if we really look at this coach and again many third coats of the Pali canon, there is one supreme ruler of all of the cosmos in any way, shape or form that we could ever know. And it's the Botha. There's a question as to what the boot is. I do want to read one quote here and under these eight kinds of assemblies. What are they here? The assembly of the Katya's Assembly of Brahmins. Assembly of householders, Assembly of Aesthetics, Assembly of Davis, of the realm of the Four Great Kings the assembly of the 33 gods. Assembly of Maheras, The assembly of brought Lance. I remember well, Ananda. Many hundreds of assemblies of cocktails that I have attended and before I sit down with them, spoke to them. We're joined in their conversation. I adopted their appearance and speech, whatever it might be, and I instructed, inspired, fired and delighted them with a discourse on Darla. And I said I spoke with them. They did not know me and wondered, Who is it that speaks like this? A Davor or a man? Having thus instructed them, I disappeared. Still, they didn't know he was just disappeared. Was he a David or a man? I remember well, many hundreds of assemblies of broth mons of host holders of ascetics have Davis of the realm of the four great kings of the 33 gods of Maheras of Brahmas. And still they did not know he was just appeared. Was he a David or a man? Those Ananda are the eight assemblies in this passage. The border clearly states then when he has actually appeared in any of the realms of creation all the way up to the room of problems, retinue and any of the domains of these world systems. He appears as if he is one of the denizens off that domain so that they don't know if he is one like them a man or a day va above them. Because even in the case of him being in the realm of Brahma, they're asking Is he a man or a data from their frame of reference? Being is this figure one of us, or is he is something beyond and in the case that we're seeing here in each case, he is revealing to them. Truth is obviously there, sucker Buddha is Dharma the deathless, the old knowing the venerable Ma Huh? Cassano replied. Friends, It is though a man needing Heartwood seeking heartwood wandering in search of Heartwood thought that heartwood should be sought for among the branches and leaves of a great tree standing possessed of heartwood after he had passed over the route trunk. And so it is with you, venerable sirs, And you think that I should be asked about the meaning of this after you passed the bless upon by when you were face to face with a teacher for knowing the blessed one knows seeing he sees he is vision, He is knowledge. He is the dharma. He is the holy one. He is the Sayer. The proclaim er elucidate er of meaning. The giver of the deathless, The Lord of the Dharma. The tot Agata, that was the time when you should have asked the blessed one. Meaning has he told you so? You should have remembered it. This quote is seeing very clearly. The border is not just revealing the dharma he is the dharma. He is the door to the deathless reframe we find within the poly Scriptures that it is his very self that is actually revealing that deathless reality that ever a binding ever living into D that actually is beyond that. It is in the approach towards that we actually reach Nirvana, that he is said to be the Sayer of the proclaim er, the elusive eater of all meaning. In essence, the Buddha is the dharma. He is the word. He is the expression of truth the voice thing of the deathless, the ever a biting one. He is really and truly the word made flesh to be seen the beginning of the gospel of John even the previous quote We're actually looking at the question of whether he was a Dave, our man, even the highest of realms. It is like within the Cranmer, it says where we would to have sent you an angel would have made him appear as a man. This concept that the divine being the death list, the other abiding, the Dharma of truth is that which reveals itself into humankind in the forms of the beings that he comes to. While his form is itself at an embodiment of their form so they can have this question of Is he one of us, or is he something much greater? Is the vehicle off the Dharma because he is the king of the dark. So further quote then because or monks. When I stayed a TTE koro Vella as long as I chose, I set out to wonder by stages to Panera's between Gaia and the place of enlightenment. The edgy Vaccaro parka saw me on the road and said, Friend, your faculties air clear. The color of your skin is pure and bright. Under whom have you gone forth? Friend. Who is your teacher? Who's Dharma? Do you profess? I replied to a Jericho parka and stands us. I am the one who has transcended all the nowhere of all unsold lead among all things, renouncing all my cravings, ceasing, freed, having known this all for myself. To whom should I point his teacher? I have no teacher, and one like me exists nowhere in all the worlds with all its gods, because I have no person. For my counterpart, I am the accomplished one in the world. I am the teacher supreme. I am lone M, a fully enlightened one who's fires air quenched and extinguished. I go now to the city of Kasey to set in motion that well of Dharma. In a world that has become blind. I go to beat the drum of the deathless the Buddha here, saying he is the number of all the one that is truly pure. But no one like him exists in all of the world's with all of his gods that he has no person who has his counterpart was not taught by anyone and that he is the teacher supreme who goes to beat the drum of the deathless again. Once again reading this, we see that the Buddha is explicitly pricing himself above all other entities, that he is the pinnacle of creation and that there is no one else like him and no other teacher that can truly teach. And this demonstrates once again the station that the boat is claiming as well of as well as if you will, the exclusivist nature of Buddhism, which will you will look at it. Another video where such wanderers might say, has regards past times thehe, aesthetic go Thoma. The Buddha displays boundless knowledge and insight, but not about the future as to what it will be and how it will be. That would be to suppose that knowledge and insight about one thing are to be produced by knowledge and insight about something else as fools imagine has regards the past. The tattoo gotta has knowledge of past lines. He can remember as far back as he wishes. As for the future, this knowledge born of enlightenment and rises in him this is the last birth there will be no more becoming. If the past refers to what is not factual to fables, tow what does not have advantage. The tattoo gotta makes no reply. It refers to what is factual, not fabulous, but which is not of advantage. The tattoo gotta makes no reply. But if the past refers to what is factual, not fabulous and which is of advantage than the tot. Agata knows the right time to reply. The same applies to the future and the present. Therefore, Kanda, the tot Agata is called the one who declares the time, the fact the advantage, the Dharma and the discipline. This is why he is called Taught Agata Kondo, whatever in this world with its Davis Maheras and Brahmas with its aesthetics and brought mons its princes and people is seen by people hurt cognizable whatever was ever achieve, sought after or mentally pondered on all that has been fully understood by the Takahata. That is why he has called the top Takata between the night in which the tattoo gotta gain supreme enlightenment conduct and the night in which he contains the new Obama element without remainder. Whatever he proclaims, says or explains is so and not otherwise. That is why he is called Ta Takata and of this world with his Davis and Maheras Brahmas with its ascetics and brought mons its princes in people. The tart Agata is the unbanked wished conqueror, the seer and ruler of all. That is why he is called Takata. So the Buddha here is saying that all things of the past, all things that are factual things that are advantageous to humanity, all things that are virtuous he actually has full awareness off and that he himself above all Davis arm Oh, Maheras all entities, he actually stands it again, that the picket had the very pinnacle of this. We also see as well that he's saying that he is the ruler of all and the sear and nowhere off all that iss basically a principle of ultimate sovereignty of ultimate power and finish it able to know all things that are factual all related to the good, the true and the beautiful. And again the same refrain for knowing the blessed one knows seeing he sees his vision, his knowledge. He is the dharma. He is the holy one. He is the Sayer of proclaim er the elucidate er of meaning. The giver of the deathless, the Lord of the Dharma. The Ta Takata beagles, rightly speaking, were to be said of anyone. He has attained mastery, perfection in noble virtue and keen mastery. Imperfection in normal concentration, 19 mastering and perfection in noble wisdom contained master imperfection in noble deliverance. It is of sorry, puta. Indeed that right, Lee speaking. That should be said because rightly speaking word to be said of anyone, He is the son of the blessed one born of his breast, born of his mouth, born of the Dharma created by the Dharma and air in the Dharma, Not in Aaron material things. It is a sorry Pota indeed that rightly speaking, it should be said because the matchless wheel of the Dharma set rolling by the tot Agata is kept rolling, rightly by Sorry. Put, Sarah Porter is actually the chief disciple of the Buddha. And here the boot is actually extolling. Sorry, puta. But what does he tell us about the nature of sorry Porter and his relationship to the Buddha? We hear that he is the son of the Buddha, obviously not the physical son that he is born of his mouth and born of his Dharma, created by the Dharma that the reality that really, truly is sorry. Puta is coming from the Buddha himself that it's the dharma that has given birth to sorry put up. And the dharma we've just recently seen is actually equated identically with the Buddha himself. He is the dharma, he is knowledge and he is a child of the Buddha again, the conception very, very close to notions that we actually see within the New Testament. He is born of the word right himself that this being that we're seeing within the Buddhist Scriptures is so extremely distant from the notion of just being a philosopher or someone who had it out by reason, the realities of truth. This is a being that stands superior to all of the Davises, Brahmas and any radiant being that can be seen within reality. This figure Sorry. Put her within the Pali canon is very reminiscent of Ababa Haw, one who is the full reflection in the full expression off the law of the Buddha himself off his Dharma. Just as we know that Abba Hall is the perfect exemplar and is really quote born out of the ocean of pre existence, be gotten by Bob or Bottle vous ETA, all of you, the different birth name, clan and family who have gone forth from the household life into homelessness. If you are asked who you are, should reply. Were aesthetics followers of the sake on that is the Buddha. He whose faith in the tattoo got is settled, rooted, established, solid, unshakeable by any ascetic or Brafman and Dave O'Meara or Brahma? Or anyone in the world can truly say I am a true son of the Blessed Lord born of his mouth. Born of Dharma, created by Dharma on air of Dharma. Why is that? Because the Seta this designates the Dharma, the body of Dharma that is the body of Brahma or become Dharma that is become Brahma. So just a sorry puta as the one who will be inherent. The Dharma Guide the community in a different way. All those who have actually followed right all those that have actually followed the Dharma of the Law and the teachings of the Buddha can claim to be his true sons. That they have been born or if you will, born again through the Dharma and in essence, are created by the Dharma that they themselves can see this. Why? Because the boat is actually saying here. Because the tot Agata the Buddha himself is the body of the Dharma. He is the body of Brahma here, it says, and even within the poly notes has stated that this is being presented because he is the highest that anything in creation can encounter. Not Brahma of the say the the Vedic Scriptures or the pantheon itself. But rather he himself is the greatest embodiment of what someone sees within the concept of Brahma. This turn the body of the Dharma actually again within the notes within the Pali Canon is referencing a concept of the trike I a doctor in the three bodies of the Buddha where the Buddha himself What we see here on Earth is his physical form or his Rukia is literally his material body But that being that we know of is in the Buddha actually has a celestial body which is itself, if you will, the lamp that carries the light of the Dharma, the Dharma Kaya or the body of the Dharma. The concept of the Buddha within the poly scriptures and the Mayan Miami scriptures his representatives of being who comes, if you will in the station of servant of messenger and off, if you will, the word with the locals or the concept of loved, the true manifestation of God. This concept sounds when one really begins to look at it identical to what you would read within the New Testament and is actually ref reference with the high writings on the different voices of the manifestation of God. Another quote When this was said, King of Anti puta of Madura said to the venerable Ma Higher Cassano, magnificent Master Khazanah Magnificent Master Cassano has made the Dharma clear in many ways, as though he were turning up right what had been overthrown, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one who was lost. We're holding up a lamp in the dark for those of eyesight to see forms I go to Master Cassano for refuge after the Dharma and the signing of the Book of the Because from Today let Master Cassano remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge for life, he replies. Do not go to me for refuge. Great King go to refuge to that same blessed one to whom I have gone for refuge. Where is he living now? That blessed one accomplished, fully enlightened Master Cassandra, he answers that blessed one, accomplishing fully enlightened has attained to final Nirvana. Great King. If we heard that blessed one was within 10 leagues, we could go 10 leagues in order to see that blessed one accomplished and fully enlightened Have we heard that the blessed one was within 20 leagues? 30 leaks 40 weeks, 50 leaks. Ah, 100 leagues. We would go to 100 leagues in order to see that blessing one accomplished and fully enlightened. But since that blessed one has attained to final nirvana, we go to that blessed one for refuge and to the dharma intothe sang of pickles from today let Master Cassano remembering as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life here we have represented a Nen Div ih Jewel who was saying that we must be willing to travel the expense of the earth toe, actually find the blasted Buddha himself. And since he is in Nirvana or Nevada in the Holy Scriptures, that he is willing to travel all the way for all the realms of God all the way for Forget great kings. The gods of the 33 the Yama gods all the way up to these hierarchies, toe actually find the Buddha himself. And he's expressing that Miss World has taking refuge in that celestial Buddha. This figure which, contrary to what many people often say, who is still the refuge and still the goal of the follower themselves, even though he is in Nirvana. So what, this time are actually gonna move into some of the opening shots which are part of the Hindu scriptures? The reason why is because I want to look with you. It's, um, tax from the opening shots to see what was the cultural milieu in which the boat it was speaking and see how that actually relates to what the book is saying in all of the quotes that we've seen above, and that takes talk of how they relate to each other. So this first quote is actually from the cannon or punish Ed thehe punish odds, a section of Hindu scripture that are highly philosophical in some cases, but exquisitely beautiful. The teacher says if thou thinkest I know it well and thou knowest surely but little. What is that form of Brafman known it may be to the The people says I do not think I know it well nor do I know that I do not know it. He among us who knows this he knows it, nor does he know that he does not know it. He by whom it Brockman is not thought by him. It is thought he by whom and his thought knows it not. He does not understood by those who understand it. It is by understood by those who do not understand it. It is thought to be known as if by awakening and then we obtain immortality. Indeed, by the self we obtain strength by knowledge. We obtain immortality. If a man knows this here, that is the true end of life. If he does not know this here. Then there is great destruction. New births. The wise who have fought in all things and recognized itself in them, become immortal when they have departed from this world. The enigmatic This should make sense that we actually look at Buddhist scripture as well as the high scripture that really, when it comes to truly describing, are truly understanding the reality of God or the divine beings that we have reached a limit, the limits of knowledge, the limits of understanding. So there's an aspect where an individual has to admit that they cannot possibly describe this accurately. And, ah, here at the beginning of this upon me shot it, saying it is only by recognizing the limits of our own knowledge that we can come to truly know what it is. This sounds very Buddhist because so much so many of the Buddhist scriptures, when they try to talk about Nirvana or the Dharma or even the Buddha, they express it crashing against the limits of language and the limits of Berlin understanding. At the same time, we'll read, the Punish Attic continues. Brotman obtained the victory for the Davis. The Davis became elated by the victory of Brahmin, and they thought This victory is ours. On Lee, this greatness is ours. Only Brotman perceived this and appeared to them. But they did not know it and said, What? Sprite? Yeah, CTIA or Yak Sha Is this they said to agony, fire, Ogata, Vader's find out what that being is or that Sprite is. Yes, he said, he ran toward it, and Brockman said to him, Who are you? He replied. I am agony. I am got the vida's. Broadman said. What power is in new acne replied. I could burn all whatever there is on Earth. Brockman put a straw before him singing Burn this! He went towards it with all his might, but he could not burn it. Then he returned Vince and said I could not find out what Sprite this is. So in this story, the gods here we've met one of the gods of the Vega's of traditional scriptures of Hinduism. They actually believe that they have obtained some victory, but it was actually brought that obtained the victory. Now what happens is is Broadman appears to these gods, and the God of fire from the Vega's Agni actually approaches Brotman because they want to know who this figure is because they can't actually understand. This figure is in the story brought man puts down, Ask him who he is on. He says I am the god of fire. What power do you have? I could burn away all things and he puts a straw down and says, Well, then burn this. But Ogni is suddenly impotent in front of Brahman and he rushes back and tells the other gods I have no idea what that being is. Okay, and this theme is going to repeat several times. Then they the gods said to value air will value. Find out what Sprite this is. Yes, he said he ran towards him. Brockman said to him, Who are you? He replied, I am value. I am mature response, Brotman said. What power is in you? Value replied, I could take up all whatever there is on Earth. Brockman put a straw before him saying Take it up. He value went towards it with all his might, but he could not take it up. Then he returned thence and said, I cannot find out what Sprite this is. Then they said to Indra. Oh, Margo von find out what Sprite this is. He went towards it, but it disappeared from before him. Then in the same space, he came towards a woman highly adorned. It was Huma, the daughter of him, about he said to her Who is that Sprite? She replied in his Brotman, It is through the victory of Brockman that you have us become great. After that he knew it that it was brought in. Therefore, these Davis Ogni Value and Indra are as it were above the other gods, for they touched it rough nearest. And therefore Indra is as it were about the other gods, for he touched it nearest. He first knew it. They're trying to figure out what this being is This being we know to be brought in. Who is behind the victory they believed they had achieved. Many things come out of this passage one. We see that. Contrary to what many people might say, Brafman is a personal entity. This is a being that can manifest in this world. And when he manifests here it These gods of Hinduism don't actually know who this figure is. They can't really figure him out. That's why they each approach in turn. But when they each approach in term, they're completely impotent, even in their own domain of power. It's really that we know that there is a personal figure or personal manifestation of Broadman that can appear to beings generally and that this figure is tthe e ultimate reality manifested within this plane. Basically, when someone actually looks at the Pali Canon from with from the perspective of the opening shot, IQ and Vedek thought, we see the Buddha himself claiming to be something the giver of the Dharma, the Lord of the Dharma, he who is the gate to the deathless, the one who knows all who sees all. And then that figure. The Buddha is actually placed above and beyond every known vet IQ God. But he himself speaks and talks and teaches all the divine beings. And I think very strongly when we actually look at the canyon opening shot and see this figure who manifest to the gods who they don't know. This figure is we see the figure of the Buddha, the motor himself. If we look at the canyon, punish Hud and then we look at how the Buddha represents himself thes figures are one so that if someone was to be which many would have been familiar with a cannula Penny shod that Broadman himself can manifest personally and is above all the gods they could have heard, if you will the echo of this claim within the claim of the Buddha, even the fact that they don't know who Brockman is here. We just recently read a passage where we hear that the Buddha, when he appears to the great assemblies Beit Maheras or Brahmas or Yama gods or the gods of the 33. He actually appears in such a way that those beings and whatever tier of existence they are actually when he leaves, don't know if he is, what a data or one like them, one ascendant or one equal unto them. This is actually what the Buddha says within the poly can. In the previous passage from the Pali canon, there was a very it's the longest passage we looked at was a very long list of divine beings, right? And at the end of that list, what occurs, Mara? The evil one approaches this grand assembly of all of the gods who have come to witness the passing away of the Buddha, and it's actually the Buddha that prevents Mara from destroying them. He gained or obtained a victory for the gods. But the only ones that really see this are the true disciples of the Buddha. At the end of that passage, once again, they should ring very clear to someone who was familiar with you cannot punish Odd, because that's how the story of Brockman begins. For our own self, just a quick throw. Their It's interesting as well that when Indra rushes towards problem, he actually disappears and in his place is suddenly a divine female. The made of the next day, the next passage from the Cotton Pony shut and is a boat of figure called the Peru Sha. This is that eternal Asvat, a tree with its roots above and branches below that route indeed, is called the bright that is Brahman, and that alone is the immortal in that whole worlds are contained, and none can pass. Beyond this, verily, is that whatever there is, the whole universe vibrates because it has gone four from Broadway, which exists as its ground, that Brahman is a great terror like a poise. Thunderbolt. Those who know it become immortal in this passage. Just a pause for a moment we see at the beginning Thea's vodka tree, this ultimate tree in which all the world's hang and itself is called the bright or another translations the glory It is, if you will, for the highest a the sadder tomato Aw, the image of the manifestation of God The whole universe itself is some in some sense, contained within it and vibrates and resonates with what has come for from Brahmin. The quote continues from terror of Brockman. Fire burns from terror of it. The sun shines from terror of it Indra and value and death the fifth run. So not only are we seeing that that alone is the one that alone is the immortal that Indra and value flee from this divine being that Brotman. But also we see the notion that death itself flees from Brockman, this actual divine tree this causes tree that is the true one. And once again, if we look at the Buddhist scriptures that we've been passing through over and over again, we're told that the Buddha himself is the door to the deathless to immortality from the cessation of all cleaning beyond the senses is the mind beyond the mind. Is the intellect higher than the intellect? Is the great Autobahn higher than the great Ottoman? Is tthe Ian manifest? Beyond the end manifest is the person all pervading an imperceptible. Having realized him, the body itself becomes liberated and attains immortality. His forum is not an object of vision. No one beholds him with the eye. One can know him when he is revealed by the intellect, free from doubt and by constant meditation. Those who know this become immortal. So beyond all the aspects of the human being, the body, the body, the mind, intellect and even the great Ottoman is actually this unmanned If Esther's some unmanned if it's nature. But even beyond that is the person the Peru Sha, which is a really a personality, is not actually just in material sort of no abstract concept, as we saw with a mechanical body shop, because this being can actually appear in our world and appear to gods. But we also have it that no one can actually truly see this figure. No one can truly know him, except when he has revealed through meditation. And as we'll see prayer again, this is much like with the Pali. Canon is saying about the inevitability, the the inability to actually truly describe the Dharma, but that it can actually become personal in the sense of the Dharma Kyla Kyla, the body of the Dharma embodying here in the person of the Buddha This is the final quote from your parting shots. It's from the moon, Doc. Oh, honey, they're the stainless on individual Brockman shines in the highest golden sheaf. It is pure and is the light of lights. It is that which they know who knows the self. The sun does not shine there, nor the moon and stars or these lightning's not to speak of this fire. When he shines, everything shines after him by his light everything is lighted That immortal brought him in. The loan is before that Brockman is behind that Brockman is to the right and left. Brotman alone pervades everything above and below This universe is that supreme Brahman alone? So this Brotman is the light of lights that was shines first into the dark places and is the radiance of all else. Once again within the body can We saw the Buddha himself at his birth and declaration his radiance, eclipse all the radiance of all the gods. But together and his shining his radiance, his glory fills even the darkest realms of creation. For some individuals, a question might have arisen throughout the study because we've only been looking at the Pali Canon, which is the terror of odd texts. And there are other denominations of Buddhism who recognize other scriptures. We chose this collection, the Pali Canon primarily again since the beginning because it itself forms the most ancient text that we know of the Buddha. So we will now look at for those who are interested in some of the quotes from the Mahane scriptures themselves. This 1st 1 here is from the Lotus Sutra. Very, very problem. So try my Nanna Buddhism, The hero of the world is unfathomable among heavenly beings or the people of the world. Among all living beings, none can understand the Buddha for the length of a terrorist, The Dharma Dato Absolute truth abides forever whether the Tot Agata appears in the world or not. So the Buddha himself is unfathomable higher than all heavenly beings again. This is exactly the notion we see within the cannula bunny shot. And the absolute truth, the Dharma Tattoo, That body of the dharma that is represented in the Buddha in the world of creation abides forever. Whether or not the tot a cot appears so this entity, whatever it is, this absolute truth is ultimate reality exists in some way whether or not it is manifested in this world. Clearly Ah, Kerala re with the concept of the manifestation of God within the buy ratings. The next quote is from Lotus Sutra again. If the form of a voice here is what is needed to bring salvation, he manifests himself in the form of voice here and proceeds to teach the law. If the form of a pot Lyekka Buddha will bring salvation. He manifests himself in the form of a project a Buddha and preaches the law. If the form of a body sought for will bring salvation, he manifested. But he sought for form and preaches the law. If the form of a Buddha will bring salvation, he immediately manifested Buddha form and preaches the law. Thus he manifests himself in various different forms depending upon what is appropriate for salvation and if it is appropriate to enter extinction in order to bring salvation, he manifests himself as entering extinction. We saw this in the politics. When the Buddha gives the example of the great assemblies of tomorrow's the Brahmas, the Yama gods, the Nim, Nim, Moratti, gods that he himself will actually present himself to these beings in the form that they are so that he can bring in this contact salvation unto them. This concept of the Dharma doctor who the ultimate reality, the absolute truth itself, manifesting in the form of whatever form those who is teaching to really Eccles a part of the back of a December will look at a different time where our Juna, in the Hindu texts of Agatha Geeta asked Krishna to show our Jonah his true form. And when he does, there is this, like, unbelievable image of like numerous mulls un ending faces, ears, eyes, hands. It's this expression in my understanding of the text that Krishna, who is the embodiment of problem as visual manifests in so many different ways in so many different forms at so many different times that when Arjuna sees his true form. All he sees are the rolling faces and manifestations of that absolute reality which the Buddha himself again tells us he does Here. The next is from the perfection of wisdom and 8000 lines Tot a goddess eternal Buddha certainly do not come from anywhere. Nor did they go anywhere because such nous does not move. And the tot Agata is such nous. Non production does not come nor go. And the top Takata is not production. One cannot conceive of the coming or going of the reality limit. And the tar Takata is the reality limit. The same could be said of emptiness of what exists in accordance of fact, of dispassion, of stopping the element space for the tattoo. Gotta is not outside these Doremus, the such nous of these Doremus and the such nous of all day. Armas and the such miss of the tot Agata are simply this one single such nous. There is no division within such nous, just simply one single. Is this such nous? Not two or three echoing the behind scriptures that son of reality is beyond dissent in the scent really beyond any description itself and that here are the mood is saying that the reality limit that which is the essence, is itself the Buddha. Now from the lion's roar of Queen Stream Allah, the supreme complete enlightenment is the realm of nirvana. The realm of nirvana is the Dharma body of the Ta Takata, the eternal Buddha. Attaining the absolute Dharma body is attaining the absolute one vehicle. The time to God is no different from the Dharma body. Potato got is identical with the Dharma body. The absolute is unlimited and unceasing whole lower the tot Agata, who is not limited by time, is without limitation. His great compassion also is unlimited, bringing peace and comfort to the world. His unlimited great compassion brings unlimited peace and comfort to the world. This explanation is a good explanation concerning the Takata. Have won again speaks of the inexhaustible Dharma, the eternal abiding Dharma, which is the refuge of old. Therefore, in a world that has not been saved, a world without a refuge, there is an inexhaustible, eternally abiding refuge equal to the utmost limit. The Takata are hot, completely enlightened one. This is such a fascinating quote because actually, we see that Nirvana itself is the Dharma body off the tot Agata. The real essence in true reality of what the person of the Buddha in our time really is that there is no difference because the Takata, the Buddha himself, is identical with the Dharma body, which is unlimited and unceasing. This being the Buddha is not limited by time. His compassion is not limited against this this relational love and compassion towards the creation which he reveals himself to. And he is the inexhaustible refuge of all reality, or Brotman. Now from the garden, it's a truck booted, abides in the infinite, the unobstructed ultimate reality of reality in the realm of space. In the essence of truth, us nous without birth or death and an ultimate truth appearing descendant beings according to the time sustained by past vows without ever ceasing, not abandoning all being so Len, Sulfa Nana. In the first section of this quote, we have to really look past beyond, if you will the veil of names and seen what the Buddha is expressing himself to be infinite, unobstructed, the ultimate realm of reality ultimate reality itself, that he is without birth or death. The Alfa New mega. He was ever abiding that he does not cease and he does not abandon all beings. And within this non abandoning, it says, he appears to send him beings according to the time sustained by past vows. The concept of the eternal covenant within the behind scriptures thes past promises these past vows or what actually sustained the continuing return of the Buddha. The Everlasting Covenant. How should enlightening, being see the body of the Buddha, the Dharma Kaya, the quality of the Dharma? They should see the body of Buddha and infinite places. Why they do not see but in just one thing one phenomenon, one body, one land when being they should see the Buddha everywhere, just as spaces on the present in all places, material or material without either arriving or not arriving there. Because space is in corporeal in the same way. Buddha is omni present in all places in all beings, in all things in all lands, yet neither arriving nor not arriving there because the Buddha's body is in corporeal, manifesting a body for the sake of sentiment. Beings, just as we were told within the behind scriptures that all of reality is in a sense, a reflection of the divine being. And his attributes can be seen everywhere. Here we're told that the Buddha is quote the Buddha is on the present and that he had it that Dharma Kaya, that body of the Dharma manifests a body for the sake of sentient beings again, a direct parallel to the concept of the manifestation of God within by writings and within the A punish odds itself once again to the Lotus Sutra cash EPA. You should understand that That thus come one is like this that that's come One is the Buddha. He appears in the world like a great cloud rising up with a loud voice, he penetrates to all the heavenly in human beings and the a sort of the entire world like a great cloud spreading over the thousandfold 1,000,000 fold lands. And in the midst of the Great Assembly he addresses thes words saying I am the bus come worthy of offerings of right and universal knowledge. Perfect clarity and conduct well done. Understanding the world UN excelled worthy trainer of people Teacher of heavenly in human beings Buddha World honored one Those who have not yet crossed over. I will cause to cross over those not yet freed I will free. That was not yet a rest. I will put it rest. Those not yet in Nirvana will cause to attain nirvana of this existence and future existence is I understand the true circumstances. I am the one who knows all things, sees all things, understands the way and opens up the way, preaches the way you heavenly in human beings of sores and others. You must all come here so that I may let you hear the Dharma at that time, living beings of countless thousands 10 thousands millions of species come to the place where the Buddha is to listen to the Dharma. The bus come one then observes whether the capacities of these living beings are keen or dull. Whether they're diligent to their efforts are lazy and in accordance with what each is capable of hearing. He preaches the law for them in an immeasurable variety of ways. Two that all of them are delighted and are able to gain excellent benefit there from the Buddha Here in the Lotus Sutra, Manifest has a great clout. A great cloud rising up like the Torah. In this same notion, we also see the concept of Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven that he actually comes to all these different worlds and all these divine rounds be they low or high out of his desire to release all when he does so, he appears in a way and teaches in a way that the denizens of that realm, whatever it may be, can truly understand because he actually sees the reality of the world in which he is. He is a divine physician who diagnosis the cosmos in which he manifests and then teaches his law to those people in accordance with where they are at the concept of progressive revelation in this world and beyond. We're now gonna look at two final quotes. The 1st 1 is from the Brockman, etcetera Another Montana. It is rather long, but we will actually do our best to try and keep track of the imagery that is actually being expressed here. This is the border beginning to speak. I have cultivated this mind ground dharma door for hundreds of eon ce. My name is Varun Khanna. I request all Buddhas to transmit my words to all sentient beings who has to open this path of cultivation toe all have that time From his lions thrown in the Lotus treasury world, Vera Khanna Buddha emitted rays of light, a voice among the raises, her telling the Buddha's seated on thousands of lotus pedestal pedals. You should practice and uphold the mind ground Dharma door and transmitted to the innumerable Sakyamuni bodies one after another, as well as to all sentient beings everyone should uphold, read, recite and single mindedly put his teachings into practice. After receiving the Dharma Door of the Mind ground, the boot is seated to talk the thousands of lotus flowers, along with innumerable sake amount of Buddhists all arose from their lions, seats, their bodies and meeting innumerable rays of light. And each of these rays appeared innumerable Buddhas who simultaneously make offerings of green, yellow, red and white celestial flowers to Vera Khanna, Buddha and slowly took their leave. Now I work on a Buddha, him sitting atop of Lotus petal on 1000 flowers surrounding me or 1000 Sakyamuni Buddhas. Each flower supports 100 million worlds in each world of Sakyamuni, Buddha appears. All are seated beneath the Bodhi tree. This is the tree under which the Buddha received enlightenment. All simultaneously attained Buddha Hood. All these innumerable Buddhas have Americana as the original body thes countless Sakyamuni Buddhas all bring followers along as numerous as motes of dust. They all proceed from my lotus pedestal to listen to the Buddhist precepts. I now preach the Dharma this exquisite nectar afterward, the countless, but has returned to the respective worlds and under a body tree, proclaimed these minor major and minor precepts Americana, Buddha, the original Buddha. The precepts are like the radiant sun and moon like a shining necklace of gems body Sophus as numerous as motes of dust. Uphold them and attain put a hood. So in this image we get from the Brahmin, it's a draw. There is a supreme singular Buddha that Buddha, which is the source of all the teachings of all the physical Buddhas in the form bodies that appear in all these different worlds, is the inspiration of the revelation of the Dharma in tow. All these cosmos is this maricon of Buddha is the source of all the rays of light, like the son of truth that we find with by writings. That itself is the inspiration of all the manifestations that we see in the physical form within all the worlds of God and are here known as the Buddha himself. As Krishna has Mohammed as Jesus the Bab ba Hola, this entity known as the locals Primal well or the manifestation of God is the ultimate source of all thes reflections. If you will. These fractals these these manifestations within the world. This is totally in accord with the concept of the word taking on flesh that original entity who is the perfect relent in three. Who is the perfect reflection of the divine father manifested in the world? We've come to the end of the study. That's just what have we actually learned right from the get go philosophically Because Buddhism itself teachers under humanity, principles of honesty and justice and compassion and truth and right view and right effort, meditation and in this case, eulogizing homage ing and prayer right from the get go, Buddhism actually seems to be monotheistic. We couldn't possibly at any time called, in my opinion, Buddhism non theistic because the actual do scriptures themselves really actually represent within them endless layers of actual divine beings. If anything, with a cursory knowledge of Buddhism, we would have called it polytheistic or a concept of many gods. But we find out that actually the Buddha himself was the reality limit. The number of all this year of all the one true stainless one, is actually at the very top of reality and eternally is the refuge of all that, whether or not this being manifest in the world, which this being does in accordance with the capacity of the people. He's teaching that ultimate reality that Dharma Dato, the body of the Dharma, is itself ever abiding, fully conscious. And it is our job in life to find the reflection of that ultimate reality that Dharma as manifest with within our world and follow his law and draw close to him through his teachings, uh, put in this way and really looked at from the Book of Scriptures itself, we see really the concept of actually, whether it's the locals and the father and the manifestation of Jesus Christ or the different natures of the manifestation of God and body within the by scriptures. I think it's really fair to say that the idea that Buddhism is a philosophical system that is not really interested in transcendent realities that is really just a means of actual psychology could be completely laid to rest. And the idea that the moon was agnostic about ultimate reality to be laid to rest. We are dealing with a religion that is actually truly placed within its own cultural milieu and is responding to issues that we confined within the Vader's in the Apollo chugs and actually is echoing or reflecting concepts. We finding them within the bike of a cheetah, that there is an ultimate reality that actually manifests itself for the raising up of sentiment. Beings, when on righteousness, has come to prevail. That being is actually a form body chosen by this ultimate reality in order that it can actually communicate to its patient as a divine physician in accord with that being needs. This is the concept of progressive revelation fully expressed. So I think in the end here can we say that Buddhism itself as an ultimate reality, yes. Is that entity itself personal, like the brockman in the cannula punish at Yes. Is it the refuge that we have to seek out, have faith in love and approach? Yes, it is in the end, God