Bridging Beliefs

Politics and The Bahá’í Faith: Non-Interference and the New Model

July 06, 2018 Rob Cacchioni Season 1 Episode 9

A brief introductory study of politics and the Bahá'í Writings. This Deepening explores concepts in the Bahá’í Faith related to politics: Baha'u'llah's injunction against Baha'is interfering in secular and partisan politics of any form. We explore how the Bahá’í Faith is political in the original sense of the term: a science of governance, or the organization of society. The Bahá’í Faith offers, as an example, a way of governing the social order - locally, nationally, and internationally - that is dependent upon the free choice of the individual. The Kingdom of God on earth.


  1.  0:38 Intro
  2.  4:54 Non Political - How Far Does this Go? What are the Consequences?
  3.  12:16 The Unity Principle
  4.  28:02 No Political Vision in Line with the Baha'i Faith
  5.  35:02 Unable to be Swayed
  6.  42:59 Our Focus - The Why
  7.  52:48 Our Focus - The What
  8.  1:03:56 Our Focus - The Why
  9.  1:11:12 Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Meaning of "Political"
  10.  1:16:43 A Global Faith
  11.  1:20:26 Government of Baha'u'llah
  12.  1:28:34 An Uncomfortable Term - "Theocracy"
  13.  1:36:25 Secular Constitutions and the Legitimacy Problem
  14.  1:48:57 Sociopolitical Issues - How We Can Engage
  15.  1:57:47 Genuine Concerns - Baha'i Commonwealth and Minority Rights
  16.  2:09:10 Conclusion and Climax

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Hello, friends. Thank you for joining their study. We will look at authoritative text. Of course, any comments are my personal interpretation for any official or authoritative by teachings. Please visit the high dot or GE. I'd like to think that the high administration as well as all of those working for peace in the description below you'll find time stamps the various sections in this video so you can jump to those sections if you like. There's also a link to download an audio form of this presentation as well as a pdf with all of the quotes. So today we're gonna be looking at one of the principles of the by faith, which is the non involvement in political affairs of the behinds themselves. The way this is often looked at can cause confusion. One from those outside the by faith can often see our non involvement in politics as if her holding aloof from the problems of our country and the problems of our world. At the same time, we often will state the behi. Faith is completely non political in character, which itself can cause confusion from my own perspective. Again, as with all of these presentations. It is peculiar to call the Baha'i faith non political, especially because the BEHI teachings itself. When we really look at them, have an economic theory. It actually has a theory regarding how election should be run. It has regional politics, local politics, national politics, international politics. It has teachings on global security and regional security. It has issues regarding trade. So there is one way in which the by faith is very non political. It's engagement with partisan politics, as we shall see. But at the same time, it's also very political in the sense of how it sees we should be ordering society governing it on. And that is the very lead, the definition of politics itself. So it's gonna look a quick quote from universal House of justice. Clearly, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth is a political enterprise, and the teachings of the faith are filled with political principles, using the word in the sense of the science of government in the organization of human society. At the same time that the high world community repeatedly and emphatically denies being a political organization and behinds are required on pain of deprivation, of their administrative rights to refrain from becoming involved in political matters and from taking sides and political disputes. In other words, the behinds air following a completely different path from that usually followed by those who wish to reform society. The issue political methods towards the achievement of their aims and concentrate on revitalizing the hearts, minds and behavior of people, and on presenting a working model as evidence of the reality and practicality of the way of life they propound. This is an exquisite quote because it here the universal House of Justice, in this letter of 1995 is acknowledging that yes, the by fate physics is extremely political from one conception. How we order society, the science of governments itself, but at the same time as it quotes on the deprivation of voting rights. So in behind begins engaging in the political affairs of partisan politics, campaigning for a political party, speaking out against the ruling elected party of her government can and in extreme cases actually have their own voting rights within the BEHI administration removed. I love how it says we're following a completely different path. Part of that is by offering a working model as to how politics could actually be run right, And it's really because we're not going out and campaigning. We're not going out. And trying to put pressure on governments for them to change their policies to accord with our own were simply trying to organize our own political affairs within the VA high community. Using an electoral process that we will see in the future is radically different from that which we normally see where I've ever seen in the world and then offering that is a potential model of a way of life, of a way of interacting on the social level, a political well. So, in essence, we are the most political, non political movement that I've ever seen because the teachings of the behi faith compared to those of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, etcetera, incorporate far, far more teachings on how to organize a political system than any prior move. This section I just titled Part One. What is the problem? Non political? How far does this go and what is the effect? So what many of the courts were actually using here are like smaller sections of larger quotes. Because the original database of quotes is actually quite large. Silver at times will see the dot, dot dot Within the quotes, Rives taken a section out just for clarity and do not over load the reader or the viewer. So this first quote is from Shoni effendi. Pronouncement on any current system of politics connected with any government must be shunned. Refused to commit ourselves to any statement which may be interpreted as being sympathetic or antagonistic to any existing political organization or philosophy. The attitude. One of complete Aloofness again from Sochi effendi for whereas the friend should obey the government under which they live, even at the risk of sacrificing all their administrative affairs and interests should the authorities decide today to prevent the behinds from holding any meeting or publishing any literature they should obey? He matters of belief, however, no compromise, whatever should be allowed, even though the outcome of it be deaf or explosion. First of all, in this first quote we're looking at it says that committing ourselves to any statement interpreted either as being sympathetic or antagonistic. Often there's a misunderstanding that, you know, we can speak of someone as being a wonderful leader, a wonderful ruler that this party is really good. We just can't speak ill of, um the Guardian, in this case is actually stating no sympathetic or antagonistic, they actually have to be put aside. It is a state of being complete Aloofness that at the same time, whatever power is ruling the country, the principle of obedience to government, which is a central tenant of the behi teachings, goes to such an extent that even if that government comes to the behind community, no matter how large it is, we will see and actually tells the behinds to shut down their their own administrative system, stopped publishing literature and stop having meetings which has happened in the past and currently abides in certain countries. We actually have to obey immediately, and we'll actually completely dismantle the by administration. So not antagonistic, not sympathetic. Neither of those at the same time complete obedience the government itself. Another aspect of this that I find often is misunderstood This because the principle of the by teachings is against any partisan politics seeing a siding with one party over another. At times people think well, this issue is outside my own country. Therefore, I can comment on it. But again, it's any ex Guinea existing system, any leader sympathetic or antagonistic s. Oh, there's another quote from the universal hopes of justice. It is about permissible activities of the behinds in relation towards governance. Has the faith emerges from obscurity? The application of certain aspects of this policy will require the calorific ation of the House of Justice. With the passage of time, practices in the political realm will definitely undergo the profound changes anticipated in the by writings. As a consequence, what we understand now of the policy of non involvement in politics will also undergo a change. Ah, correct understanding of what is legitimate BehI action in the face of the policy of non interference with government affairs is bound to be difficult to achieve on the part of individual friends continues. Hence, it is important that decisions as to the conduct of such relationships be made by authorized institutions of the faith and not by individuals. Given the utter complexity of human affairs with which the behi community must increasingly cope both spiritually and practically, individual judgment is not sufficient. So often the question arises by behind assist of what we should do in individual instances or major political uprising or major political affairs. And the universal host of justice here in 1997 is actually answering that principle, which is when it comes to many of these issues. It is upset the institutions of the faith to actually direct the believers and to respond to these. This is why the BEHI Administrative Order has an Office of Governmental Affairs again from Universal's of Justice. It is perfectly in order for behi institutions to present the behi view or recommendations on any subject of vital interest to the faith, which is under the consideration of a government. If the government authority itself invites such a submission or if it is open to receive recommendations, the BEHI assembly should, however, refrained from bringing pressure to bear on the authorities in such matters. So this is again a relationship of the administrative order to governments when governments themselves are asking for insights or perspectives on how to address a certain social issue. It's being carried out by the National Spiritual Assembly, for example, and their Office of Governmental Affairs, and at the same time, those assemblies cannot bring political pressure to bear upon the government that is even making their quest. We're going to see this thing over and over and over that the behi faith itself has to be seen to be a belief system in an organization that is freely chosen by individuals without any political pressure being put on any government or people. There is a question that regularly arises when looking at not involvement in politics. And it's an understandable one, which is, if this is the case, why is it that the BehI administrative order and behind communities will question the practices of the persecution of the highs in Iran for the time being? Because it is a very particular case that we will have to look at it at another time in a different section, The following Too many quotes from quotes are just addressing political action and partisan political action on behalf of the friends. One small snippet of a quotas, since such an action brings about disastrous results and ends in hurting the cause, and it's intimate friends. This was actually a Fendi, or matters political and partisan. The character would eventually lead to entanglements that would that would be not only futile but positively harmful so that by us engaging in political issues by us speaking out on behalf of some government, organization or party or against them, that we can actually entangle ourselves and political issues that actually can cause disastrous results to the behind community. But not only them, those who are their friends and supporters. So this next section I just called the unity principal, and this quote is actually from the New Testament to the Christian Gospels in particular, from the Gospel of Matthew and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. I use is to start the unity principle because it's the fundamental premise behind the perspective in my understanding of non involvement in politics. Why? Because we cannot be, ah, how's that is divided against itself that ends up becoming entangled in partisan politics, causing division within a movement whose fundamental purpose is actually to bring unity to humankind. We're not the ones to judge our government has just or unjust, for each believer would be sure to hold a different viewpoint and within our own bi fold a hotbed of dissension. With spring up and destroy our unity, we cannot change them through becoming involved. On the contrary, they will destroy us. The second quote, we behi eyes are one the world over and were seeking to build up a new world order Devine an origin. How can we do this? Of every behi is a member of a different political party, some of them diametrically opposed to each other. Where's our unity? Then we would be divided because of politics against ourselves. And this is the opposite of our purpose, obviously of one behind. Austria has given freedom to choose a political party and join it. However good its aims. Maybe another behind Japan or America or India has the right to do the same thing. And he might belong to a party, the very opposite in principle to that which the Austrian behind belongs. Where would be the unity of the behi faith in or over the faith in Thies, too spiritually brothers will be working against each other because of their political affiliations. This is the heart of the principal. If we're actually within a specific government and say one is a conservative and one is a reformer. One is a liberal on one's a Republican. One's a Democrat. Then we end up having a system in which the behi faith, whose fundamental purpose is actually to bring unity by rising above the factionalism and dissensions inherent and current political systems end up having, say, to the highs or large groups of BA highs who are working against each other at a national level when their entire purpose is actually to bring unity at a national level. The other example is that the guardian here is giving is where you have a CIA behi in Austria, whose policies end up being diametrically opposed to those in Japan. So you start bringing in nationalistic and ethnic prejudices or biases, which begin to eat the very heart of the fundamental purpose of the behind faith, which is unity. This is why often, when I'm asked, specifically, say, on a policy of the British prime minister, or what I think of the say, for example, the president of the United States. Generally, when I'm asked, I say, Well, they are the democratically legitimately, democratically elected leader of the government, right? And as a high does not involve himself in non partisan politics. I support the will of the people within my nation or any other nation therein. Another quote from Shoji Effendi from the World Order of Holland. How can a faith It's your, Moreover, be born in mine, who's divinely ordained? Institutions have been established within the jurisdiction of no less than 40 different countries, the policies and interests of whose governments are continually clashing and going growing more complex and confused every day. How can such a faith by allowing its adherents, whether individually or through it's organized councils, to meddle in political activities succeed in preserving the integrity of its teachings and in safeguarding the unity of its followers? How can it ensure the vigorous the uninterrupted and peaceful development of its expanding institutions? How can a faith whose ramifications have brought into contact with mutually incompatible religious systems, sex and confessions be in a position if it permits its adherence to subscribe to obsolescent observances and doctrines to claim the unconditional allegiance of those whom it is striving to incorporate into its divinely appointed system? How can it avoid the constant friction, the misunderstandings and controversies which formal affiliation as distinct from association must inevitably engender. It's important to note that actually this'll letter itself the world over bough holla by she'll give tending the garden of the body. Faith was actually written in 1936. We're coming up to the eve of the Second World War for factionalism, where battles among contending nations is actually becoming just. It's just boiling. And here it's telling us that in order to actually preserve the integrity of the teachings right and be able to command the allegiance of the behinds themselves, they have to stay out of political issues. Why? Because not only are we not trying to become divided amongst ourselves, but the point being made here at the time 40 different countries now, almost every country on the planet that behi faiths administration, our communities are within these respective governments. How can we maintain peaceful coexistence with the government's under which we're living an abiding and working and ensure that they know that we're actually not against the government? If we're suddenly then speaking out and jumping all over political affairs and political issues that cross national boundaries? This is especially important in a day when we actually have social media when the idea of the non in for interference and political issues the nonpartisan nature of the by faith is actually global. With any typing on social media, we have to be able to represent ourselves as being above and beyond in aloof from these political issues. And that becomes extremely difficult when you actually have documented Internet evidence of individuals doing the opposite. So once again, it's very important to be well wishers of her government. Respect the national, the choice of the democratically elected people within whatever government we reside and leave in the hands of the by administration any pronouncement on political affairs if that is actually being requested by the government themselves. Of course, it's important to recognize that there are many nations where in the leader is either not democratically elected or is at times pseudo elected, not a genuine and true representation of the will of the people. At the same time, we're still asked not to actually pronounce against the government under which we abide, which would lead us to be meddling in their political affairs and would again entangle us internally and externally with issues we have to remember the behind faith itself for long periods of his existence has actually existed under monarchs under military leaders. Once again, what are we trying to do? We're trying to Iraq to divinely appointed order that is trying to build a new way of dealing with political affairs to be offered as a model. The very nature of actually building up the by system and more deeply, understanding it as best we can is our answer to the political problems of our world again from the world. Order of Bahama have starts in the middle of a sentence make it absolutely essential for all those who are the declared members of any one of these communities tow. Avoid any action that might, by arousing the suspicions or exciting the antagonism of any one government, involved their brethren and fresh persecutions or complicate the nature of their task. How else might, I ask, could such a far flung faith, which transcends political and social boundaries, which includes within its pale, so great a variety of races and nations which will have to rely increasingly as it forges ahead on the goodwill and support of the diversified and contending governments of the Earth? How else could such a faith succeed in preserving its unity and safeguarding its interests and ensuring the steady and peaceful development of its institutions. It's in this context that I find it disturbing at times that individual behinds not guided by guided by the administration itself start making, for example, anti Iranian government statements on social media that is not being guided by the institutions themselves because they can involve our brothers and sisters in fresh waves of persecution. And here we're told that we have to rely on the good will and support of the government's under which we are developing the behind model to be offered as an answer to the world problems. And we note here it actually says the peaceful development of our institutions is why we're trying to step outside the fray, be outside the political battles to show a way of organizing society that is not intrinsically divisive, that is not intrinsically antagonistic. And we're factional ist. This is just such a vital principle of the behi teachings on this Let them a friend, their unyielding determination to stand firmly and unreservedly for the way of a hola to avoid the entanglements and Pickering's inseparable from the pursuits of the politician and to become worthy agencies of that divine polity which incarnates God's immutable purpose for all men. The second quote is from the universals of justice. Moreover, when considering whether or not it is wise to make such a submission on any particular matter that the High Assembly concerned must ensure that it does not buy any minute and detailed analysis of a situation needlessly alienate or a strange, any government or people more involved the faith in the base clamoring tze and contentions of warring sects, factions and nations In order to avoid the entanglements and bickering Sze, we have to stun. We have to stand unreservedly for the way of a holla to truly be congruent with what we believe and even the BehI administration itself is to avoid antagonizing any government faction or political system. The following code is from Universal House of Justice. In 2003 you stated that there are large scale demonstrations and you inquire about the appropriateness of the highs participating in demonstrations for peace. While these activities are generally carried out in the name of peace, such occasions are motivated by highly political and controversial sentiments at a time of turmoil and confusion in the world and continues to become associated with such activities. They could also be harmful to the interests of the faith internationally and again Continues, as you know, don't understand the high participation in public demonstrations involving controversial issues would undermine the faiths essential purpose of promoting unity in all aspects of human affairs. This brings up this issue again, of the highs being seen a time that's actually not caring. This is a concern that has been raised to me personally multiple times by friends, both within the faith and outside, because here it's talking about large scale demonstrations that actually seem to be about pace, yet at the same times are being motivated by highly political sentiments. And the representation of the behi community within such demonstrations can harm the interests of the faith internationally because while they might on the service, be actually representing merely is a peaceful problem, not protest towards the principle of peace. They have as their focus, if you will, the denouncing of certain political parties, surgeon political figures and certain nations explicitly. The next quote is from Shorty Effendi. They're neither for nor against any system of politics. They prefer not to get entangled in political affairs and to be mis interpreted and misunderstood by their country. In this case, especially when we're considering such things, is peace but peaceful protests, right? Or anti war protests that given that we're neither for nor against any system of politics and we're not going to actually speak out on behalf or against any system or any leader by involving ourselves in such protests such campaigns, without the guidance of the by administration, we can actually be misinterpreted and suddenly be seen as something that we are not by our actions. We members misrepresent the pie faith itself. Another quote from the Guardian and it's ah, regarding the bearing on controversial and political issues of the day. I was talking about any minute and detailed analysis of subjects in the forefront of general discussion says that it would often be misconstrued in certain quarters and give rise to suspicions and misunderstandings that would react unfavourably on the cause. It continues. It would create a misconception of the real object, the true mission and the fundamental character of the behind faith again continues, ensure that no direct reference or particular criticisms in our exposition of the fundamentals of the faith would tend to antagonize any existing institution or help to identify a purely spiritual movement with the base clamoring tze and contentions of warring sects, factions and nations and again, while refusing to utter the word that would needlessly alienate her estranged any individual, government or people we should fearlessly and unhesitatingly uphold and assert in their entirety such truths, the knowledge of which we believe is vitally and urgently needed for the good and betterment of mankind. Once again, we can highly misconstrue what the by faith is actually teaching by our analysis of existing issues, political institutions and parties. But at the same time, we should be furiously and unhesitatingly standing up for what we believe would actually be the solution. How can we do this? While we were just previously told in a quote to stand unreservedly for the way of a hollow, what is that way to ourselves? Build up a by institutions for a model for society and proposed the teachings of ba holla un collective security on the way we can organize society and just saying Well, I am a behind I actually believe this is the teachings of the hollow Bush with solutions for the world. And such things can be stated by not getting into a debate regarding issues that are actually becoming highly highly contentious within our world order globally. Really so. Another section. No political vision in line with the behi faith. There is no political party in existence whose platform wholly agree, and we must abstain from membership in such parties. Likewise, people who join the faith must have the courage and conviction to leave their political affiliations behind the nexus from Universal's of justice. The behind Commonwealth of the Future, of which this vast administrative order is the sole framework is both in theory and practice, not only unique in the entire history of political institutions, but confined no parallel in the annals of any of the world's recognized religious systems. No form of democratic government, no system of autocracy or of dictatorship, whether monarchical or Republican, no intermediary scheme of a purely aristocratic order, nor even any of the recognized types of theocracy. None of these can be identified or be said to conform the administrative order, which the master hand of its perfect architect has fashioned. So not only is there no political party, uh, who's vision or conceptions actually is in line with what the behi faith actually teaches, there is no current existing form of government that actually is identical to it. And this is again about this principle of standing unreservedly for the way of a holla. Because if we actually believe that the true way to solve the world's problems is a reordering of a way of life, of a different way to organize society, we're being asked to stand for that way. We're being asked to represent a new way of fashioning society. This next quote actually starts out talking about religious affiliation, and as the cold continues, it actually switches to political affiliation and gives us another understanding of why we can't actually be evolved within political parties, factions or institutions. This is actually from Shoki effendi. Ria's behinds must not have any political affiliations with churches or political parties. We, as behinds can never be known as hypocrites or his people in sincere in their protestations. And because of this, we cannot subscribe to both the faith of a holla, an ordinary church doctor. The church is air waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ. We believe he has come again. The churches teach doctrines, various ones and various creeds which was behind do not accept it continues. In other words, there is no Christian church today who's dogmas? We, as buys control faithfully say we accept in their entirety. Therefore, to remain a member of the church is not proper for us, for we do so under false pretenses and then ends this quote very much. The same reasons motivate us. I'm withdrawing from all political movements, however close some of their ideals, maybe to our own. In this case, both within the religious world and within the political world. If we come across through affiliation and full association with any church for political institution, we are in some sense being hypocritical. We're pretending on the surface, as if we're truly part of this community, are truly part of this party. But at the same time, we don't actually agree with all of the dogmas. All of the concepts are all of the programs of that group, and I would propose this actually would create in itself the phrase would we call a wolf in sheep's clothing because when suddenly someone understands or comes to realize that previously they believed that you were fully on their side, fully behind the party, fully buying this political institution and its programs, they suddenly realized that's not what you're actually doing, whether that be in the church or political institution, Suddenly, suspicion can arise. Well, what have they been doing? Why have they been pretending that they're fully with us when actually there are various aspects of what we believe, that they don't really agree? This leads obviously to a conception of hypocrisy, but also suspicion itself. So this would be improper for us to dio because it's false pretense. And again we've seen that we're not supposed to be bringing any political pressure to bear on governments in a way that is not really done within our world. We're trying to stand us aside or aloof, stay aloof from this issue of lobbying governments and putting pressure. But what is the perception going to be if suddenly we are part of these institutions forwarding these programs part of these churches in the example, and then suddenly the person realized that's actually not what's really going on? The aspect of us. Actually bringing pressure to bear now seems to be happening is both had a hypocritical and then can be seen to be clandestine. It should be unmistakably clear that such an attitude implies neither the slightest indifference to the cause and interests of their own countrymen of their own country. It indicates the desire cherished by every true and loyal follower of a holla to serve in an unselfish Anaugh stint, ations and patriotic fashion the highest interests of the country to which he belongs in a way that would entail no departure from the high standards of integrity and truthfulness associate ID with the teachings of his faith. This is really, truly related to the issue that often comes up in people's perspective of the high standing aloof from politics. Friends and family in the past have interpreted my non engagement within political disputes as if I don't care. And I love this quote because it's actually trying to communicate. No, it's far from indifference, is actually far from not caring of the problems of one's countrymen or of the globe itself. Rather, it's actually that I believe, personally that this is the best way to serve my country, the best way to serve my country, men and the best way to Sayer of the world that actually what has what has to be communicated to people because often times people think that the way they are serving their country or their people or the globe is done on the best way. But the only way eso really In this sense, we stand on a par with people, so we actually believe this is the best way to actually solve the problems. That's why we have to stand again unreservedly for the way of a holla and rear his divine politics. So we've previously looked at the principle where we ourselves should not be trying to sway political favor or put pressure upon governments. But there's also a principle, which is that we need to be aloof from politics, for the purpose of ourselves not being politically swayed or not being seen as being able to be politically sweet. This is the study we're going to start now. There is the duty to demonstrate, on one hand the non political character of their faith and to assert on the other there unqualified loyalty and obedience to whatever is the considered judgment of their respective governments. Quote continuous and actually the subheading is from the Guardian. The divine Politi Let them refrain from associating themselves, whether by word or by deed, with the political pursuits of their respective nations. With the policies of the government and the schemes and programs of parties and factions in such controversies, they should assign no blame, take no side further, no design and identify themselves with no system prejudicial to the best interests of that worldwide fellowship, which it is their aim to guard and foster. Let them beware, lest they allow themselves to become the tools of unscrupulous politicians or to be entrapped by the treacherous devices of the plotters and perfidious amongst their countrymen, led them, associate their lives and regulate their conduct. That no charge of secrecy, of fraud, of bribery or intimidation may, however ill founded be brought against them the bite teachings on, but needs to be stressed over and over again and will have to be stressed and communicated to the respective governments of the world that we have unqualified loyalty and obedience to our government who is ever ruling it. In addition to that, we actually have to stand Apart from the machinations of politicians themselves, we cannot be seen as being a tool for the forging of the goals and aims of anyone party, faction or government. We actually have to have this worldwide fellowship in our hearts and minds to create a different way to order society a different way to present to the world as a means to unify Theglobe politically. We cannot, in the end, have any charges of secrecy, of fraud, of bribery in any way, shape or form. However ill founded, the Guardian says, be brought against us. How can we do that if we ourselves are campaigning? Protest ng engaging in actual statements of a political nature In whatever form of media, we confined against either our own government, a party within our government or another government of another nation within the world. The only way we can do this is once again to focus on the high administration, peacefully developing it with the respect and good favor of the government center, which we abide. There is no other way a good example of this principle of not being able to be actually associated with secrecy or fraud or bribery is actually principal within the behi teachings that we cannot accept money from outside. Everything that is done by the behinds has to be reared and sustained by the actual membership of the faith. Now there's a case when the city of Haifa in Israel offered to help pay for some aspects of the upkeep of the world center and the behind world center, of course, involving the teachings of a holla had to say no. We cannot do this because again, then there can be strings tied to actually money given, or it can even seem as if we are being bribed or swayed by politicians. Such an attitude, however, is not dictated by considerations of selfish expediency, but is actuated first and foremost, with a broad principle. The followers of the hollow will under no circumstances suffer themselves to be involved, whether, as individuals were in their collective capacities and matters that would entail the slightest departure from the fundamental verities and ideals of their faith, let their words proclaim, and their conduct testify that they who followed the hola and whatever land they reside are actuated by no selfish ambition that they neither thirst for power norm mind any wave of unpopularity, of distrust or criticism, which a strict adherence to their standards might provoke the Guardian here. Seeing that obviously the behi Aloofness from partisan politics and the controversies in factionalism of our world has not actuated by selfish desire, we're not trying to stay out of the fray or stay out of the process of actually trying to build a better civilization. That's the fundamental purpose of the behind faith and all of its adherents, but also that we're not actually trying to actually gain power or force the government to actually do what we wish, which would cause distrust and even the unpopularity of our positions. Or the distrusting criticism that we actually have, which are strict adherence to our principles might provoke, can even itself not sway us into actually being embroiled in the challenges that our world this face. This following quote was rated 1933 and it's from this decisive Our letters of the Guardian. Handling of this delicate and vital problem regarding non participation by behinds of East and West in political affairs calls for the utmost circumspection, tact, patients and vigilance. It continues the misgivings and apprehensions of individual behi should be allayed and eventually completely dispelled any misconception of the sane and genuine patriotism that animates every behi heart, whatever obscures or perplexes the mind of responsible government officials should be instantly and courageously dissipated. Any deliberate misrepresentation by the enemies of the cause of God of the aims, the tenants and methods of the administrators of the faith of a holla should be vigorously faced. And it's a fallacy pitilessly exposed. The cause to which we belong stands on the threshold of an era of unprecedented expansion hit problems. Its problems are many diverse and challenging. Our methods and ways of approach must likewise be characterized by unusual sagacity, continent skill and wisdom. So here The Guardian is recognizing the many individual buys themselves might have apprehensions about the principle of non involvement in politics, but that these should be allayed and eventually dispelled. In addition, the government's, under which the BA highs operate by their good grace Kennet times and will at times have a misunderstanding of what the BEHI faith is actually teaching and how it's actually trying to proceed. These misgivings themselves actually have to be addressed, faced and openly considered um as well Individuals can have and will misrepresent the tenants, misrepresent her goals and the actual policy in this case, the non involvement to politics. These actually have to be shown to be completely untrue. How is that to be done unless we're increasingly as individuals and collectively coming to have a better understanding of what the behi faith teaches on this subject itself. So we actually have to have a consummate skill in wisdom, a capacity that we have to develop a community by understanding the world order in its relationship to the outer world. So this next section our focus, what is our focus? The why the water Now, why are we having this focus? What are we doing and how are we supposed to proceed? This first quote, which is actually called the impotence of statesmanship It is again from the writings of the Guardian, dearly beloved friends, humanity, whether viewed in the light of man's individual conduct on the existing relationships between organized communities and nations as a last strayed too far and suffered too great a decline to be redeemed for the unaided efforts of the best among its recognized rulers and statement. However, disinterested their motives, however concerted their action, however unsparing in their zeal and devotion to its costs. No scheme which the calculations of the highest statesman chip may yet devised. No doctrine, which the most distinguished exponents of economic theory may hope to events. No principle, which the most ardent of moralists may strive to. Inco Kate can provide in the last resort adequate foundations upon which the future of a destructive world can be built. No appeal for mutual tolerance, which the worldly wise might raise, however compelling. An insistent can comets passions or help restore its vigour. Nor would any general scheme of mere organized international corporation cooperation in whatever sphere of human activity. However ingenious and conception more extensive in scope succeed in removing the root cause of the evil that is so rudely upset. The equilibrium of present day society. This quote is extremely intense, and it's important to note several features of it. One is it is recognizing that there are people with very, very good intentions, and there are in old governments. There are people who are trying to do the best that they can with zeal and passion and even wisdom. Trying to make the world a better place. Often we have a very negative conception of all politicians, and we have to understand that there really are good people trying hard at the same time, however disinterested their motives, a matter of the passion they have or the zeal they have can provide. In the last resort, that means to fix the problems of a global order that we're trying to address with tools that cannot fix it. This is why Shorty Effendi is calling this this section. The impotence of statesmanship has behind, as we believe, that the current system itself is fundamentally flawed and cannot address the problems of a global society and carry it forward into the future. Let's read the rest of the quote, nor even I ventured to a search with a very active devising the machinery required for the political and economic unification of the world, a principle that has been increasingly advocated in recent times, providing itself the antidote against the poison that is steadily undermining the vigor of organized peoples and nations. What else might we not constantly affirm, but the unreserved acceptance of the divine program enunciated with such simplicity and force as far back as 60 years ago. Biba Hola. Embodying and essentials. God's divinely appointed scheme for the unification of mankind in this age, coupled with an indomitable conviction in the unfailing efficacy of each and all of its provisions, is eventually capable of withstanding the forces of internal disintegration, which, if unchecked, must needs continued to eat into the vitals of a despairing society. It is, towards this goal, the goal of a new world order Devine, an origin whole, embracing and scope, equitable in principle, challenging in its features that I harassed humanity must drive once again. This quote is very intense, but is addressing an issue that, whether or not, say, the viewer or the reader actually themselves believes in the program put forward by Ba Hola in his teachings. The basic inception is, is that we do, and then we're, we believe, as the highs that the best way to serve our countrymen the best way to serve our nation, our region are globe is in the end to apply the social and spiritual teachings of a holla infused with the spirit of God to bring about a new way of ordering human affairs. And this is something that I often personally have to clarify to friends and family. You may think I'm wrong, Craig. You may think I am an error about the way that we will solve the problems that we're facing the political, racial and religious divisions. But do not question my intentions or my caring for the world. I'm doing personally the what I believe to be best for humanity. Therefore, it falls to a discussion about the how and the what is it actually the way that we can actually hold, like, heal the divisions in the solve the problems that we're actually facing, a society that's really the question has to come. It's not a boat. Intentions are willing to sacrifice or put four time to help humanity. It's whether or not but Hollas claim is true. Whether or not his system of organizing the affairs of humanity is actually the panacea, the remedy for all things that it claims to be, but that in itself can actually on Lee be discovered by an honest, open, genuine investigation of the truth of what actually is teachings are are not these intermittent crises that convulse present day society due primarily to the lamentable inability of the world's recognized leaders to read or write the signs of the times to rid themselves once for all of their preconceived ideas and feathering creeds, and to reshape the machinery of the respective governments according to those standards that are implicit in Bacolod. Supreme Declaration of the Oneness of Mankind, the chief and distinguishing feature of the faith, he proclaimed, for the principle of the oneness of mankind, the cornerstone of the Hollows world. Embracing Dominion implies nothing more nor less than the enforcement of his scheme for the unification of the world, called Continues. How pathetic, indeed are the efforts of those leaders of human institutions who, another disregard of the spirit of the age, are striving to adjust national processes suited to the ancient days of self contained nations to an age which must either achieve the unity of the world. Is Adam, braided by Mahala, or Perish had so critical an hour in the history of civilization, it beholds the leader of leaders of all the nations of the world, great and small, whether in the Easter in the West, whether Victor's air vanquished to give heed to the clarion call of a holla and thoroughly imbued with a sense of world solidarity. The Cine qua non of loyalty to his cause arise manfully to carry out in its entirety the one remedial scheme he, the divine physician, is prescribed for an ailing humanity. Let them discard once for all every preconceived idea, every national prejudice and give heed to the sublime council of Abdul Maha, the authorized expander of his teachings. There's so much in this quote we could actually go three and discuss, I think, in essence, for myself. It is that we are currently holding onto, as it says, preconceived ideas and feathering creates that are holding us back from being able to bring humanity to a place of unity and solve the problems that were actually facing. Whether or not that's true only actually be found out by the independent investigation of truth, a really genuine, honest investigation of the divine polity of Ba Hola, as it is the enforcement of his scheme for the unification of the world. And that really, is what ba hola has actually brought to humanity, a scheme, a system on order that can actually solve the problems that we're facing that addresses the individual in their collective issues of humanity and also addresses the racial, political and religious divisions that are really eating at the vitals of society as a whole. And the by teaching themselves claim to actually be addressing the root cause of the ills that we're facing. The fundamental error that we're actually making, which is actually seeing ourselves as inherently, self selfish, inherently purely physical beings as individuals that are defined mostly improv primarily by our political, racial or religious affiliations. The World Order Adam, braided by the Hola, is reared upon the oneness of humankind that we are each part of a spirituals story that has covered the planet and that this is the day of the Kingdom of God or the divine. Gardner has come in to finally cultivate the globe itself. This section is the what what is the most important work of the BIS themselves. He fully appreciates the fact that the believers, locally in different parts of the world, often feel that their political party is in many ways striving to accomplish the ideals akin to our behind aims. But the fact remains that the only way for the behinds to preserve their international character. Their unity and integrity is for them individually to sacrifice his desire, political official affiliations for the universal good and the protection of the faith. In this letter on the behalf of the Guardian, his empathizing and recognizing that many BA Heist wrote, the world feel that their political party or some political party within their government has hymns akin to the behi goals, but that the only way the only way for us to preserve the international character in the unit Internet of the faith is to put those aside and actually work for the system. That is to be the model for a minute for an embryonic world order. The next quote, the best way for a behind to serve his country in the world, is to work for the establishment of the Hollows World order, which will gradually unite all men and do away with political systems with divisive political systems and religious crates. Once again, The Guardian saying that the best way for you to serve your country is to establish beholders World Order, which will do away with the divisive political systems and religious creed that providing humanity that the what the most important words were supposed to be doing is actually teaching the faith, establishing patterns of social integration within our neighborhoods through the core activities and striving to build up the by administration itself. It is often through our misguided feeling that we can somehow aid our fellows better buy some activity outside the faith that behind her lead to indulge in politics. This is a dangerous delusion. Has Shoki. If any secretary wrote on his behalf quote, What we behinds must face is the fact that society is rapidly disintegrating so rapidly that moral issues, which were clear half a century ago, are now hopelessly confused and what is more thoroughly mixed up with baffling political interests. That is why the behinds must turn older forces into the channel of building up the behi cause in its administration. They can neither change nor helped the world in any other way. At present have they become involved in the issues the governments of the world are struggling over. They will be lost, but if they build up the high pattern, they can offer it as a remedy. When all else has failed, we must build up our behi system and leave the faulty systems of the world to go their own way. We cannot change them through becoming involved in them. On the contrary, they will destroy us. I think it's really important to acknowledge if you will, um the strength of the language of that is actually being used here. We have misguided feelings often that there's some other way that we can help humanity. And the inner zones of justice here is actually seeing it is a dangerous delusion, an extreme confusion that we cannot change the world by doing that, we can't create a better world By doing that, it's that it will actually destroy us. We will become lost. We will become caught up in the tornado of the racial, ethnic, political and religious differences that are actually behind the current maelstrom of problems that we see on the political surface. That again, to look really at how this is being said because it says leave the faulty systems of the world to go their own way. What are we asked to do? Pills after World order offer a system that is not trying to force itself on the current political system, but a standing aside as a unified, harmonious conception reared on the foundations of the oneness of humankind and the religious unity of humankind so that when thes fail, they, the individuals outside the cause can of their own accord unpublished, unforced turn and see a system that can solve the problems to allow them to do what they have to do. Because love for our fellow men and anguish of their plate or essential parts of a true behi life. We're continually drawn to do what we can to help them. It is vitally important that we do so whenever the occasion presents itself for actions must say the same thing is our words. But this compassion for fellows must not be allowed to divert our energies into channels which are ultimately doomed to failure, causing us to neglect the most important and fundamental work of all. There are hundreds of thousands of well wishers of mankind who devote their lives to works of relief and charity, but a pitiful few to do the work which God himself most wants done the spiritually waking and regeneration of mankind, our task building up the behi system, of course, improvising with our fellow men. It's driving to help them and and expressing her compassion. Love for humanity is quote essential part of the troop of high life. The question then becomes, How do you actually channel that passion when you see suffering of humanity? How do you actually channel it in this world into into channels of action in the service? From what are we told, we can't be allowed to have ourselves diverted into channels that are doomed to failure? That's a quote, right? We actually have to realize each time this poll happens that actually it is here in the Bible Bolas World order that we can best serve humanity and that the really there are a pitiful few who are truly trying to bring a new vision of political organization, of social organisation, of relationships between the individual, the institutions in society, that this is actually what the by faith is kind of really coming to bring to humanity. So when we feel those polls, that is where we should put our energy. The solution given to the world's problems, by behold, is the only solution being divine in origin and most desperately needed. Therefore, we the few of caught division shot waste our energies beating up and down the paths pursued by humanity and which are not solving its ghastly present a problems. We should concentrate on the cause because it is what is needed to cure the world. This is a sound attitude. And if we don't devote ourselves to the behind work and teaching who will obviously non behinds people who don't believe in Bahamas message are not going to put forward his teachings is the true divine remedy for humankind. And given the nature of our not being involved in political institutions or taking donations from outside, the only ones that actually can do it are the behinds themselves. So if we don't devote ourselves to the building up of the administration and teaching Bahamas faith who will? And again it's very clear the garden saying it is the only solution. So if you have someone calling you too for a plan to actually cure an ailment or a sickness or a pandemic, and they want you to start handing out, if you will, a remedy right, a vaccine. But you know you actually have the true vaccine for this sickness. For this illness of humankind, toe actually go around and started handing out a faulty vaccine or a faulty medicine. A remedy is actually withholding the actual vaccine from the peoples of the world again, this may not be the position of the viewer or the reader of the writings of the central victor, the by faith. Once again, that can only be find out by actually an independent investigation of the truth of the homeless claims. And really, what is Bahamas World Order? What is this divine polity that is being offered? This next quote is from the Guardian and once again is very, very clear and very direct. We see that the political scene is becoming more involved and chaotic, and the chief actors air impotent to solve the world's problems. This is not to the arena for the behinds. We must cast off from the sinking ship and devote ourselves exclusively to building up the World Order of the Hollow, which we know is the salvation for the entire planet. I don't know how the Guardian could actually be more clear, and at the same time it's quotes like this, or statements like this that often can very, very quickly be misinterpreted by people he's saying we must cast off from this sinking ship that can easily be interpreted is or you're just abandoning us. You're just leaving us to drown. I sentiment that sees in a quote like this is if we don't care, this has to be seen in the context of the entirety of the by writings and everything we've been looking at and turning to the person. You know, we actually really, really, really do care. We have a remedy or vaccine or a medicine we think actually can solve the problems you're trying to solve. And we believe if we start delivering this medicine, it's not going to cure it. That's why we have to be here. Even the look of this ship analogy itself. There's a sinking ship, and it's not that we're simply abandoning them in some little tiny dinghy or, you know, I am interrupt. Lifesaver were actually inviting them to get on an ark, a ship that is there to save all the people on the sinking ship, and it is right over there. That is actually what the behinds were trying to do, trying to offer a new vehicle for humankind, a greater vehicle, an arc that can sail upon the turbulence, sees that we're currently in and are on the horizon. The next section, the how the Driving Force Behind activism and the focus of our studies behinds in every land already named anxious to associate with any association of men which, after careful scrutiny they feel satisfied, is free from every tinge of partisanship and pull politics and is wholly devoted to the interests of all mankind continues. We would extend any moral and material assistance they can afford after having fulfilled their share of support to those institutions that affect directly the interest of the cause. They should always bear in mind, however, the dominating purpose of such a collaboration, which is to secure in time the recognition by those with whom they're associate ID of the paramount necessity in the true significance of the behi revelation in this day. So in this quote, the Guardian is actually saying that we actually have to before associating ourselves, and then you move and ensure that is quote free from every tinge of partisanship in politics. Secondly, the second step is to ensure that we have fulfilled our share of support for the institutions of faith and that even then once we begin to associate ourselves with some movement, some association that we have to bear in mind, what is the chief goal? It's seeing ourselves as okay, well, we agree on this, princess, but we agree on this attention intention. But at the same time, we actually have to give them a deeper understanding of the true significance of the Hollows revelation. Once again, they themselves might have a small ship beside the sinking ship. And we're trying to show that we actually have an arc that can actually save all the people. So we actually see that their motivations are beautiful, that they are akin to ours. But we still have to have the paramount necessity of showing them the true remedy for the world's hills. I get the guardian here. The highs want to be really effective in teaching the cause they need to discuss intelligently, intellectually the present condition of the world in its problems. We need the high scholars not only people far, far more deeply aware of what our teachings really are, but also well read and well educated people capable of correlating our teachings to the current thoughts of the leaders of society. We behind should arm our minds with knowledge in order to better demonstrate, too, especially the educated classes, the truths and shined in our faith. What The guardian, however, does not advise the friends to do is to dissipate their time and energies in serving movements that are akin to our principles. But not, we believe, capable of solving the present, a spiritual crisis the world finds itself in. We can cooperate with such movements and their promoters to good effect. Well, at the same time, openly standing forth is behinds with a specific program to offer society. So first of all, the guardian saying that we actually really, really need people who are beginning to study the world or deeply studying the behind faith and order to intellectually intelligently discuss this with the educated classes so they can see with it within the behi teachings and within the by world order, a central feature of the homeless teachings that this is actually how we can solve the problems that we're facing, that we, the Guardian quote, does not advise the friends to dissipate their time and energies and serving movements that are akin to buy principles and that when we're associating of individuals within those movements that we are to openly send forth as of the highs with a specific program for the solving of the world's problems, they might have a ship, they might have a good intentions. So we actually in pointing out the ark, if you will, that is here to save him and kind be educated enough, be under, wise enough and intelligent enough to be able to communicate it to these people so they can see that No, that actually really is a very large ship here to save everyone. We will in the future, be looking in subsequent videos at really what the teachings are of this divine arc that behinds believe has come to actually solve the world's problems and save the people from the sinking ship. Currently, we're just looking at the non interference or non involvement in politics because we want to see why it is that the highs seem to stand aloof from the problems of society. For the exact same time, er actually really, really engaged and doing their best to actually solve the problems simply in the way they truly and genuinely believe can solve these issues. It seems that what we need now is a more profound and coordinated by scholarship. In order to attract such men as you are contacting the world has at least the thinking world caught up by now with all the great universal principles enunciated by Mahala over 70 years ago. And so, of course, it does not sound new to them. But we know that the deeper teachings, the capacity of his projective world order to recreate society are new and dynamic. It is these we must learn to present intelligently and enticingly two such men. Once again, the Guardian is asking for more profound by scholarship that there are many principles that when they were in unseated by behold, uh, in the 19th century and promulgated by Abdul Maha in his travels to the West, were actually quite controversial. Quite new relationship between religion and science, the equality of men and women, the equality of the races. There are numerous numerous principles in the behind faith over would have been absolutely shocking when they were actually put forward. Some of those teachings people have actually caught up to after all these years, but it is to such individuals. That's still the deeper teachings and the quote, the capacity of his project World order to recreate society, those air new and dynamic. This is why the BehI scholarship needs to be deeply focused in understanding the world order of Mahala, its administration and its political structure, which is the vehicle that is going to carry into effect all of the teachings of the hola. That's what we really need, because we have to be able to communicate it intellectually and enticingly to such individuals. When we consider truly presenting the teachings of Mahala to the wider community of our planet, we have to consider that there are aspects that could be easily misunderstood regarding what the behinds see in the future has menial comma bolus teachings. One of this has the potential to actually create what is sort of a wolf in sheep's clothing problem that I've alluded to before. See the behi faith itself is non is not a partisan political system, howto highly that I just wanted to read a text actually, from the universals of justice has one studies these words, one begins to understand the processes at work in the gradual unfold mint and establishment of the behi system. Clearly, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth is a political enterprise, and the teachings of the faith are filled with political principles. Using the word in the sense of the science of government and of the organization of human society had the same time that the high will community repeatedly and emphatically denies being a political organization. And the highs are required on pain, of the deprivation of their administrative rights to refrain. Becoming from becoming involved in political matters have been taking sides and political disputes in other words, the behind her following a completely different path from that usually followed by those who wish to reform society. The issue political methods towards the achievement of their aims and concentrate on revitalizing the hearts, minds and behavior of people, and on presenting a working model as evidence of the reality and practicality of the way of life. They per pound. As was suggested at the beginning of this steepening. To suggest or state to someone that the BEHI faces a non political system it's not involved in politics at all could easily create a misunderstanding because, as we shall see when we begin to look at the behind writings. The future world order of Mahala, as it shall interact with the global society, is dead definitively political, as I mentioned before it as economic theory, electoral theory has conceptions of politics that relate to local, regional, national and international political organization. And here the universe. Also, justices, noting that clearly the establishment of the Kingdom of God, which actually behinds believe the world order of Allah to be is a political enterprise and that the behind teachings themselves are rife with political concepts. At the same time, we're told it emphatically within the buy ratings that we're not to become involved in the political disputes war, the partisan political machinations, if you will, of current politics. And this quote ended stating that we are following a completely different path, and it is to understand what that path is that is so vital for this day within the high scholarship and just deepening in general because we want to be able to state yes. In some sense, the behi conception of society is itself a political in the definition of the organization of society or the science of government. But it is not political in the sense that we are not trying to actually sway people within the political arena to our side. Implement our policies on this will become clearer as we move on the final sentence in this quote from Universal's of justice highlights. What is the model of the high interaction I quote, presenting a working model as evidence of the reality and practicality of the way of life they propound. This is why, in the former quotes we keep seeing this working, standing like standing fully as behinds to actually working for the bi system itself. Because we're trying to create a working model on the side that can be looked at by people but at the same time not trying to put pressure on governments to actually implement policies we wish there is a very simple misunderstanding that can actually occur when the way we represent the faith, even with pure intentions, clashes with what someone might see within the writings of by Faith has continually a problem called the wolf in sheep's clothing. Because oftentimes I've been present in the highs are saying that the by faith is in no way political and That's true in one definition of political. At the same time, when you're saying that the Bible is not political but you actually believe it as an electoral system, Pandas, we shall see Goodbye. Faith proposes that will one day actually be the governing structure of the entire planet. This can have someone suddenly jump up unseemly. You're saying that by faith is not political, but at the same time, I see an entire political order being built by the BIS and you believe as a behind. I believe we shall see that actually, the behind faith will cover the globe and be the very fabric of society. This generates misunderstandings because if we are saying on the one hand that it is non political, but it is actually seeking to establish a political order across the globe. This can raise suspicions. This is why we have to be so clear and emphatically open, if you will, about what the behind faith believes so that we can then explain for the non involvement of politics, how this will come about and will not come about to alleviate the concerns and worries of individuals, groups and governments all over. As we will see in the bar high ratings the has. Mahala says The sovereign remedy for humankind is the union of all peoples under one common faith. This quote here is from universal House of Justice. Inseparable from the behi perspective on politics is a particular conception of history, its course and direction. Humanity is the firm conviction of every follower of Mahala is approaching today, the crowning stage in a millennia long process which has brought it from its collective infancy to the threshold of maturity. A stage two will witness the unification of the human race. So this next photo is from abnormal, huh? What? Ultimately war will be entirely banned. And when the laws of the most holy book are enacted, arguments and disputes will, with perfect justice, be settled before a universal tribunal of governments and peoples, and any difficulties which may arise will be resolved. The five continents of the world will become as one. It's diverse. Nations will become one nation, the earth will become one homeland and the human race will become one people. Countries will be so intimately connected and peoples and nations so commingled and united that the human race will become as one family in one kindred. The light of heavenly level shine and the gloomy darkness of hatred and enmity will be dispelled as far as possible. Universal peace will raise its pavilion in the mood most heart of creation, and the blessed tree of life will so grow and flourish has to stretch its sheltering shade over the East and the West. Strong and weak, rich and poor, contending, kindred and hostile nations which are like the wolf and the lamb, leopard and kid the lion in the CAF will treat one another with the utmost love, unity, justice and equity. The earth will be filled with the knowledge and learning with the realities and mysteries of creation with the knowledge of God. It continues one of the great events, which is to occur in the day of the manifestation of that incomparable branch, his hoisting of the standard of God among the nations, why this has meant that all nations and kindred Sze will be gathered together under the shadow of this divine banner, which is no other than the lordly branch itself and will become a single nation religious and sectarian antagonism. The hostility of races and peoples and the difference among nations will be eliminated. Almond will adhere to one. Religion will have one common faith will be blended into one race and become a single people. All will dwell in one common fatherland, which is the planet itself. Universal peace and concord will be established among all nations. There's a radiant vision of the future of humanity and it's important. Understand that this really is what the behi fief proclaims is the future of humanity. And when the highs are called upon to work, towards which is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, that kingdom prophesized within scriptures. It is that if you will for all the peoples of the world will go up to the mountain of God toe learn in his waist that we will have one common faith. This faith of IVF is a fully globally oriented religion. I would like to read somewhere passages first from Pamela. All matters of state should be referred to the host of justice, but acts of worship must be observed According to that which got it revealed in this book here, in the most holy book of the Hollows revelation, he states that all matters of state herb retort to be referred to the House of Justice recording show G f nd, he says dearly beloved friends. This New World order, whose promises enshrined in the revelation of the home whose fundamental principles have a nun been enunciated in the writings of the center of his covenant, involves no less than the complete unification of the entire human race. This unification should conform to such principles has with directly harmonized with spirit that animates, and the laws that govern the operation of the institutions that already constitute a structural basis of the administrative order of his faith. More machinery falling short of the standard, and Coke aided by the behind revelation and the variance with sublime pattern or gained in his teachings, which the collective efforts of mankind may yet devised, can ever hope to achieve anything above or beyond that lesser piece to which the author of Our Faith has himself alluded to in his writings. Now that you have refused the mocha it most great piece, he admonishing the kings and rulers of the Earth has written, told you fastened at this lesser piece. But happily you may in some degree better your own conditions and that of your dependence, Yogi effendi continues. The most great piece, on the other hand, is conceived by Mahala, a peace that must inevitably follow as the practical consequence of the spiritualist ation of the world and the fusion of all its racist creeds. Classes and nations can rest on no other basis and can be preserved from no other agency except the divinely appointed ordinances that are implicit in the world order that stands associate ID with his holy name in his tablet, revealed almost 70 years ago to Queen Victoria, the whole alluding to his most to this most great peace is declared lab which the load up for Danes, the sovereign remedy and the mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all its peoples. In one universal cost on common faith, the skin in no wise be achieved except to the power of a skill and all powerful and inspired physician. So here in the world order of Bahana Pen by Shoji Effendi, the Guardian We're told that no machinery have fall short of the order. The most great piece put forward in the writings of the hola can in the end, actually achieve the unity, the true unity of humankind and even states that no machinery that fall short of his teachings, even which the collective efforts of mankind may yet devised, can ever achieve anything more than what is called in the behind writings. The lesser piece, the lesser piece being a political union. He then was on the most great beach, which is the goal. The true goal of the by revelation can rest on no other basis and be preserved from no other agency, he says, except the ordinances implicit in the Hollows writings themselves. It is the mightiest instrument for the healing of the world. Is a union of all humankind and one universal cause uncommon faith to be actually come under, if you will. The bowels of the tree of the revelation of a holla. That's what buys air seeking to achieve. This is what BA Hola has actually proclaimed to humankind. This is what he proclaimed as a little is alluded to in the passage in his tablets to the Sovereign's, the kings and queens and emperors and sultans of the planet. His code is from Suge Effendi again from the World Order of the Hola not only with a present a spiritual assemblies bee style, differently in the future, they will be enabled. Also add to the president functions those powers, duties and prerogatives necessitated by the recognition of the faith of Allah. The one man only has one of the recognized religious systems of the world. But as the state religion have an independent and sovereign power and as the behind faith permeates the masses of the peoples of East and west and its truth is embraced by the majority of the peoples of a number of the sovereign states of the world. Well, the universal house of justice again. A teen, the plenitude of its power and exercise as the supreme organ of the by commonwealth. All the rights, the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon the world's future superstate. Well, the behi faith in the future According to the Guardian in the world over bough holla become the state religion of an independent and sovereign power. Yes, that's what we just read and will in the future as the high states begin to be more numerous than one will the universal House of justice itself be the supreme organ of a behi commonwealth. That is, it seems to be clearly what the by writings or teaching here, in the words of show g f nd in the world order, we got on the question raising your letter showing. Effendi believes that for the present, the movement, whether in the East or the West, should be dissociated entirely from politics. This was the explicit injunction of habitable. Eventually, however, as you have rightly conceived it, the movement will assume, as it has fully developed and recognized him, race both religious and political issues. In fact, my holy clearly states that affairs of state as well as religious questions or to be referred to the House of Justice, into which the assemblies of the behinds will eventually evolve the universal's of justice and continues. The administrative order is certainly the nucleus and pattern of the World Order of the Hollow. But it is in embryonic foreign must undergo major evolutionary developments In the course of time. Certain passages in the writings on this subject establish matters of principle. Surgeon ones described ultimate goal of the most great piece had served into them relate to stages of development on the way to the attainment of that goal. For example, in this familiar passage in his will and testament abnormal hall states, this House of Justice enacted the laws and the government enforced them. The legislative body must reinforce the executive. The executive must aid and assist the legislative body so that through the close union and harmony of these two forces, the foundation of fairness and justice have become firm and strong that all the regions of the world and become even his paradise itself. In a response to a question about the government in the above passage show defending, his secretary wrote on his behalf on the 18th of April 1941 the following clarification by government his men, the executive body which will enforce the laws when the BEHI faith has reached a point when it is recognized and accepted entirely by any particular nation. So what do we find here within this passage that will be recognized and by estate embrace both religious and political issues that to understand many of the passages within the high writings, we have to understand that some of the passages under the high writings are referring to the ultimate goal. The most great piece. Some are getting general principles, and some are, if you will, shedding light upon the process where we will go from where we are to the most very piece itself. For the government, as written in the will and testament of habitable Haw is itself executive body will that will enforce the laws when the behind faith has become a recognized and accepted by an entire nation as we have seen before, the state religion have this point is brings us to what is often a very uncomfortable term, and I think for understandable reasons, as we shall see in the past, it is the term theocracy on. Rather than preempting this, we'll just read several passages from the buyer ratings this Versace from a letter of the Universal House of Justice in 1995 on the 27th of April, Dear Behind Friend, Your email of 19 February 1995 addressed to the research department, was referred to the universal host of Justice, and you quote two phrases which appear in the book you have recently read in which seem from the context to be citations from Shelby Effendi. These phrases are behind theocracy and humanity will emerge from the immature civilization in which church and state are separate. You asked whether these references could be authenticated and dated. We have instructed to send you the following reply. Reverence to behind theocracy is to be found in a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual behi on the 30th of September 1949. This reads as follows. He thinks your question is well put with the guardian moves referring to was the theocratic system, such as the Catholic Church from the Caliphate, which are not divinely given a systems but man made and yet being partly divine, derived from the teachings of Christ. A moment are, in a sense, theocracies the behind theocracy. On the contrary, his boat divinely ordained as a system and of course, based on the teachings of the prophet himself. So was the phrase behind theocracy actually used by the grown Ian? Yes, it bus. It is being supported here by the Universal houses justice itself. With the help of the research department of the World Center, it is stated that the theocratic systems of the past are not true. Theocratic systems. Why because in the case used of the Catholic Church or the caliphate of Islam, there not themselves. Actually DIV awfully divinely given system, even though they're somewhat derived from the writings of the Prophet founders, Christ and the problem hum it. Where is the behi theocracy? The Guardian states his belt divinely ordained and based on the actual writings of the house. The next quote This is again from the same letter, a gradual process of the evolution of the by administrative order into the world. Order of the Homa has been described by she'll give Finney, and many of his writings hasn't the following excerpt from his letter of the 30th of April 1953 to the All America Intercontinental Teaching Conference This president crusade on the threshold of which we now stand well, Moreover, by virtue of the dynamic forces it will release and his wide repercussions over the entire surface of the globe, contribute effectually to the acceleration of yet another process of tremendous significance which will carry the steadily evolving faith of Mahala through its president stages obscurity of repression of emancipation kind of recognition stages wonder, another of which the behind national community in various parts of the world will now find themselves into the stage of establishment. That stage of which the faith of the hollow will be recognized by the civil authorities, is a state religion similar to that which Christianity entered in the years following the death of the Emperor Constantine has stage which must later be followed. Why the emergence of the Bohai state itself functioning in all religious and civil matters in strict accordance with the laws and ordinances of the Kodiak gas, the most holy, the mother book of the behind revelation stage which in the fullness of time, will culminate in the establishment of the world by Commonwealth functioning in the plenitude of its powers and which will signal eyes the long awaited advent of the Christ promised Kingdom of God on Earth, the kingdom of a hola marrying however faintly upon this humble handful of dust, the glories of the and parking, it is important to note here that this is actually a quote of the guardian in the 1953 being shared within a letter by the universals of justice. And it is a quite striking quote because we see that the by faith will actually move through stages, one of obscuring one of a repression of emancipation and recognition, but finally to establishment. And what is the stage of establishment? It is when the behind faith was recognized by the civil authorities as the state religion. So the Guardian gives the example of the state of Christianity after the death of Constantine, when it became the state religion of the Roman Empire itself. But then there's a later stage, which is the emergence of the behind state itself. So what just recognized as the state religion? But it actually becomes a behind ST according to show, be offended. And then the laws and ordinances of the most holy book then culminate when other states follow suit in the behind world commonwealth. And this is stated by the Guardian here to be what the long awaited advent of the Christ promised Kingdom of God on earth, where we will go to the mountain of the Lord to learn his ways. All the nations will come and the government it will be upon his shoulders. He of the Messiah in the second coming of Christ. Another quote from Universal's of justice. Well, his former faiths inspired hearts and illumined souls. They eventuated informal religions with an ecclesiastical organisation, creed's rituals and churches, while the faith of a holla likewise renewing man's spiritual life will gradually produced the institutions of an ordered society, fulfilling not nearly the function of churches of the past but also the function of the civil state by this manifestation of the divine will in a higher degree and informer ages, humanity will emerge from that immature civilization which church and state are separate and competitive institutions partake of a true civilization which spiritual and social principles are last reconciled. It's two aspects have one in the same truth. So we see here again that the by faithful in its time gradually produce the institutions of an ordered society again fulfilling not merely the function of the churches of the past but also the functions of the civil state that this is actually, if we were to speak to our fellow men, our fellow brothers and sisters in this world, this is actually what the behind faith again and my understanding teaches to humanity. It is a system that has no interest in the political machinery and machinations of politicians and wishes to stay aloof from such things. Work. It was in the domain, as we shall see of grassroots development, consolidation of its own institutions, its own political structure to offer it as a model for those who would be interested in adopting it of their own free will and what we would call an intentional community for the more high laws themselves do not pertain to those who have not accepted them as their own. We chose the place, this study of the governmental stage, religion, even a few Craddick system, right alongside of non involvement in politics. Because we have to be able to understand what is here being said in light of the complete prohibition against meddling in the political affairs of governments. There's no better place to actually study it, Really? So we're gonna look at several passages again. Universal House of Justice and from the Guardian this year is from Suge Effendi in the World were about has a number of by communities in various parts of the world multiplies in the power as a social force becomes increasingly apparent that, um oh, don't find themselves increasingly subjected to the pressure which men of authority and influence. The political Delaine will exercise in the hold of attaining supports that require for the advancement of the rains. These communities will moreover, feel a growing need of a good will assistance of their respective governments in their efforts to widen the scope to consolidate the foundations of the institutions committed to their charge. Let them beware last in their eagerness to further the aims of their beloved cause, they should be lead unwittingly to bargain with their faith, compromise with their essential principles or to sacrifice in return for any material advantage which their institutions may drive integrity of their spiritual ideals. Let them proclaim that in whatever country they reside, however, advanced their institutions will profound their desire to enforce the laws and apply the principles enunciated Biba holla! They will unhesitatingly subordinated the operation of such laws and the application of such principles to the requirements and legal enactments of their respective governments. Theirs is not the purpose to violate under any circumstances the provision of their country's constitution much left to allow the machinery of their administration to supersede the government of the respective countries. And this passage is the guardian is warning of the heist. On the one hand, that, as they progress, is the by FIFA advances that they have to be very, very, very careful. And it will matter how much they wish to widen the scope, no matter how much they wish to put four the teachings of the holla that they cannot in any way bargain with the faith to bargain with the essential principles. Because we have to keep the faith itself in its integrity, its ideals fully intact and that in order to do this, we must claim as behinds in what ever country we are in that we will actually subordinate all of the Ministry of aspects of the behind faith to the laws and ordinances of the existing government and that in no way, shape or form could the behinds violate Duncan quote. Under any circumstances, the provision of their country's constitution much allow the by faith to actually supersede that government. I remember the first time I actually read this, I chuckled because this is being said by the garden in the early 20th century, when the by faith is very small and it's talking about a future time when the behinds will become so numerous and the by high administrative order itself so manifest and obvious that at times that the government will try to barter or bargain with the by community offering, if you will, giving offerings to further the aims of the bike cause if we will actually bargain with the integrity of our ideals and that at the same time will become so if you will prominent within the society that we could violate or seem to threaten the constitution of a resident government. But under no circumstances are we ever allowed to do this. So what is often come up is how is this possible? If the by faith itself cannot in any way override the constitution of a country, how can we ever have a bi state that we have seen that we will? How will we ever take over the civil aspects, not only the church or, if you will, religious aspects of life? Um, we're going to get any reading for a second and striving to retain a clear and fuller understanding of the World Order of a hollow. We need to contemplate the operation of the by principles of governance and social responsibility. Has they persist through changing sets of conditions from the present time of the behind community constitutes a small number of people living in a variety of overwhelming Norma high society's to the far different situation in future center centuries when the behinds are becoming and eventually have become the vast majority of people again from the universals of justice. As with the statement made by Show you FND in his letter the 21st of March 1932 the well established principles of the faith concerning the relationship or the by institutions to those of the country in which the behinds reside make it unthinkable unthinkable that would they would ever purpose to violate a country's constitution or so to meddle in its political machinery has to attempt to take over the powers of government. This is an integral element of the behi principle of abstention from involvement of politics. However, this is not by any means implied that the country itself may not by constitutional means, decide to adopt behind laws and practices and modify its constitution or method of government accordingly. So again, the highs, if we are true to the teachings of our faith seen as unthinkable that we would have violated conscience, country's constitution or ever meddle with it, then the political machinery to attend to take power. This is fundamentally against all of the writings of the body take regarding the way we interact with the society at large. It is unthinkable if we're being true to this faith that we would never, ever tried take over government or metal within their politics. But then, the universals of justice says, however, this does not meet by any means imply that the country itself may not by constitutional means to decide to adopt the high laws and practices is a very peculiar concept because it seems as if they're seeing the country itself may choose to change their constitution to adopt by principles and not by governance. In order to understand this, we'll continue with some readings. The behinds will be called upon to assume the reins of government when they will come to constitute the majority of the population in a given country, and even then, the participation in political affairs is bound to be limited in scope. Unless they attain a similar majority in some other countries as well, the behinds must remain non partisan in all political affairs and it is in future Ivor, when a majority of a country had become buys that will lead to the establishment of a high state. So we see on the one hand that we cannot meddle in the political machinery of the countries that we live in. We see as well that we cannot force our policies upon any government. We cannot override a constitution, but there will come a time when the behinds reach such a numb numerical percentage of the population that we will assume the reins of government. Universals of justice tells us, and of course we ourself cannot undermine it or sees reigns of government. Therefore, it has to be changed by the government itself, in accordance with its own refuel political machinery to hand over reigns of the government. And I'm sure to many people, this sounds rather strange that a non behind governing body would choose of its own accord to actually hand the reins of power over to the by faith, thus instituting, if you will, about high state. And I think if we really look at the concepts underlying the principles of democratic institutions in my own opinion, we could at least see a waste of how this could possibly happen if we take a nation, say to make it very simple where we actually have 100 million people in that nation and of the 100 million people, let's say 98 million or 95 million of them our behinds again, this is just simply a thought experiment, at least at some point, given that the behinds themselves will be dealing with the nationals, houses of Justice, the national ruling elected ruling bodies of the by faith, the local houses of justice themselves or the local spiritual assemblies and the universal House of Justice and regional councils that the behinds will be fully working with a neighborhoods trying to build civil society and really are being governed by the houses of justice of the high system. The same time, they're willing to subordinate any of those facets of the Mr administrative machinery to the ruling government which would this case be the civil authorities. So if, as we have seen an actual history of the civil authorities came and told the BIS shut the entire system down, as we've seen in previous quotes, the hives will And if this continues on, there comes a point where the population of eyes is so large there comes again. I propose what would be a legitimacy problem where you have the elected officials of five million ruling the vast, vast majority of the state. And in some sense, they the behind his will listen to anything you say. Great. And of course, this civil authority themselves. Recognizing that they splay striking minority is ruling over a striking majority will begin to try to, of course, make allowances for this group. That group the BIS themselves want nothing to do with imposing their political aims upon the secular authorities. Hi, I would suggest that there must come a time when the sack lt'll secular authorities themselves. Really? Honestly, just come out and say Just give it to them. We are, Ah, holy in legitimate political institution that is wielding power over 95% of the population. And we have no problem with these people. We have no problem with that whole. They have never meddle in our political affairs. They actually don't campaign against us. They listen to think me dio they're good citizens and in the end, in some sense, even though the secular authorities air ruling we secular authorities are their citizens is that you end up having extreme minority within a state ruling over top of an extreme majority of the state. So, in what way could this extreme minority be said to actually be reflective of the democratic will of the people of the nation? You get to really, what is a legitimacy problem? Is this non behi authority ruling over, say, 95% of the population truly a representation of the will of the people, obviously not in its totality. The following series of excerpts are actually from a letter of universals of justice, um, on the 23rd of December 2008 on speaking on socio political issues. So it begins here. Our first quote, This principle which demands strict avoidance of any type of partisan political activity, must be scrupulously upheld. However, society and its political processes evolved, and as the faith crows, the interaction between the two becomes increasingly complex. The homes of justice will provide the necessary guidance over time to apply this principle to existing circumstances. So we've seen this principle before and in quotes that we are to a shoe as much as we can Any partisan political activity with society as it grows into the behind fief crows, it becomes increasingly more complex to handle this, and we are to defer to the administration for guidance on how that will actually be applied. The next quote from the same letter. The term politics can have a broad meeting, and therefore it is important to distinguish between partisan political activity and the discourse in action intended to bring about constructive social change. While the firmer is prescribed, the ladder is enjoined. Indeed, a central purpose of the bike community is social transformation. This is a theme that has often come up in my own discussion with friends and family over the years because in one sense I will say, I am. I don't believe in partisan politics, and from one perspective, I might seem a political has not political at all, but the same time we are enjoying to bring about constructive social change, and in that it's a central purpose of the behi community of social transformation, as we see now so much the by faith is reaching out into communities trying to develop civil society to create, if you will, a Web to catch a falling civilization. You are very much engaged. We actually have. The by international community has a seat and non governmental seat in the United Nations, communicating about ways of actually fostering harmonious growth within communities globally. This is a massive pushing investigation of the by faith. Is that political well, in one sense of the term political, it's very political. It's about trying to create social change. One form of political activity that of actually being involved in partisan politics is prohibited. But that former political activity was bringing about social change and building civil society is a fundamental purpose of the Baha'i faith itself. Another quote from the same letter the organizing governors of the Behi community in these areas are reinforced by the divers initiatives of believers working in various fields, his volunteers, professionals and experts to contribute to social change. The distinctive nature of their approaches to avoid conflict and the contest for power while striving to unite people in the search for underlying moral and spiritual principles have a practical measures that can lead to the just resolution of the problems afflicting society. Buys, perceive humanity is a single body. All are inseparably bound to one another, a social or structured to meet the needs of one group at the expense of another results and injustice and impression. Instead, the best interest of each component part is achieved by considering its needs in the context of the well being of the whole. It was the by community itself, doesn't have organized endeavors, her creating social change. Yes, it does. They're not context, it is political. And that it's a state of nature is that we are attempting to avoid conflict and the contest for power that is often inseparable from the political institutions of our day, who always strived, help people search for underlying moral principles to apply to the healing of humanity's ills, as we saw at the beginning of this, that for behinds to divide themselves one against another based upon party lines, with the two diametrically opposed to the fundamental principle and spirit of the behind faith, which is to bring unity to humankind. Another quote from the same letter. We're not aware of the general advice written on behalf of the Guardian that one way to criticize the social and political order of the day without siding with or opposing an existing regime is to offer a deeper analysis on the level of political theory rather than practical politics. So is there in the process of being a political creature defined as someone who was working for social change, the way we can act at the grassroots level again, in my understanding, yes, by trying to create civil society and build up communities with the core activities of the plans of the house reaching out to our friends and neighbors at the same time, there was this deeper analysis on the level of political theory that we can seek to understand how politics can be organized and given that we as behind this, we have seen our to present the administrative Order of the Behind Faith as a model to be studied. We can actually look at the political theory underlying by world order and show how it relates to the problems and challenges of the world. But this needs deeper and deeper study by individuals and groups communities into the fundamental tenets of the high political theory. Challenges will inevitably arise. For example, you may find that an issue pertaining to social action has been co opted by the political debate among competing factions, and wisdom will be required to determine whether you adjust your approach. We'll let the matter rest for a time. In some cases, it may be necessary to forgo opportunities that would thrust you into political debate or criticism of partisan policies of governments in other instances. Now that may be special sensitivities, such as topics related to countries where the high community faces hardship, repression. When comments who create the impression of the friends are engaged in political activity against the interests of a particular government, the same considerations arise when evaluating invitations from the media to comment or engage in discussion on the political affairs of the day. The National spiritualists m please available to assist you in clarifying particular questions should the need cries so we can see. We see in this letter, actually that you're gonna have issues which are maybe initially considered as a dish of social change, some social policy, some social issue, which then can actually suddenly be co opted by a political party and become, if you will, the wedge issue between two political parties where, as I understand it as we begin to comment on this because this letter is written. Actually, two USAA political scientist behind was also political scientists who may be going to comment on this. We suddenly are seen. The outside world has weighing in on a partisan political issue, something that is dividing the country. And it says it seems like it's saying in some cases, maybe an assertive for go any opportunities and he dialogues that would thrust you into what is seen as a divisive political debate he made after adjusting approach who may actually have to just let the matter rest for a time. There are other, if you will, avenues of serving humanity rather than engaging in something that is becoming politically acrimonious. We also see integral to this final quote from this letter once again the fact that when you're evaluating invitations for media to comment where you're trying to deal with a certain political issue, but you don't know if he's been co opted by partisan activities, the National Spiritual Assembly is always there to consult with that. Some of these issues, as we saw previously from another letter of the host, become so complex and guidance from the institutions is needed, who actually have the offices of external affairs all throughout the globe, but to turn to them to seek clarification on these issues in spite of actually the nonpartisan nature of the by faith. It's made of all the quotes of how buys cannot entirely prohibited to trying from trying to force our beliefs and our policies on an existing government that were our. It is unthinkable, if you will, that the Bible would ever seek to undermine country's constitution or metal in their political machinery. All these being illusions in quotes from the my writings, many might still have misgivings by Viv. Here, it sounds like is actually promoting concept of a future one state, religion, superstate, religion and, in a sense, although completely democratically elected a theocratic system in the future. What? Honestly, how this possibly work, Especially if there are non bis in the world. How did we guard against despotism? What is the treatment of minorities? Honestly, I can understand this because when we look in the past, we see these systems that we take us theocracies. Although we know where they were not actually founded upon the actual express writings of the central figures of, say, Christianity and Islam. How do we see this? Playing out for someone to have misgivings is very understandable. Um, this is something that I believe we have to have to put aside for a natural deepening in itself. To really investigate this, just as we're gonna have to take specific sections purely to look at the electoral systems of the by faith of how the by faith actually brings in all the beneficial aspects of different forms of government, but not their problems. Those are for future studies. I do wish, however, for those who have misgivings, actually share a quote from the universals of justice on this very topic and answered those who raise objections to this vision of a world by Commonwealth, inspired by a divine revelation, fearing for the freedom of minority groups or the individual. Under such a system, we can explain the behi principle of holding, of upholding the rights of minorities and fostering their interests. We could also going to the fact that no person has ever compelled to accept the faith of a hola. And moreover, I like the situation in certain other religions. Each person has complete freedom to withdraw from the faith if he decides that he no longer believes in its founder or accepts its teachings. The light of these facts alone, it is evident the growth of the body communities to the size where a non behi state would adopt this faith as the state religion led around to the point in which the state would accept that the Law of God is its own law and the National House of Justice as its legislature must be a supremely voluntary and democratic process. Cannonballs there for one second. It isn't difficult to actually see how much the Baha'i faith upholds the rights of minorities without actually again going into the statements of the central figures on this fact, but as well. So we have the protection, the rights of minorities in trying within my writings. Secondly, they call attention to the fact that no one is compelled to accept the faith. Obama and can leave at any time Is that I meant earlier by an intentional community. You don't get dragged into being a buy, you must choose it, and we are not allowed to act if you will enact behind laws on non behinds. It also highlights the fact that the acceptance, as we see once again, the hi fi there's a state religion must be a supremely voluntary and democratic process chosen by the group who would then become the minority. So, in a sense, this won't happen unless it's handed over by the very people who would be the minorities collect. The cool continues, has Universal House of Justice wrote in its letter of 21st July 1968 to the national spiritualists, Emily of the Behind of the United States. It is not our purpose to impose by teachings upon others by persuading the powers that be to enact laws enforcing the high principles, nor the joining movements which have such legislation as their aim. The guidance of the behind institutions offered a mankind there's not combine is a series of specific answers to current problems, but rather the illumination of an entirely new way of life. Without this way of life, the problems are insoluble. Whether they will either not arise or if they arise, can be resolved to quotations, and the writings of the Guardian can bear, particularly on these principles of the rights and prerogatives of minorities and of individuals in the advent of divine justice is a passage which is of fundamental significance for behi constitutional law. Quote Unlike the nations and peoples of the Earth, be they of the East or the West, democratic or authoritarian, communist or capitalist, whether belonging to the old world of the new who either ignore, trample on or extra pate the racial, religious or political minorities within the sphere of their jurisdiction. Every organized community enlisted under the banner of the Hola should feel it to be its first, an inescapable obligation to nurture, encourage and safeguard every minority belonging to any faith, race, class or nation with it, House then says. As for the protection of the rights of individuals, there is the following group translation of a forceful passage, which appears in a letter from showing effendi to the highs of Iran region in July 1925. In relation to a situation involving a covenant breaker quote, the mirror act of disaffection, estrangement or recantation of belief can in no wise, detract from or otherwise impinge upon the legitimate civil rights of individuals in a free society. Beard to the most insignificant degree were the friends to follow. Other than this course, it would be tantamount to a reversion on their part. In the century of radiance and light to the ways and standards of a former age, they would really night and men's breasts, the fire of bigotry and blind fanaticism cut themselves off from the glorious Bastos of this promise Day of God, and impede the full flow of define assistance in this wondrous age. There's so many aspects of this quote that we will have to go into again, as I said in the future. But what do we see? We see again? We cannot impose by teachings and others by persuading governments to enact laws that would enforce by principles nor join any movements that would have such lessons. Legislation is there ain't. We're trying to offer a new way of life NuWave organizing society, a new way of interacting with institutions in the community at large. It is that which we are trying to do in our corner, if you will, to offer as a model of the study for the world, we must actually to everything we can to quote, save card, every minority belonging to any faith, race, class or nation within it. And if we actually move away from this principle, and it's important to know just how strong the statements here of the guardian or actually are that if we were to actually move away from these, it would be a reversion on our part to the ways and standards of a former age. And what would we do? Reignite fire of bigotry and flying blind fanaticism, cut ourselves off from the blood, The stools of this promise to have God and impede the full floor divine assistance in his wondered sage that if we attend, actually in any way trample upon the rights of minorities, we are really actually going against the very foundation of what BA Hola has brought to humankind. In the end is why this is so pivotal that we don't really understand better all of us better and better, the principles one of the non involvement in politics had here to them. As clearly as we possibly can study the world order of a holla to build it up for getting these other institutions build it up as a model to present to humankind, right? Avoid any pressure that would seem to be bearing upon the governments of Hard Day because we do not wish if you just we've just heard you in any way try to put pressure on them, to institute policies and procedures or even engaged with, if you will. Movements who have legislation is the right, and we're to stand aside and aloof, but stand up fully as behind with a model to offer to humankind that, yes, this is a political plan. But it does not follow the ways that humankind have done this before by pressuring people using force by trying to seize the reins of a government. No, we must stand aside as pure as we can within the behind ratings themselves toe offer, if you will, a guiding light so that others of their own free will can choose it. And not until those even who are not apart of the behi cause itself. Not until they choose to hand over the reins of power well, we ever sees to take it. And as we've seen even then, not until multiple countries do this we'll even buy states engage themselves in international political systems because of the nature of that contest. for power, and actually, the acrimony can. They can often rise from it. I think this has made all the more important once again when we begin to look at the treatment of minorities underneath us, more only finally come to a place where we recognize, if you will, what it is that is actually being set. It's a stress multiple time throat this period to really deeply understand what is actually being said that the world order Mahala is coming to be so I One final quote to read here this year is from the World Order of Allah in the section the unfold mint of world civilization, the revelation of the hollow, whose supreme mission is none other but the achievement of this organic, a spiritual unity, have the whole body of nations should have we be faithful to its implications, be regarded a signal izing through its advent, the coming of age of the entire human race. It should be viewed not merely is that another spiritually revival in the ever changing fortunes of mankind not only has a further stage in a chain of progressive revelations, or even is the culmination of one of a series of recurrent prophetic cycles, but rather has marking the last in highest stage in the stupendous evolution of man's collective life on this planet. The emergence of the world community, the consciousness of world citizenship, the founding of a world civilization and culture, all of which must synchronize with the initial stages in the enforcement of the golden age of the Ohira should, by their very nature, be regarded as far as this planetary life is concerned, has a further most limits in the organization of human society. The man is an individual will they must indeed, as a result of such a consummation, continue indefinitely to progress and develop that mystic all pervasive in defining will change, which we associate with a stage of maturity, inevitable, the life of the individual and the development of the fruit must, if we would correctly apprehend the utterances of Mahala, have its counterpart in the evolution of the organization of human society, a similar stage must sooner or later be attained in the collective life of mankind. Producing an even more striking phenomenon in world relations and endowing the whole human race was such potentialities of well being shall provide throughout the succeeding ages, the chief incentive required for the eventual fulfillment of its high destiny. Such a stage of maturity in the process of human government must for all time if we would be faithfully recognized. The tremendous claim advanced by Mahala remain identified with the revelation of which he was the mirror. This is one of the most striking passages I know of within the writings of the Guardian concerning the future world order. And it is this one section should be viewed not merely as a spiritual, another spiritual revival. Not only that, not only as a further stage in a chain of progressive revelations, nor even, is the culmination of ah Siri's of recurrent prophetic cycles. I remember the first time I realized I was reading this. I noted that that was about as far as the limit desire that considered. But it says, but rather as marking the last and highest stage in the stupendous evolution of man's collective life on this planet, I'll leave. That is a meditation for people to consider that intrinsic to the world. Order of Ba Hola has put forward in its political organization in this transformation is offering of a new way of life to be considered by humankind is the if you will the d n a of a world civilization That is the highest stage for planetary evolution. Politically, that we confined I just offer That is a, uh, enticing and very peculiar consideration for the friends as they move on. Thank you very much.